Teen weddings!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms
I would assume so, and in some cases I think a lot of young people in Britain play it up and exaggerate their er...Chavness. When I was a teenager the term Chav didn't exist, where I'm from we called people like that "townies".

They intentionally look THAT ridiculous? o.o

And if they do it on purpose is it still a derogatory thing? Because surely they're not aspiring to something that people would look down on them for intentionally?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by k.a.t
Ohh, the bridesmaids' dresses....

It physically hurts..

Well, crap. I was just thinking how much I need to get one of those hats.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talste
She's a Romanov Gypsy, They marry young and have huge expensive weddings (her style is nothing out of the ordinary for them either)
Show some cultural sensitivity people !

Personally I don't think they're Roma people. I wish I could explain the difference in a nice way but I can't. Theres a big difference in my opinion in the UK between Romani people and just plain well.... what you see in the pictures. I might be wrong, but thats what i've seen anyway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Well, crap. I was just thinking how much I need to get one of those hats.

Sorry, I'm still mortally offended that they would do that ON PURPOSE!! >.<


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
They intentionally look THAT ridiculous? o.o

Pretty much. Type 'chav' into google images. I can't remember who what the media called 'King Chav' 's name is, but boy... he's a sight. He won the national lottery... deary me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
Personally I don't think they're Roma people. I wish I could explain the difference in a nice way but I can't. Theres a big difference in my opinion in the UK between Romani people and just plain well.... what you see in the pictures. I might be wrong, but thats what i've seen anyway.

I'm no expert either but I think they probably are descended from Romany gypsies or maybe even Irish travellers, it's just that modern culture has mingled with their traditional culture and what you end up with is something like the girls in these wedding photos.

Ultimately what we need to remember here is that both Romany gypsies and Irish travellers are a recognised ethnic group and caution needs to be thrown to the wind when discussing them to avoid any accusations of racism.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I understand what you're saying, and I'm not opposed to marrying young based on some cultures and how they interact with each other, nor am I against huge expensive weddings.
It's just...sad...that SO MUCH MONEY was spent and she still looked like a Vegas showgirl at the end of a long night and too much tequila...and the girl is only sixteen years old.

Hey Shimmer,
I see you point, I wasn't really knocking your post more the bitchy comments that followed afterward, lol

Side Story: I had 2 weddings (to the same man) one for his culture & a western one for mine. Yeah I thought the dress I wore was kinda garish & over the top but I respected the culture & put up with it for the day anyway (& No, he's not a gypsy, lol).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms
I'm no expert either but I think they probably are descended from Romany gypsies, it's just that modern culture has mingled with their traditional culture and what you end up with is something like the girls in these wedding photos.

Yeah you're probably right. I get the impression that sorta genuine Roma people aren't any trouble whereas the types in the pictures are. I'm reading something on wikipedia at the moment about Roma people, and I get the impression now that Roma people aren't travellers? Well they are... but according to this article they're an ethnic group orginating from South Asia...

"The Romani people[46][47] (singular Rom, plural Roma as a noun; also known as Romanies) are an ethnic group with origins in South Asia.[48][49] The Romani people are a widely dispersed ethnic group, with the largest concentrated populations in Europe and the Americas.[50][51] They are often referred to as Gypsies or Gipsies."

There is a mention of marrying young though. Ahh its late & i'm not making sense haha.


Well-known member
I thought this fitting to the topic, for those who might still be confused on what being a chav entails



Well-known member
I spent an entire year in college working on a paper on the Roma. I believe that the Travellers are an entirely distinct set of people from the Roma. The Roma are known as genetic isolates something which totally fascinates me, but also proves their separate identities apart from Travellers.

They tend to get lumped together and judged very badly in the same manner, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms
She's a traveller. Typically, traveller wedding dresses are extravigant and many girls will spend a fortune on crystal encrusted, over the top meringue gowns. Yes, her idea for what is appropriate to wear for her wedding is tacky but it's kind of the norm in the travelling community (I'm no expert, I'm just going from what I've read and seen on TV).

Here's another example of a traveller wedding, this particular girl was on a UK documentary about Britains youngest brides.


Yup, they're definitely the British equivilant to Guidos, for sure!
But I have to admit, getting to dress up like that, with everything being so lavish and extravagant seems kind of fun... *don't hurt me*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Yup, they're definitely the British equivilant to Guidos, for sure!
But I have to admit, getting to dress up like that, with everything being so lavish and extravagant seems kind of fun... *don't hurt me*

Okie doke ladies. It's time for an intervention, STAT!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I spent an entire year in college working on a paper on the Roma. I believe that the Travellers are an entirely distinct set of people from the Roma. The Roma are known as genetic isolates something which totally fascinates me, but also proves their separate identities apart from Travellers.

They tend to get lumped together and judged very badly in the same manner, though.

I'm understanding this now that I'm reading down, thanks for explaining it better!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Okie doke ladies. It's time for an intervention, STAT!

Thats what the darwin awards are for...Its a shame some big brand Chavs didnt get hit by that...Some of those are funny.

I hate hate hate that wedding photo above of the girl in the HUGE dress.Eeeesssh! I dont know why but it gives me the creeps!


Well-known member
One of my friends does wedding photography... if she ever gets asked to do one like this, I wanna be there to witness it all in full! What a sight that'd be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
They all have really big boobs...

I wonder how much they cost.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I wonder how much they cost.

am i the only one who thinks they are natural?