Stretchmarks/cellulite concerns


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Originally Posted by estrella
There really are a lot of things you can do to diminish stretch marks. They never fully go away but you can make them so tiny and colored in that no one will notice anyway. But no ONE step can cure them, it has to be a regimen and it will take time.

1. Use a great body wash every day.
2. Use a loofah to slough off skin cells.
3. Slather on Suave Skin Firming lotion over them.
4. Mix Palmer's Cocoa Butter with vitamin e oil
5. Slather that mixture on over the Suave lotion

at that point, after a month you should be noticing drast reduction. if not:

6. Fake tan. It will make them virtually vanish.

That's how I vanish mine... FAKE TAN!


Well-known member
i dont have a baby but...

can you get stretchmarks on your thighs? my are close to my butt. lol.i think its from when i used to dance, maybe from the stretchs/warmups? they arent totally obvious but you can tell up close theres a break in the skin w/ its pigmentation and junk.

so my question is.... what can you do about it?


Well-known member
strivectin for stretch marks?

has anyone used this and does it really work?? i dont want to spend my money if it doesnt work - its pretty costly! i would use it after my pregnancy of course.

OR does anyone know of anything i can use on my skin now to prevent too many stretch marks?


Well-known member
I faithfully rubbed my expanding tummy with cocoa butter every day to prevent stretchmarks, but I don't think you can stop them. They seem to be genetic and my mom has them really bad. Mine are bad too, but they have faded from deep red to a silvery pink colour. A friend of mine was freaking huge when she was pregnant (she's had two kids) and she does not have a single stretch mark. Not one. I don't know if any cream can get rid of them once you have them


Well-known member
martygreene is correct. You can't prevent them. Its purely genetic. But rubbing an expanding stomach with lotion certainly feels good

RetinA does show some promise in helping reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but some doctors are not aware of this. The best person to see would probably be a dermatologist, just do NOT use this product if nursing.

And you can get stretch marks anywhere. I had them near the backs of my knees! And all over my breasts. Fortunately, they fade after time and don't look so bad, but right after giving birth both times, I looked like Freddy Krueger attacked me!


Well-known member
Praise to GoD that after 2 kids i have no stretch marks, not sure how that happend??? Coco Butter i hear helps... although u cant get rid of strecht marks u can reduce the apperance of them.. some girls get it while their preggos and some get it after they have their baby/babies.

then u have girls that get them from loosing weight to fast or gaining to fast. Ur skin can take only so much... everyone has a certian point where their skin wont streach anymore, some people have more elasticity than others where their skin can take the extra strech and some people dont.

hmmm another one ive heard is tanning in the tanning bed not sure how much truth there is to that nor do i suggest anyone to do that.. but a friend of mines said it helped her... then ive heard some crazy stuff about how breast milk helps with strech marks??? weird

i say keep ur skin moisterized is the key.... b/c strech marks are kinda like scars. alothough u will never get rid of the scar u can always reduce the appearance of them, same goes for srtech marks.

im not a pro, so what ever works for u i say keep doing it if its helping


i have a three year old and after i had blake i lost my stretch marks in less then a month because i used Strivectin...i bought it at chanel it was orginally for wrinkles but it works wonders on stretch marks now i think they sell it at sephora...


Well-known member
Palmer's Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks works wonders. Aside from reducing the marks you already have, it prevents them in the future.

Also if you can find straight cocoa butter -it should be really thick and kinda waxy- thats probably the best. I used to have stretch marks on my boobs, mine were semi-deep and a light purple, plus I have fair skin so I was AHHHHHHHHH! I used it one night before bed, woke up, flashed my mirror and they were gone! Well...the color was at least, most people, even models have them on their boobs.

And Neosporin (sp?) works pretty well too, also you can try Mederma (sp?).

Good luck!


Well-known member
I am trying to lose about 15 to 20 pounds and I am currently using Clarins Total Body Lift, it's to help my cellutite look less dimply and I hear you can lose an inch a month if you use it day and night. I also am using the Victoria's Secret Firming Body Lotion from their Spa line. I use that as my lotion on top of Clarins. Good Luck...


Well-known member
I've been using the Palmers coco butter for stretch marks cream for a week or so and can see *slight* improvement but before that i was using pure coco butter. I did see a difference but the over wheleming smell put me off in the end. The actual stretchmark lotion is less strong in scent.


Well-known member
I have been doing squats and lunges 3 times a week, as well as my regular 40 minute cardio. I have paired this with exfoliating daily with a loofah and Dove's moisturizing body wash followed by Vaseline Intensive Care's Renew & Protect lotion. I have seen a noticable improvement in my cellulite! I am excited about the next month or two because I think I might actually be able to get it all to go away!!


Originally Posted by helloitsjeanna
cocoa butter lotion works miracles. preferrably palmers cocoa butter lotion.

agreed--i've been using palmers for years and my stretchmarks have been fading nicely.


Well-known member
I'm only 14 and have stretch marks because i started tumbling in 7th grade and and i had scrawny legs and because i started tumbling so much i got a lot of muscle in my thighs REALLY fast and now i have stretch marks on the inside and upper outside of my thighs. I'm going to try some of the tips on here but i'm guessing there's not much I can do about them.


Well-known member
well ive heard cocoa butter is a good way to "lighten" or make it not so noticable. if they are stretch marks (deep stretch marks) then theres no way to make them really disappear.

but to prevent stretch marks dont scratch !! you know when you feel that itchy sensation where stretch marks would appear. gather up some self control and leave it alone.
the reason it itches is because the skin is stretching (duh!!) so the tissues are weak. by stretching them you tear the tissues opening them up and therefore creating deeper marks


Well-known member
I would just like to say:

EVERYONE has stretch marks. I have a lot on my inner thighs and I'm a size zero
Having gotten them at 14, I just don't care anymore. They look like tiger stripes anyways, and tigers are sexy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Uchina
I would just like to say:

EVERYONE has stretch marks. I have a lot on my inner thighs and I'm a size zero
Having gotten them at 14, I just don't care anymore. They look like tiger stripes anyways, and tigers are sexy.

t: i just wanted to say, uchina, you are too friggin hilarious. tigers are sexy!

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