The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
GOOD GOD. I cant believe the HORRIBLE things Im reading about Elizabeth in this thread... GET OVER IT. What, she has a different view than you?? Ive got news for aLL of you- there are a LOT of people out there that share the same views as Elizabeth... Does she always handle herself in the right manner? No. But she's on a show called THE VIEW. Where she voices her opinion. She gets PAID to voice her opinion. And there are a lot of people who agree with her.

It annoys the SHIT out of me that in one line people are talking about being more accepting of other people, and how they are so happy we've over come racial barriers, and excited for all this change.. and then turn around and BASH someone just because they dont agree with her views. I dont see her going out of her way to physically or emotionally hurt someone sho(?) who CARES what she thinks? So she annoys you? so what..!!!???

Why dont we try a little damn acceptance of other people's views? If you dont agree with her, FINE.. but dont wish SADNESS and bad things on her just because she doesnt agree with what you agree with...GOOD GOD... The whole thing pisses me off so bad I cant even friggin finish reading the thread right now.. there's almost as much stuff wishing horrible things on elizabeth hasslebeck as there is excitment over Obama....

LMAO! What "horrible" things? I've read every single post on here leading up to yours and I have not seen anything half as bad as you claim it is. We've said that she is probably super upset that her party lost but that is NOT in any way a personal attack on her or anyone who believes that same cr-STUFF she does. You need to take one huge chill pill, girlfriend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jello89
Some people are just not interested in Politics. Obviously if everyone would vote it would make a difference. But how do you know who they would vote for and in what situation you would be in instead of the current one. Something about the candidates in this election could attract you more. Perhaps Obama gave you the feeling that things could really change for the better. He made you believe in something that you didn't believe in the previous candidates so you were uninterested.

Ohhhhhhh Gur! Do not try to challenge me on this. I will go at it for months.

I know people aren't always interested in politics. I'm not one of those people but I understand why. The part about it that I don't like is that some people all of a sudden became interested in it just because a bi-racial man was running for president.

How do I know that if people would have voted for Al Gore in 2000 or John Kerry in 2004 that we would not be in this current situation? That's one of the most obvious questions I've ever been asked. If you honestly want me to tell you, send me a message. I don't have the time or the patience to go down the list right now.

I hope that your use of the word "you" didn't mean specifically me. Yes, I am SOOOOO GLAD he won, but to be completely honest, nothing about Obama attracted me more than any other candidate. I voted for him not because he gave me "hope". I voted for him because I'm a democrat and have been since I figured out what it meant when I was 10-yrs-old. Even if the democratic front runner was Bill Richardson, I would have voted for him because I vote my party. From the start, I wanted Hilary. She wasn't running anymore so I voted for the next best person. This was my first time voting because I turned 18 in December and it was my first chance. If I was older I would have voted all the times I was given the opportunity. I can't believe how many people that were alive for such important elections before this that just now voted for the first time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ I know right....and for once I can tolerate Sherry....Not sure why she bugs me soo...

I know EXACTLY why Sherri bugs me. She is one of the reasons why I stopped watching it (because I was so angry and not sad)

It was really great how Elizabeth took it so well. I was actually proud of her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i just have to point out that barack obama wants to expand the government, which means you will have less control over your own life. not trying to rain on anyone's parade, that the democrats are in control, expect a ginormous government that will have a hand in every aspect of every life lived in this country.

i am expecting change from this man, i just hope it's a change for the better. i have my opinion on him and his policies, and i really hope he's able to change my mind about him.

for small business owners and military families, it can get exponentially worse. hopefully it doesn't, hopefully obama keeps ALL OF US in mind when he's drafting his policies.

Regarding military families, check this out:

Michelle Obama's focus group: Military families | The Detroit News |

I think that is so cool. I cannot think of one time when I felt like someone in Washington understood or wanted to understand what we go through. Just thought I would share.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I also want to add:


I love Michelle's expression in the back seat. LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
GOOD GOD. I cant believe the HORRIBLE things Im reading about Elizabeth in this thread... GET OVER IT. What, she has a different view than you?? Ive got news for aLL of you- there are a LOT of people out there that share the same views as Elizabeth... Does she always handle herself in the right manner? No. But she's on a show called THE VIEW. Where she voices her opinion. She gets PAID to voice her a opinion. And there are a lot of people who agree with her.

It annoys the SHIT out of me that in one line people are talking about being more accepting of other people, and how they are so happy we've over come racial barriers, and excited for all this change.. and then turn around and BASH someone just because they dont agree with her views. I dont see her going out of her way to physically or emotionall hurt someone sho who CARES what she thinks? So she annoys you? so what..!!!???

People have an issue with Elisabeth because she's an idiot - plain and simple. I disagree with almost everything that comes out of her mouth and that's fine. I accept that. What I can't accept is that she talks out of her ass.

I was watching sometime last week or the week before last and they had someone filling in for Elizabeth. She was either an anchor or correspondent for FOX News. She was clearly conservative, very much representative of view points in complete opposition to my own but I liked her. I could actually listen to what she had to say. I was interested in hearing her share her view point and counter points to those offered by Whoopi and Joy. THAT is someone who should be at the end of that table occupying that seat, not Elisabeth Hasselbeck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Honestly, I hated her dress. It did not suit her body type at all, somehow it gave the illusion that she was pregnant??

Me too. I thought it was quite a hot mess. I think that some people are going to say that they admire her fashion sense just because she's such a good person and not because she's actually fashionable. Although, her husband is going to do such great things (
) that I don't care if she wears a potato sack! Its all right with me!


Well-known member
I wasn't a huge fan of Michelle's dress, I thought it made her look like a black widow spider :/ but her fashion is usually hit or miss with me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
I wasn't a huge fan of Michelle's dress, I thought it made her look like a black widow spider :/ but her fashion is usually hit or miss with me.

Totally agree! Her outfit could've been better


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
Now let's see what he can do for the country.

He is not God, he can't fix everything that happened in the last 8 years. Like he said in his speech "..maybe not in one year, maybe not even in one term" that's the way it is. Some things are so easy to screw up, but really, really hard to fix. I just wish people will not expect too much from him and then say "Ha! See, he couldn't do it" or something like that.

This pic is too big, so I'll post the link-

Too cute!

Btw. it was my first time voting yesterday, I was so happy... I cried


Well-known member
well, He wasn't the One I wanted to win, I am afraid of his policy's, I'm not sure if hes ready for this, and he doesn't exactly have this country's safety in mind (thats what scares me the MOST)

and although I will never agree with him on his policy's, and I will never fully support him, He is still going to Be President of the United states and I will respect him for that.

(unlike most of our country currently with our current prez)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
He is not God, he can't fix everything that happened in the last 8 years. Like he said in his speech "..maybe not in one year, maybe not even in one term" that's the way it is. Some things are so easy to screw up, but really, really hard to fix. I just wish people will not expect too much from him and then say "Ha! See, he couldn't do it" or something like that.

This pic is too big, so I'll post the link-

Too cute!

Btw. it was my first time voting yesterday, I was so happy... I cried

That's now my comp background.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
He is not God, he can't fix everything that happened in the last 8 years. Like he said in his speech "..maybe not in one year, maybe not even in one term" that's the way it is. Some things are so easy to screw up, but really, really hard to fix. I just wish people will not expect too much from him and then say "Ha! See, he couldn't do it" or something like that.

This pic is too big, so I'll post the link-

Too cute!

Btw. it was my first time voting yesterday, I was so happy... I cried

ahahaha jk of course.
that picture is so heartwarming!


Well-known member
I am ecstatic about Obama being our president. All these McCainiacs who refuse to accept Obama can grow up. Us dems had to accept defeat to Bush- TWICE! Come on folks, its Obama- not George Bush. With approval ratings at less than 30% I don't understand how people are saddened with the loss since McCain was nothing but a McClone. Stop crying in your corners and make the best of it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupgrl8
All these McCainiacs who refuse to accept Obama can grow up. Us dems had to accept defeat to Bush- TWICE!

I agree with you there and it's the same thing I thought. I had to sit back and watch George W. Bush get elected TWICE. I had to suck it up and deal with 8 years of that fool. It's time for conservatives/republicans to suck it up too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
When I was six years old, John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
When I was nine years old Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated.

All my life I've been waiting for this country to catch lightning in bottle again through an leader who inspires and challenges us to see our country as it could be. As we should be. I never thought I'd see this again in my lifetime. The last eight years especially, have made me a very cautious cynic.

But now

Now there are possibilities again. I woke up this morning and thought about our new president and felt ridiculously optimistic, despite all of the obstacles facing our country. Not because we elected an African-American, but that because we didn't let fear trump hope and elected the best and brightest once again despite all odds. That so many people have engaged in the political process and have truly thought about the importance of their choice, is vindication of what democracy can be at its best. I have talked to people all over the country in the last couple of months and quickly realized that most people in this country did care and were thoughtful about this election and their choice. I have come to respect both sides of the political fence, even when I profoundly disagreed with them. I have been hugged by Republicans as well as Democrats while canvassing neighborhoods and invited into complete strangers' homes.
There is always a small segment of society that will let fear outweigh taking a leap of faith, but they are in the minority. If we are ever going to progress past the last eight years, we do need to step past the divisions between us and focus on the common ground we share. Both the left and the right need to do this, or we'll be stuck doing the same stupid partisan waltz for who knows how long. If we descend into a liberal version of the type of politics that Bush and Rove practiced, we automatically lose. I'm confident though that Obama is a different type of leader and this won't happen. We as citizens whether liberal or conservative should remember this as well and argue with our friends and family members who may not hold our views with respect. That's how we bury the last eight years of "us" and "them".

I thought I would be all verklempt in the polling booth, but was oddly detached. It wasn't til this morning that reality has settled in and I'm a sobbing mess. I feel as if we as a country are starting to turn away from a very dark chapter in our country's history and are finally back on path to fulfilling the promises that this country represents to so many people. And now I'm off to get more Kleenex.

Yes we did.

Beautiful. No amount of hyperbole can adequately describe it

Did anyone else have to pinch themselves today to make sure it wasn't all a dream?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupgrl8
I am ecstatic about Obama being our president. All these McCainiacs who refuse to accept Obama can grow up. Us dems had to accept defeat to Bush- TWICE! Come on folks, its Obama- not George Bush. With approval ratings at less than 30% I don't understand how people are saddened with the loss since McCain was nothing but a McClone. Stop crying in your corners and make the best of it.

Is stuff like "McClone" or "McCainiacs" the kind of acceptance you're demanding from the right? Or the constant "Man, if he wins, I'm moving to Canada!" rhetoric? Way to follow through on that, Hollywood.

Here's my prediction. The right will move on and accept this just as well as the left did for the past 8 years. Make of that what you will.


Well-known member
Everyone is this country is going to do exactly what they did the last time we had an election. Get on with it, get over it if need be, and see where this goes. The country has made its decision and now we all have to deal with it, for better or for worse. Only time will tell where this goes.

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