The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
My favorite scene of the night was when the everyone had left the stage and Barack was standing alone there she stood waiting for him and they grab hands and walked off together. Very moving, that was some NOTEBOOK ( one of my FAV. movies) love right there.

That was my favorite scene too...They look so much in love!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
WOW, Thanks Stargazer. See, this is the what I'm talking about.We have to keep our eyes and ears open and communicate with one another. This is something we all should stay on top of, because clearly this has not been announced to the public, but we definitely should be able to call our Senators office and ask questions about this. If and when it does go public all of those who disagree should voice their concerns. Dialogue, Respect, and Communication can change alot.

Totally agree :) And why I love this country. Because we DO get to voice our concerns! =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
i think a lot more colors pop on dark skin... this is why i tan. haha

Lol. You better watch that tanning! We don't want you to lose that beauty in your old age :)

But hell, I'm sure I won't be able to walk when I'm old b/c my feet will be so curled over and deformed from all of these stiletto heels. Ah, the price we pay for beauty and fashion.


Well-known member
sadly, I really don't think that one Man can change this country's direction in 4 years... it takes time folks, and we will see tougher times to come before things start getting better unfortunately. I personally was very sad when I knew Mc Cain lost
I liked him a lot. The sweetest man I've ever seen in politics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
Lol. You better watch that tanning! We don't want you to lose that beauty in your old age :)

But hell, I'm sure I won't be able to walk when I'm old b/c my feet will be so curled over and deformed from all of these stiletto heels. Ah, the price we pay for beauty and fashion.

Mine too....I think I own 2 pair of flats and 1 pair of sneakers...


Well-known member
I'm British but I was so ecstatic when he won, I was there at 6am buying every paper in the store with him on the cover to show my grand kids that people do have a voice and how much of a landslide he won buy. And also where he came from, and how he went from having nothing, to being the most powerful leader in the free world. It proves, if you put your mind to it, you can do anything!

Up all night with a can of Bud and BBC news. I was so happy I was crying. Finally! I hope he sorts out the work visa system too!

I hope all Americans are proud, he is going to do wonders for your country and I would be proud to call myself an American.

Even McCain's acceptance speech was lovely. Hes not a bad guy either and I am glad he took it well.

But what a landslide vote! I am so so happy. Anyway, off to go jump about some more!


Well-known member
I bought every paper too...NY times said they are coming out with a Special Evening Edition for today because their Morning edition sold out before they could hit the stands


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rosasola1
sadly, I really don't think that one Man can change this country's direction in 4 years... it takes time folks, and we will see tougher times to come before things start getting better unfortunately.

O you are completely right. There won't be much change to see in the next 4 years. I'm hoping that enough change happens that we begin to see it at the end of this first term. I'm also hoping that the public will give Obama the opportunity i.e. TIME to make something happen. I'm hoping that if we gave Bush 8 years ummmmmm.... yea.. do what he did
, then we can give Obama the same. (If he seems to be doing well that is) We'll see what happens.


Active member
I'm really happy about this but I'm still waiting to see the change we need... this was only the beginning.

The "we" Obama was referring to was 53% of the country...
Yes. That "we".

For those who didn't vote Obama who are worried about the war, I really don't think there is any cause for concern. A timeline is a good thing, and I would hope that people want their family members to at least have a general idea when they might come home. Otherwise morale will dwindle more than it already has and there will be more casualties. I have friends fighting over there who are glad someone is listening.

Seriously, I am ok with switching out administrations once every couple terms. The repubs had their chance to make things better, it obviously wasn't all that successful... let someone else take a whack at it!

McCain's speech was really nice, and it was the old McCain who I actually liked, as opposed to the mean old dog he's become in the last month or two. I honestly think there's a place for him, and luckily he's still in the Senate to take it.


Well-known member
Exactly one man cant do it alone so thats why well have to work together to see stuff shift in this country. Mccain couldnt have done it in a short span of time either and Bush definitely didnt do it.


Well-known member
Everyone is always going to be worried at some point, but everyone has their time. Lots of ppl were worried 8/4 years ago and the other side is worried now. From my own pov I wasnt worried 8/4 years ago I was scared sh*tless!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
I'm hoping that if we gave Bush 8 years ummmmmm.... yea.. do what he did
, then we can give Obama the same.

Took the words right out of my mouth!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk

Even McCain's acceptance speech was lovely. Hes not a bad guy either and I am glad he took it well.

Yes and I call it like I see and Mccain and Cindy seem alright to me(not bad like a certain drunk cowboy and his shootin' ppl in the face friend how in the hell does that happen anyway,I mean birds are in the air right? Not near human faces I would guess). It was just palin and her "dude" husband that derserved a "bad-boy smack"(just palin really). I kinda chuckled when mccain supporters started to boo and even he said "Please Please" with the calm it down gesture of the hand.


Well-known member
It's so crazy! At the beginning of this election I didn't believe he would have a chance at winning, because from what I'd seen/heard it didn't seem like he would. I'm so excited that he won, it's so amazing to know that down the road you will be able to say that YOU were there! I wish I could've voted, but still have a little less than a year to go.
I wish this could've been my first election, like many people I know, how awesome would that have been?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brokenxbeauty
It's so crazy! At the beginning of this election I didn't believe he would have a chance at winning, because from what I'd seen/heard it didn't seem like he would. I'm so excited that he won, it's so amazing to know that down the road you will be able to say that YOU were there! I wish I could've voted, but still have a little less than a year to go.
I wish this could've been my first election, like many people I know, how awesome would that have been?

Yeah it was mine- my bday is nov 18th so i missed it by lk a WEEK last time...

What's cool is that I went w/ my grandparents (bc i had nooo idea where to go).. and I took my son with me.. and my gma held him in the voteing booth while she voted for Obama.. Im kinda exacited that I can tell my son that he was with his great grandmother (who was born in 1936) while she voted successfully for the first Black American president .. how cool for him!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Yeah it was mine- my bday is nov 18th so i missed it by lk a WEEK last time...

What's cool is that I went w/ my grandparents (bc i had nooo idea where to go).. and I took my son with me.. and my gma held him in the voteing booth while she voted for Obama.. Im kinda exacited that I can tell my son that he was with his great grandmother (who was born in 1936) while she voted successfully for the first Black American president .. how cool for him!

What a great story that will be to tell Adler ...I wish my Grammy could have held on just a few more months to witness it...

My son woke up 1st thing this morning and said...Mommy...
Did the Rock of Bama win ??

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