Oh well, I already smell roaten tomatoes thrown in my face
Yeah, she obviously looks "chav". Obviously her dress makes her look like a pole dancer. And yeah, make-up is awful, she looks older than her Mom does.
I think most of the generation of this age (a littler youger than me, i'm 19), and espcially "chavs" tend to have all the random connection, go out with lots of guys since 13 years old, drink, smoke etc. I find it nice that these two, no matter how thwy look like and no matter if the girl has taste or no (she doesnt) decided to commit each other in such an early age, that no one of them feels the urge to date other people and find out how others are.
Her Mom got married at 16, and well now her parents raised a 16 year old daughter together. Maybe this girl will spend the whole life with this guy and be happy. Maybe not of course, but how can we know in any relationship?
If I met my bf at 13 and he proposed to me at 16, I would go for it, really, with no doubt
Pics made me laugh. But I approve and I'm happy for them. Just my 2 cents.