The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Is stuff like "McClone" or "McCainiacs" the kind of acceptance you're demanding from the right? Or the constant "Man, if he wins, I'm moving to Canada!" rhetoric? Way to follow through on that, Hollywood.

Here's my prediction. The right will move on and accept this just as well as the left did for the past 8 years. Make of that what you will.

Yep. Exactly what I think... there are problems on both sides with accepting loss and gain.... if we are to truly combine as a nation and move on... There has to be give and take.


Well-known member
I just listened to President Bush's speech...I have to admit...although I did not like him as president...I really like him as a everyday person...He should be a comedian...He is really funny as hell. My Mom and I love listening to him be sarcastic...He has a great sense of humor.


Well-known member
I just wanted to pop in and say that I love the term "Hot Mess". That makes me lmao whenever I see/hear it. Thanks to whoever said it.


Well-known member
I couldn't be more excited for the US.

I live and Canada and vowed that if McCain/Palin won, I wouldn't step foot in the US for as long as they were in the white house.

I feel inspired for America and am so excited to watch Obamas presidency.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupgrl8
I am ecstatic about Obama being our president. All these McCainiacs who refuse to accept Obama can grow up. Us dems had to accept defeat to Bush- TWICE! Come on folks, its Obama- not George Bush. With approval ratings at less than 30% I don't understand how people are saddened with the loss since McCain was nothing but a McClone. Stop crying in your corners and make the best of it.

"accept defeat" I love how you use that term and "Us Dems" also. because Us Dems" and "Accept Defeat" have NEVER gone together. Ever.


Well-known member
I live in NY and I have never seen so much excitement over a presidential election in my lifetime! It was like New Years Eve in Times Square!! That alone gives me the chills (in a good way). I've always liked Obama's sense of optimism and I am excited to see what changes he will bring to our country.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
How does he not have the country's safety in mind?

Last I heard he wanted to cut military funding, and also wanted to cut back on funding for weapons development.

Sorry but without our military we are HELPLESS.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
How does he not have the country's safety in mind?

I think in this day and age people have a hard time realizing that we can be not at war, and still safe.

We don't always need to be invading something.
I think for some we've gotten to the point where the idea of not being at war, or not sending troops away, scares people because they start to think we are unsafe, even though I personally believe thats not at all the case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Last I heard he wanted to cut military funding, and also wanted to cut back on funding for weapons development.

Sorry but without our military we are HELPLESS.

Do you know the majority of your tax dollars go defense! Based on his suggestions of continuing current wars and military interventions accross the globe, I hardly think the military industrial complex has anything to fear.

Warmongering is good for the republic! and based on the names being floated for his cabinet positions, I don't think you war lovers have anything to worry about


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
I don't think you war lovers have anything to worry about

Are you serious?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Are you serious?

Totally! The Iraq war won't end.. they're drawing down troops NOW during the bush administration... and Obama will continue that draw down but this country has invested MILLIONS in military bases there. There will be 'residual' forces.. he's talked about ramping up in Afghanistan (because obviously he thinks we can do better than the RUSSIANS in that country) and also talked about military strikes in Pakistan

So how can he do all that and really cut funding for the military industrial complex.

Obama just may be a NEO-LIBERAL and when it comes to war and peace, Neo-liberalism states very similar ideas to Neo-conservatives.

they believe in demonstrating U.S. military power. .. I guess yall assumed Obama was a pacifist?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Last I heard he wanted to cut military funding, and also wanted to cut back on funding for weapons development.

Sorry but without our military we are HELPLESS.

Yes, because he's focused on getting people to stop wanting to destroy our asses.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, which part about war is it you think we love?
The part where we say good bye to our loved ones and watch them walk away into harm's way?
Or better yet, the part where we're flooded with anxiety every time we hear about injured troops, blown up convoys, or downed choppers?
Wait. I know, it's the part where they get over there and we go a week or two at a time without hearing from them.
That has to be it.
OR ~ the part where we desperately document every moment of our children's lives so we can do our best to keep them in the loop, so they don't miss anything.
It could be the part where we tell our kids every day how much the other parent loves them and misses them, it's just the job and it has to be done.
Maybe it's the part where we have to have conferences with our kids' teachers after they discuss current events reminding the school to be sensitive to the fact that while most of these kids don't have a daddy over there on the line, OUR kids do, and mentioning IEDs and EFPs and fighting gives our kids nightmares at night, and could we please not do that anymore?
It's the part where we're pregnant and give birth to our children on our own, without Daddy there because he's deployed and left during our 4th month. That's always fun. What father wouldn't think THAT was a good idea.
Oh. I know. It's the part where we see the look in their eyes when they come home, the one that we all know even if you don't, that shadows their face when a certain friend's name is mentioned. We love that.
We just love knowing that they're there (whether it's Iraq, Afg, Normandy, Bosnia, Vietnam, Korea...where ever) they're going to have to do and see things that can only be described as living hell.
We just love having them announce their engagements days before they leave, then privately worrying if, this time around, they're jinxed because for the first time they've got something to come home to.

Really, tell me, because I want to know...which part is it we love so much?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
Totally! The Iraq war won't end.. they're drawing down troops NOW during the bush administration... and Obama will continue that draw down but this country has invested MILLIONS in military bases there. There will be 'residual' forces.. he's talked about ramping up in Afghanistan (because obviously he thinks we can do better than the RUSSIANS in that country) and also talked about military strikes in Pakistan

So how can he do all that and really cut funding for the military industrial complex.

Obama just may be a NEO-LIBERAL and when it comes to war and peace, Neo-liberalism states very similar ideas to Neo-conservatives.

they believe in demonstrating U.S. military power. .. I guess yall assumed Obama was a pacifist?

Iraq has called for troop withdrawal completely by 2011, I think.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm sorry, which part about war is it you think we love?
The part where we say good bye to our loved ones and watch them walk away into harm's way?
Or better yet, the part where we're flooded with anxiety every time we hear about injured troops, blown up convoys, or downed choppers?
Wait. I know, it's the part where they get over there and we go a week or two at a time without hearing from them.
That has to be it.
OR ~ the part where we desperately document every moment of our children's lives so we can do our best to keep them in the loop, so they don't miss anything.
It could be the part where we tell our kids every day how much the other parent loves them and misses them, it's just the job and it has to be done.
Maybe it's the part where we have to have conferences with our kids' teachers after they discuss current events reminding the school to be sensitive to the fact that while most of these kids don't have a daddy over there on the line, OUR kids do, and mentioning IEDs and EFPs and fighting gives our kids nightmares at night, and could we please not do that anymore?
It's the part where we're pregnant and give birth to our children on our own, without Daddy there because he's deployed and left during our 4th month. That's always fun. What father wouldn't think THAT was a good idea.
Oh. I know. It's the part where we see the look in their eyes when they come home, the one that we all know even if you don't, that shadows their face when a certain friend's name is mentioned. We love that.
We just love knowing that they're there (whether it's Iraq, Afg, Normandy, Bosnia, Vietnam, Korea...where ever) they're going to have to do and see things that can only be described as living hell.
We just love having them announce their engagements days before they leave, then privately worrying if, this time around, they're jinxed because for the first time they've got something to come home to.

Really, tell me, because I want to know...which part is it we love so much?

9th month and 2nd month for me, but yeah, that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Yes, because he's focused on getting people to stop wanting to destroy our asses.

No One, not even GOD Himself could make this happen.

and this isnt about being at war, this is about cutting military funding, even if we were not at war we STILL need our Military!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
No One, not even GOD Himself could make this happen.

and this isnt about being at war, this is about cutting military funding, even if we were not at war we STILL need our Military!

On funding, that's what blows my mind.
There was a huge scandal about our boys not being in proper gear.
Where in the world do you think the money for the proper gear comes from?
There's a reason my exhusband traded LBVs with me. Mine was newer and he needed it, I could wear the old style and never hurt for it.
HMMVs with armor, appropriate equipment, all that stuff comes from military funding. Military funding doesn't JUST cover the cost of war, it covers the families and the insurance and the dependents and housing allowances and sign on bonuses etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm sorry, which part about war is it you think we love?

I didn't mean to offend... I was being sarcastic actually.

but i do know that when several thousand of my friends and I were marching down lake shore drive BEFORE the Iraq war even began, most of the republicans I KNEW were pretty complacent and enthused about the prospect of bombing "the terrorist". My family represents the marines and the navy. I think the situation they're in is totally BOGUS.

I mean consider what was said.. people are afraid that Obama would cut spending on the very types of military weapons that we bomb third world countries for developing. CURRENTLY we're totally non complient with the global nuclear proliferation treaty and I bet if Obama brought us back to compliance and halted the developement of certain missile systems (which i doubt he'll do) he'd be accused of making us 'less safe'!

Even Ron Paul has stated this.. that militarily Obama and McCains positions differed only slightly