Teen weddings!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
I hate hate hate that wedding photo above of the girl in the HUGE dress.Eeeesssh! I dont know why but it gives me the creeps!

It's like she's being eaten alive by a dollop of whipped cream.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rt66chix
am i the only one who thinks they are natural?

They could be. They couldn't have 16 year olds getting boob jobs, could they? >.>

I'm 17 and I have big knockers, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
They could be. They couldn't have 16 year olds getting boob jobs, could they? >.>

I'm 17 and I have big knockers, too.

Why does 'knockers' always make me laugh? Along with various other names for breasts.

On a serious note, I think they are real haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursee81
WOW AMAZING Thats all I have to say

To which part? The boobs, dress, bridesmaids, the fine decorum of all those in attendace?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rt66chix
am I the only one who thinks they are natural?

In the pic of her mom on The Guardian's website, I say the mom's chesticles are fake, but judging by the girl's gut, and spilliage out of her top, those could very well be hers.


Well-known member
That's going to make me laugh for days.
Both bridal gowns shown in this thread look like someone barfed froufrou all over them!! And those bridesmaid dresses...good Lord, my eyes! Eye bleach please?


Well-known member


I agree, no breeding allowed!! Ew!!!! Did you catch that the live in a trailer park?! I don't even know what to say!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

I thought...it was not her mom. >.<

Oh man! Hahaha..I bet her mom's "knockers" arn't real!!


Well-known member
I'm all for cultural sensitivity and Ok, the second example at least still looks like a wedding. Albeit, a wedding I may not want to be a part of, but a wedding. And brides of other cultures usually have garb that is enhancing to the bride and makes her more beautiful.

But, the first chick who spent 328408320483048 trillon, her dress is, does, and will always look like a mess. I know she thinks she looks beautiful, and I hate to knock any brides special day. But really, that dress does nothing for her but make her look much older and cheaper than she is (well I hope on the cheap part).


Well-known member
she looks like a hooker. i'd think you'd want to have a little more class on your wedding day. maybe that's why people don't get married at sixteen, though.


Well-known member
Holy mother how much for that piece of crap dress?????

If my parents were multi milionaires they still wouldnt have paid for my wedding, espeically at 16?!? What the hell???? If i was rich i wouldn't mind paying for my kids wedding but only if they graduated from college and deserved it. I got married as a teenager but my wedding day lasted 10 minutes long while i was wearing jeans and a dressy top.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Oh and there's girls in the UK who are 11 and know they want to be the "Next Katie Price". I feel personally ashamed that women DIED for my rights to vote, for equal pay and my god damn right to work and these girls are wanting to waste a good brain and just become a ditz with no career.

When I know people who are working their butts off with mental problems that would do anything to have a good working brain. Including my sister who is severly handicapped. I wish some of these people would just take a step back and see the bigger picture.

And how orange did she look! OH ....MY....God!

It seriously annoys me. I know I model, but I do fashion and I have a career and am constantly studying.

Just someone please slap this girl!

Look, no offense, but you sound really petty.

Who cares if the girl wants to be a glamour model or not at 16? Just because she's looking to make cash in a way you wouldn't do it doesn't mean you're better than her. True, she looks about as classy as Katie Price, who (despite how much I despise her) has made a boatload of cash with the same kind of gig - looking trashy and catching the public eye. The British public eat it up even as they like to trash the woman doing it.