Teen weddings!


Well-known member
Ahh Chatham, everyone confuses it with where I am from, Cheltenham. I think it has the same type of people though. :) Or just travel the 3 hours from kent to Tewkesbury, thats full of Chavs. Biggest ego boost in the world. Lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Ahh Chatham, everyone confuses it with where I am from, Cheltenham. I think it has the same type of people though. :) Or just travel the 3 hours from kent to Tewkesbury, thats full of Chavs. Biggest ego boost in the world. Lol!

Hahaha lets have a competition of how many pregnant 11-13 year olds we can see in our home towns.
In the summer there was some fair in the park in Ashford, and I witnessed a girl probably about the age of 13, pregnant, smoking, drunk, and about to go on a ride. 'Welcome To Ashford' should have been upon her t-shirt. My excuse is that I'm from Pluckley, not Ashford


Well-known member
She's a traveller. Typically, traveller wedding dresses are extravigant and many girls will spend a fortune on crystal encrusted, over the top meringue gowns. Yes, her idea for what is appropriate to wear for her wedding is tacky but it's kind of the norm in the travelling community (I'm no expert, I'm just going from what I've read and seen on TV).

Here's another example of a traveller wedding, this particular girl was on a UK documentary about Britains youngest brides.



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We're even outsourcing our trailer trash. >.<
No American institution is safe from reorganization.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i dont see whats wrong with wanting to be a glamour model, thats what i wanna do.. but this girl looks TACKY AS F*CK!!!! its obviously for attention
and how do these chav families afford these things? like her dress
well if u can call it a dress
if i had a stomach like that i wudnt DARE wear something that would show it off

how embarrasing

What is a chav?Also,ita,the whole thing all put together is just one huge tacky skanky mess!


Well-known member
This is like a horrible car wreck. I keep coming back and looking at it. I'm so disgusted, and everyone has already said everything, but I want to hear more about CHAVS from the Brits here. Is it like rednecks here in the US? Also, are travelers the modern day equivalent of gypsies? What do they do when they travel, just go sightseeing??? Also, where do they get the money for such affairs, and do they just go back to being poor after the event? OH, and if they have more than 1 daughter, what then?
Thank You in advance for answering my dumb american questions


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms

Here's another example of a traveller wedding, this particular girl was on a UK documentary about Britains youngest brides.


Oh HEAVENS! I just saw a video of her getting ready for the wedding.
Please pay attention to the uneven tan and caked-on foundation over the zitty skin.
More stuff from the best chav wedding EVER


Well-known member
She's a Romani Gypsy, They marry young and have huge expensive weddings (her style is nothing out of the ordinary for them either)
Show some cultural sensitivity people !

EDIT: Oops fixed up the typo


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
What is a chav?

It's a derogatory term used in the UK to refer to people seen to be 'common'. I guess it has similar connotations to the term 'white trash' used in America.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
Haha I lol'd

I live in Staten Island aka guidoville. Looks like something you'd see here

I live in Texas. We don't have Guidos yet. I've only seen the species on the interwebz.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms
It's a derogatory term used in the UK to refer to people seen to be 'common'. I guess it has similar connotations to the term 'white trash' used in America.

Do people...know...they're chav?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
What is a chav?Also,ita,the whole thing all put together is just one huge tacky skanky mess!

Originally Posted by rt66chix
This is like a horrible car wreck. I keep coming back and looking at it. I'm so disgusted, and everyone has already said everything, but I want to hear more about CHAVS from the Brits here. Is it like rednecks here in the US? Also, are travelers the modern day equivalent of gypsies? What do they do when they travel, just go sightseeing??? Also, where do they get the money for such affairs, and do they just go back to being poor after the event? OH, and if they have more than 1 daughter, what then?
Thank You in advance for answering my dumb american questions

Chav - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - that might help you. they're not really like rednecks, well, what i think of when i think of a redneck. travellers are gypsys yes. theres quite a lot about it in the news recently due them squatting on land, causing a nuisance etc.

these pictures are really of travellers/gypsys, they live in caravans etc. some do travel round, some stay put. they aren't really chavs.
chav pictures - Google Image Search. theres what some chavs look like. they like fake burberry, talking incredibly commonly, beer, tits, and so forth. well, thats what i think anyway!

i'm crap at explaining. basically most chavs are yobs, in my experience anyway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talste
She's a Romanov Gypsy, They marry young and have huge expensive weddings (her style is nothing out of the ordinary for them either)
Show some cultural sensitivity people !

I understand what you're saying, and I'm not opposed to marrying young based on some cultures and how they interact with each other, nor am I against huge expensive weddings.
It's just...sad...that SO MUCH MONEY was spent and she still looked like a Vegas showgirl at the end of a long night and too much tequila...and the girl is only sixteen years old.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Do people...know...they're chav?

You know what I think when I think chav? Joy from My Name is Earl.


Well-known member
What is a Chav?

'chav' (slang) - a young person, often without a high level of education, who follows a particular fashion; Chavs usually wear designer labels including the chav favourite 'Burberry', and if they’re girls, very short skirts, large hoop earrings and stilettos.
Chavs see branded baseball caps as a status symbol and wear them at every opportunity. Normally found hanging around shopping centres.
Also known as Townies, Kevs, Hood Rats, Charvers, Steeks, Stigs, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Chorer, Skangers, Scutters, Janners, Kappa Slappers, Scallies, and Spides. Also known as Neds in Scotland, knackers & skangers in Ireland, and Guidos in the USA


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
You know what I think when I think chav? Joy from My Name is Earl.

*blink* I honestly don't watch much television...
I'm sorry I looked.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Do people...know...they're chav?

I would assume so, and in some cases I think a lot of young people in Britain play it up and exaggerate their er...Chavness. When I was a teenager the term Chav didn't exist, where I'm from we called people like that "townies".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms
She's a traveller. Typically, traveller wedding dresses are extravigant and many girls will spend a fortune on crystal encrusted, over the top meringue gowns. Yes, her idea for what is appropriate to wear for her wedding is tacky but it's kind of the norm in the travelling community (I'm no expert, I'm just going from what I've read and seen on TV).

Here's another example of a traveller wedding, this particular girl was on a UK documentary about Britains youngest brides.


Ohh, the bridesmaids' dresses....

It physically hurts..