Team Boobs


Well-known member
Haha this is an interesting topic. I love my boobs! Hahaha but they do make me look a little fat when I wear certain tops. I only feel comfortable wearing fitted tops instead of those huge baggy things, if ya know what i mean.


Well-known member
Do I need to do anything special to be in Team Boobs?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x
Do I need to do anything special to be in Team Boobs?

If you got em, you're in!


Well-known member
yay i found the thread, i kept seeing the little smileys with team boob signs and i was jealous! I love my 32FF chicas, and they make finding tops, jackets, and dresses very difficult. But I wouldn't give em up for anything.

Originally Posted by chiquilla_loca
i haven't been without a bra since i was 11 and busting a C cup!
having big boobies so young wasn't fun!

I know exactly how you feel, talk about growing up before you're a grown up...awkward


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
There's all this talk of grand evidence...


Yeah.. we demand more booby pics!

I don't really have any that I've taken specifically of my boobs, but I was looking at this pic I took of my dog when we were in the car and if you look reeeeeally closely in the window reflection you can see some boobage, haha..

That's all I got for now


miss sha

Well-known member
Originally Posted by 1165Cheryl
I had no idea this thread was here, how fun!!! I'm a 34DD-36DD depending on the bra. I love them except they do make me look heavier then I am. I use to have a 23-25 inch waist, dang I wish I still did. I'm on prednisone which cause's weight gain along with a disorder were you gain weight in your upper back and stomach so now I'm around 36, 30, 40. I use to be 36,25,34 and loved it, it's been hard excepting & watching my body change and not have any control about it. Ok, enough negative, sorry about that. I'm glad I found this thread, it's so fun and never thought of looking for these kind of topics here.

Hi Nunu & LMD

OMG, this is me! I'm also a 34-36DD. Unfortunately, I HATE them because they make me look heavier too. I have hourglass proportions, but my boobs are so big they hide how small my waist is. Only when I grab 'em, lift 'em up, and squish 'em together can you see how small my frame actually is.

I can't wait to lose some weight and get my more proportionate C-cups back.


Well-known member
May I join???

I'm a 38D and I'm currently live in Singapore.
You should see the stare I receive from both men and women here!!
And also the difficulty to find my size.
The vast majority of the shops has only padded bras!

Btw, once I went to this really posh department store and while I was browsing the sale lady came to me and stated, not asked really stated " Good morning Madam you are looking for a minimiser!!!
" Hmmmm not really just something that fits and without pads!"


Well-known member
I'd love to join too!

I'm a 32D. I was a 34DD but I lost some weight and it vanished from my boobs first! I kinda like them on the more manageable side lol. Not too small or big. It's much easier to find tops that fit properly now. Anything that buttoned up use to pull and gape round my boobs. I also find I'm more comfortable working out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie
If you got em, you're in!

i am getting in on this! i am a 32DD. i love my boobies
they are an asset to every top, and the BF loves em!


Well-known member
Oooh, this thread was bumped!
Did anyone watch the True Life "I Don't Like My Large Breasts."? I almost cried watching it because I felt their pain. The attention and getting picked on. The difficulty that goes with buying clothes etc.

I've just started boxing and I have to wear bras that FLATTEN my chest because the bewbs get in the way, especially when I have to get into my defensive stance and my elbows have to be in a certain position.


Well-known member
Can I join Team Boobs even though I'm totally absent chest-wise? I appreciate the wonderfulness of boobage... xD

5'8 and 32-24-32 ;O I don't bother wearing a bra usually because there actually is no point, lol.

Candy Christ

Well-known member
Grr Tahti, I wish I could go braless! But I can't I'm a 36C, most likely a D because yeah mine are a little too big to be a C anymore. You know what sucks, when you're running and you have to cross your arms over your chest.

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