Team Boobs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
I take off with a quickness, that shit would fly between my legs and smack my butt cheeks and then wrap around my thighs taking my legs out from under me.

I have had uncooperative skirt issues

My imagination has now gone into overdrive!


Well-known member
LOL! Can I join the club too? I'm originally a 36G. But when I gain weight all the fat goes to my boobs. I've noticed my bra wasn't fitting right, so I went into my Macys and got refitted and found out I grew to a 36F. So I have to buy me some new bras. Not really looking forward to that b/c they are so freaking expensive, especially the bigger size you are.

I really wish I was a smaller size like a B cup. You guys don't know you are so lucky. It's not easy being big-chested and short (I'm only 5 ft). And the proportions look so weird on me being short and top heavy. Finding tops that fit right is a pain in the butt! I need them to fit loosely around my chest so I have to get a larger size. But then they become too baggy around my sides. Not to mention I hate the attention. I also can't wear anything too low-cut. Its just too much cleavage to be advertising to people when they look down at me since I'm so short. And exercising is difficult without one of them trying to smack me in the face! LOL! I have to tape them down properly first!

If I could afford it, I would get myself the reduction surgery to go smaller. But I don't have any problems like back pain, etc., at least not yet. Maybe I should fake it so I can get the insurance to cover it. . . . LOL! Just kidding. Maybe someone here wants more boobs? I'll gladly donate half of my boobs to someone thats interested! LOL!


Well-known member
I just had to share a quick story... I'm a 34DD (the perfect size for me... I love them) and I'm a nurse.

I've already been called into the office once to talk about how being so "well endowed" can make patients get "urges." So, could I please cover them up more? Um, they are VERY covered. I even wear a t-shirt under my scrub top so even if I bend over, you can't see any cleavage. But geez.... talk about awkward, discussing my boobs with 2 of my bosses.

And I guess being a bit large chested can make me look a little fatter (for lack of a better word) in some of my scrub tops so one day when I came into work to pick up some papers, people were like, "OMG! You're thin, you just have real big titties." I couldn't even be offended because it was just too funny.


Well-known member
Okay so this is best thread ever!
I too share the boob love! I'm about a 32 C but pretty much all the women in my family are... Large. My mom was a D-DD and my sister. My sister is freaking huge. I'm not sure how big probably about an F cup but still squeezes herself into a DD somehow

On a random note... My large chested friend and I once made a sand castle and dubbed it "Mt. FF Cup".
Yes, we love boobies. I'm going to see if I can find pictures


Well-known member
Wow, I have no idea how I've been missing this thread.
Hello, my name is Twiggy and I have big boobs. I'm 5'9", weigh 110lbs and wear a 36D. My measurements are 36-23-35 and I have no butt whatsoever! I hate having to buy bikinis because I have to buy 2 of the same, but different sizes; XS and M or L, depending on the brand. Dresses don't fit AT ALL! If they fit the waist then they smoosh the boobs and if they fit the boobs the waist is baggy. And I don't run for anything! I do dance so my legs are pretty muscular so when someone asked, "Oh, do you run?" I didn't think twice before answering, "No, not even when chased. I would be more likely to beat someone up then run from them."
And that's the truth, I mean really, please don't make me run. lol
Oh, and when I was pregnant my boobs were up to my chin! In the first few months I looked so unbalanced and the platinum blond hair didn't help either. I looked like a porn star.
My cat does love to lay on them though. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TwiggyPop
My measurements are 36-23-35

Dude, that's nearly 36-24-36... or what is said to be the ideal proportions.

I'm like 43-28-38, 5'7", 145 lbs
Yeah... I'm way off.


Well-known member
i'm joining in on the boobie love! i'm a 38-40dd and my babies help me make sales at work!! i'll deliberaly bend down because my shirt is loose so they can get a short of my cleavage! nothing hotter than a girl surrounded by expencive gadgets! hee hee!


Well-known member
I see boobs all the time as I am a part time stripper. MUCH rather a female stripper than a dude. Anywho...I'm up on stage doing my thing and I lean over this regular and he says, "Hey! You're lopsided!" He said it out of noticing that they aren't even, not mean at all, but who SAYS that?! To a stripper?! Ugh...

One B and one A for me...I'm hoping to even out come pregnancy and breastfeeding...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Divinity
I see boobs all the time as I am a part time stripper. MUCH rather a female stripper than a dude. Anywho...I'm up on stage doing my thing and I lean over this regular and he says, "Hey! You're lopsided!" He said it out of noticing that they aren't even, not mean at all, but who SAYS that?! To a stripper?! Ugh...

One B and one A for me...I'm hoping to even out come pregnancy and breastfeeding...

The guys that are insecure say that to strippers.
I'm really skinny, but when I got depressed and LOST weight I had someone say, "If I buy you a sandwich, will you promise not to run to the bathroom right after eating it?" So me being the smartass I answer with, "If I buy you a gym membership, will you promise to USE IT?" Then I squeezed his love handle and walked away.

Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Dude, that's nearly 36-24-36... or what is said to be the ideal proportions.

I'm like 43-28-38, 5'7", 145 lbs
Yeah... I'm way off.

Well I've always been a little off, in every sense of the word. haha

Since everyone is saying they want proof, I'll show you proof.



Both pictures are copyrighted under Mark Wallace of Snapfactory.

The last picture is a little embarrassing because it's sooo.........boobylicious. haha


Well-known member
Proof... um the best I have is on my Facebook. I am not an owner of the big ol boobies though just a fan! You guys need all the female support you can get, I am here to give you a hand.
or two!

Guys are not all that bright, especially in a strip bar. The good thing though is that you can get even by taking all the cash they have. Thank god for the ATM because we now accept VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS CLUB... cha chingy! Oh man, and you were sooo close, why don't we try that move again... I swear I won't stop next time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Dude, that's nearly 36-24-36... or what is said to be the ideal proportions.

I'm like 43-28-38, 5'7", 145 lbs
Yeah... I'm way off.

i'm 32-24-34...also way off haha!

one of my really close friends is very, very well endowed. we were at victoria's secret the other day and realized that if you took me from the waist down and added it to her from the waist up, we'd be the perfect porn star haha!


Active member
Originally Posted by mochabean
Maybe someone here wants more boobs? I'll gladly donate half of my boobs to someone thats interested! LOL!

i'll gladly take 'em away from you!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
OK - all can be revealed, although I suspect I will be thrown out of team boobs for being so wrong!

I don't have Jugs
They're not Huge
They're not Gigantic either
Flipping enormous doesn't describe them

They're Even smaller than I thought.

The verdict is 40E which is fine by me. It seems I'm not clever enough to use a tape measure

OK, I was wrong. The sales assistant was wrong.

Having had problems with the 40E bra I went back and rather than being fitted again tried different sizes myself.

The updated and much better sizing is; Band size 40, left breast F cup, right breast G cup. I'm wearing a 40F now which is so much better than the 40E. For years I was wearing the wrong sized bra because I never thought my boobies were that large. Perhaps they'll shrink when I lose some weight.


Well-known member
oooh! love for the boobies! I love boobies. I (mostly) love my boobies. Although they are small, well relatively, I still appreciate them.
As an active gal, I have a figure closer to a dude than a curvy woman. And at 5'3" 32-22-33 doesn't leave much room for curvage. :p I would be lucky if I was a 32C, and when I work out...more like a 32B. But I love y'all with the large boobies! I've thought about getting implants...but it seems like way too much work/pain for fake lookin' bewbs. I think I will stick to my small knockers.


Well-known member
I had no idea this thread was here, how fun!!! I'm a 34DD-36DD depending on the bra. I love them except they do make me look heavier then I am. I use to have a 23-25 inch waist, dang I wish I still did. I'm on prednisone which cause's weight gain along with a disorder were you gain weight in your upper back and stomach so now I'm around 36, 30, 40. I use to be 36,25,34 and loved it, it's been hard excepting & watching my body change and not have any control about it. Ok, enough negative, sorry about that. I'm glad I found this thread, it's so fun and never thought of looking for these kind of topics here.

Hi Nunu & LMD

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