The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
That's REALLY REALLY sad that people just now feel like they're American when that have lived here their whole lives. I believe that a lot of people who feel that way only now that a bi-racial man is our next president, are holding themselves back more than anyone else is or has been.
Whoopi said yesterday "I feel like I can finally put my bags down". I understand what she meant, but I don't know why she feels that way. I think that she really prevented herself from "putting her bags down" more than other people prevented her. You can't be accepted somewhere you don't want to be accepted.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
you can browse the site to read his positions on 'the issues'

Military funding must a huge issue since all the clairvoyants on this thread think that we are in extreme danger right now. Apparently we have to have outrageous sums of money to "PROTECT OURSELVES from the people who have weapons they want to use against us." Just like when we confiscated all those "weapons of mass destruction" that Iraq had.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
This made me smile:





Check out the look on the two father's faces.

LOL, that so cute! It made me tear up a little


Well-known member
All of this talk of funding our military is just depressing. While I am truly happy that Obama is in office, I know that one of America's number one priorities will unfortunately always be its military and some things will never change. Can you imagine how much better off the world would be if our government actually used the money that they devote to weapon development and the military for the benefit of mankind instead? All of that money wasted on guns, missiles, and tanks could be used to feed the hungry, educate people, house the homeless, develop solar energy even more, find cures for diseases etc..Those are the things that truly matter in life - not crushing our enemies, stealing their oil, and protecting ourselves from the axis of evil. It's always been a dream of mine and surely billions of other people to actually live in a world that followed the message of John Lennon song Imagine

I can't wait until we have a President who is actually brave enough to say - ENOUGH - to all of the violence and put the money where it is truly needed. Will Obama be that person? I don't think so but I hope he at least tries to be more of a humanitarian than any president before him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
Military funding must a huge issue since all the clairvoyants on this thread think that we are in extreme danger right now. Apparently we have to have outrageous sums of money to "PROTECT OURSELVES from the people who have weapons they want to use against us." Just like when we confiscated all those "weapons of mass destruction" that Iraq had.

Do you honestly think that no one out there has weapons they want to use against us?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I wish I had gone into teaching...What grade do you teach?

I teach 3rd grade... I it was funny my students looked @ me like I was crazy... lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
That's REALLY REALLY sad that people just now feel like they're American when that have lived here their whole lives. I believe that a lot of people who feel that way only now that a bi-racial man is our next president, are holding themselves back more than anyone else is or has been.
Whoopi said yesterday "I feel like I can finally put my bags down". I understand what she meant, but I don't know why she feels that way. I think that she really prevented herself from "putting her bags down" more than other people prevented her. You can't be accepted somewhere you don't want to be accepted.

I'm not trying to dog you out... but obviously your not black... You need to understand there are "prejudice" things that happen everyday and if you are not a minority you cannot possibly understand... Where I live there were police officers pulling black people over on election day and giving tickets and arresting people for BOGUS charges so that they couldnt vote... I never prevented myself from feeling comfortable people made sure to let me and other minorities like me know that we were not wanted... NOTHING in the history of America represents "Sophia" unless it is tied to "Black History" or "Slavery" to know that a people... my people were kidnapped from their land brutilized raped and tortured and treated like cattle and not PEOPLE is hurtful... There was once a time when blacks had to take literacy tests to vote and I dont mean SAT's I mean tests with questions like... How many bubbles are in a bar of soap? How many springs come in a standard queen sized matteress? So my dear you in fact will NEVER understand until you walk a mile in my shoes and have a teacher tell you that you cannot be a student ambassador for a school body because you dont look like the majority or because your hair is "nappy"... Senator Obama becoming president elect marks a moment in time where our history collides and is no long seperate... my childern and their childeren will learn about the day Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was realized November 8, 2008... so yes it is a big deal and while the struggle is NOT over for MANY minorities dealing with prejudice and racism it has become easier... and I no longer feel like Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man... I feel like a citizen of the United States of America...


Well-known member
I could have cried of happiness when the news came pouring in that he was the elect President. I am so proud of the whole country coming together, my vote counted and I am a part of history. We all are!

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
That's REALLY REALLY sad that people just now feel like they're American when that have lived here their whole lives. I believe that a lot of people who feel that way only now that a bi-racial man is our next president, are holding themselves back more than anyone else is or has been.
Whoopi said yesterday "I feel like I can finally put my bags down". I understand what she meant, but I don't know why she feels that way. I think that she really prevented herself from "putting her bags down" more than other people prevented her. You can't be accepted somewhere you don't want to be accepted. whoopi's ever lived a less than comfortable life in the past twenty (probably even thirty) years anyway. she makes more in a year than i'll make in my entire life working my ass off. comments like that are exactly why i hate celebrities.


Well-known member
Whoopi never said she was uncomfortable with her life....Money can't buy piece of mind...Nor can money make people treat you as equals.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Whoopi never said she was uncomfortable with her life....Money can't buy piece of mind...Nor can money make people treat you as equals.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Whoopi never said she was uncomfortable with her life....Money can't buy piece of mind...Nor can money make people treat you as equals.

it can't, but i'm just saying that nobody stopped her from becoming famous. nobody stopped her from doing what she wanted to do, so i don't see why she couldn't "put her bags down" before obama became president. people may have made it harder, but getting where you want to be isn't easy for anyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
it can't, but i'm just saying that nobody stopped her from becoming famous. nobody stopped her from doing what she wanted to do. people may have made it harder, but getting where you want to be isn't easy for anyone.

it still just irritates the living hell out of me how big a deal race is in this country, i wish we could get off it already.

I don't know what road blocks she encountered in life...nor what she wanted to be...Maybe it wasn't always an actress...Only she knows what burdens she has had to bare and what set backs she has had to endure and what they were based on...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I don't know what road blocks she encountered in life...nor what she wanted to be...Maybe it wasn't always an actress...Only she knows what burdens she has had to bare and what set backs she has had to endure and what they were based on...

yeah, that's true. it just boggles my mind why people suddenly feel more at ease now that there's a person of colour in the whitehouse.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
yeah, that's true. it just boggles my mind why people suddenly feel more at ease now that there's a person of colour in the whitehouse.

I personally don't feel more at ease...I do however feel..."It's About Damn Time!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
it can't, but i'm just saying that nobody stopped her from becoming famous. nobody stopped her from doing what she wanted to do, so i don't see why she couldn't "put her bags down" before obama became president. people may have made it harder, but getting where you want to be isn't easy for anyone.

it still just irritates the living hell out of me how big a deal race is in this country, i wish we could get off it already.

There are plenty of people who wish we could get off of it already, including those being discriminated against. I would love to ignore my race and most times I do, but that doesn't stop someone from reminding me by treating me differently. And you are right, getting where you want in life isn't easy for anyone, but for those of us who face discrimination on a consistent basis it IS unnecessarily harder.

I am not sure, but I doubt you have ever had to look a child in the face and grimace when they said, I want to be the president. You tell them they can be anything they want b/c you want them to reach for the stars. But in your heart, you don't mean that and you grimace b/c you feel like you're lying to them. And it may seem like nothing, but it really means a lot to me that I can tell my future children and the children I mentor that and have tangible proof.

And truthfully,Whoopi won't really be able to "put herr bags down yet". While this election shows a step in the right direction as far as racial equality goes, the country isn't going to change overnight in any aspects. So we'll still have to face the same things we face and fight the same fight, but I know I have new hope.

It really is something that is hard to understand unless you have walked a mile in those shoes.

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