Originally Posted by Jello89
Some people are just not interested in Politics. Obviously if everyone would vote it would make a difference. But how do you know who they would vote for and in what situation you would be in instead of the current one. Something about the candidates in this election could attract you more. Perhaps Obama gave you the feeling that things could really change for the better. He made you believe in something that you didn't believe in the previous candidates so you were uninterested.
Ohhhhhhh Gur! Do not try to challenge me on this. I will go at it for months.
I know people aren't always interested in politics. I'm not one of those people but I understand why. The part about it that I don't like is that
some people all of a sudden became interested in it just because a bi-racial man was running for president.
How do I know that if people would have voted for Al Gore in 2000 or John Kerry in 2004 that we would not be in this current situation? That's one of the most obvious questions I've ever been asked. If you honestly want me to tell you, send me a message. I don't have the time or the patience to go down the list right now.
I hope that your use of the word "you" didn't mean specifically me. Yes, I am SOOOOO GLAD he won, but to be completely honest, nothing about Obama attracted me more than any other candidate. I voted for him not because he gave me "hope". I voted for him because I'm a democrat and have been since I figured out what it meant when I was 10-yrs-old. Even if the democratic front runner was Bill Richardson, I would have voted for him because I vote my party. From the start, I wanted Hilary. She wasn't running anymore so I voted for the next best person. This was my first time voting because I turned 18 in December and it was my first chance. If I was older I would have voted all the times I was given the opportunity. I can't believe how many people that were alive for such important elections before this that
just now voted for the first time.