Team Boobs


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Originally Posted by plastikpony
*glances at her 34A/B's and whimpers*

All shapes and sizes welcome here. At least you won't bruise your knees when you go running


Well-known member
^^^^ yeah, tell me about it.

i suffered from low self-esteem and lost a few friends in the 5th grade who thought i "stuffed" my shirt. all because i was developing quicker and earlier than them.

there's always a dark side to big boobs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Aunt Flo
wasn't that on a South Park episode?

HAHA yes! It was the Spooky Fish episode when the goldfish was killing people. SO funny!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
there's always a dark side to big boobs.

If they're big enough they can even cause a solar eclipse


Well-known member
i got fitted at victoria's secret today and apparently i'm a 32C...what an odd size. i then proceeded to spend almost two bills on bras, thank jesus they were also giving godiva chocolates with purchase so i got some yummy stuff for when i realized i just dropped that much money on something only two people will probably ever see (one of them being me!)

Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
32 C! I wanna join I wanna jooooin
Though I must say for my size 25 pants and 5'1" stature they do look pretty big on me...and when I'm PMSing, MAN do they swell up! It's the ONLY thing my man likes when Aunt Flo is coming to visit :p

i'm 5'8" with a twenty four inch waist and they do not look awesome at all haha! i want my Ds back, dammit. but i have the same "problem" during that time, it's kind of nice but anything touching them kind of hurts, so i think mother nature has some kind of grudge against me...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
How completely useless! The M&S I went to advertises a bra fitting service but not all do. Maybe the woman you saw wasn't trained or was by herself with a long queue.

I had to wait yesterday for one of the qualified staff to appear but it all went very smoothly. I do feel I need to try a 40F - I didn't yesterday but the underwires are quite a way from my chest over the breastbone. That, according to several guides, means the cup size is too small.

I'll go back and try a 40F by myself and see if it's any better.

I think she was just busy
. I never went back there again to get ftted. However i did go to LaSenza but their fitting was useless as well because their sizes are different from other shops. I rememver staying ages with the SA in the fitting room trying a bunch on but i wasn't happy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
32 C! I wanna join I wanna jooooin
Though I must say for my size 25 pants and 5'1" stature they do look pretty big on me...and when I'm PMSing, MAN do they swell up! It's the ONLY thing my man likes when Aunt Flo is coming to visit :p


Hi5 sister! I'm a 32C here and my boobs do swell up when it's tha time of the month, can't really complain can i? It's the best thing about Aunt Flo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Gravity and age have taken their toll. Not pert anymore. I can trip over them!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
36 Dinky works fine

36 Cute works too
36 Barely noticeable is welcome
36 Absent is also allowed to join

Thats what im talking about equal opportunities


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
All shapes and sizes welcome here. At least you won't bruise your knees when you go running



Well-known member
I feel like I've lost the genetic lottery when it comes to boobage.
My 19 yr old sister is a DD and my mom is a J .. meanwhile, I'm 24 and an itty bitty B. No fair


Well-known member
A nice B can be very much nicer than larger saggy breasts, trust me on this. Big breasts do bring their own set problems (back problems, difficulty getting clothes to fit, unwanted attention etc.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
A nice B can be very much nicer than larger saggy breasts, trust me on this. Big breasts do bring their own set problems (back problems, difficulty getting clothes to fit, unwanted attention etc.)

Oh I know that! My mom sometimes has a difficult time finding tops that fit right, so she has to buy a bigger size.

I just wish mine were a little bigger, maybe a C or small D.


Well-known member
I'd like to join please! I got a few bewbs...some 36F ones to be exact. They are great when strapped into a nice non-pointy bra but annoyingly floppy when left alone to fend for themselves. LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by topdogg
I'd like to join please! I got a few bewbs...some 36F ones to be exact. They are great when strapped into a nice non-pointy bra but annoyingly floppy when left alone to fend for themselves. LOL

I so understand where you're coming from with that! I can do floppy. I think anyone with a size F who isn't floppy probably has implants - and they won't look natural.


Well-known member
Those kinda bewbs always remind me of those gold fish with the big bubble eyes that bulge out LOL


Well-known member
^^BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! oh my lord thats hilarious. another F cup! wooowwwww.

i blame my infatuation with boobs on my mother. she ruined me. when i was little she used to let me lay on hers. they were very safe for me. like, motherly. i slept on them, played on'em. they were my brother and sister. i'm an only child.

then she did the unthinkable.

she got a breast reduction. i felt like i lost 2 of my best friends. i was devastated. so now, my cousin Rikki (also my roommate)...she probably has some of the biggest tits in our family. and i'm lucky as fuck cuz she's RIGHT down the hall
so whenever i feel sad or whatever, i beg her to just let me lay my head on'em and listen to the seven seas. its great. she has the softest boobs ever. your head sinks into them but they're firm enough to hold you up. i told her if she ever had kids, i'm gonna have to fight them for boob placement cuz i'm not givin those up!

my name is resha, and i love boobs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
All shapes and sizes welcome here. At least you won't bruise your knees when you go running

I take off with a quickness, that shit would fly between my legs and smack my butt cheeks and then wrap around my thighs taking my legs out from under me.

I have had uncooperative skirt issues

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