The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
My local counter still had Graphite so I got that
. I love it! It's slightly cooler toned, but it looked good :). Although, I have to say I like Peridot better on me. My skin is very much tanned over summer, now it's very warm toned. I figured Graphite would be a great choice when my tan is fading away and I'm more into winter clothes :D.

Anneri - ugh, large insects are so creepy
. Hope it's out of the way by now. Hope you're feeling better too! The temperature drop certainly didn't make anything easier for getting rid of viruses :(.

Shypo & HG - Sure! Let me know what's on your Asia collection list and I'll check it out when I'm there :)

Michelle - I'm somewhat glad the guy muster enough guts to say something. Being a helpless romantic, I'm hoping he'll get the right girl next time ;).

HG - I'm going to check out the Age and Beauty thread soon. My skin is always going through some changes now. Once I found a working skin care solution, the weather changed, and somehow what worked last year didn't work anymore....
I might going to have a look at Clarins stuff next month. I just blew off my shopping budget this month because I'm getting the iphone :p

Almus - It's always interesting to me, that those kinds of "pick up" experiences in my case, never happened when I really wanted them to happen (a.k.a back when I was single and desperate, LOL). But I think it's really nice from time to time, especially in your case :).

HG - You must be looking very gorgeous now!
(not that you weren't before
) Hope you had a nice weekend with rrrramon ;).

As far as foundations go, I'm still loyal with my Armani LSF. Tried out the new MAC ones, but it seemed to be too orange... Maybe someday I'll try the vitalumiere though.

Lou - Yes, I thought the spanish part was very random too! Some people thought my hubs was hispanic (he's Indonesian too) but never me :p.
I'll probably going to do the same like you are... bills, vacation... and DF shopping \o/

Wish everyone a great start of the week


Well-known member
cutie.. thank you for the compliment at my age, any compliment is a good one.. lol.

also congrats on your Graphite.. it is a great colour and fits perfectly with the season. As far as your skin, there might be lots of little tips/advice in Age and Beauty... hope you join us!

meanwhile..I am back home, and working euro hours.. grr. But, mercifully all is well and the Rrrramon is behaving as expected.. lol. He is off the NYC and I will be RT it back to my mom's and then back across the pond.. argh.


Well-known member
<~~~Is dying for a photo of HG. You sound gorgeous and elegant, all wrapped up in one!

I love Graphite. While Chanel n/p only lasts about 24 hours on my nails I do love the formula and how unique the fall colours were. I am also a Butter London freak. But lately Essie has just been making my nails super happy and now I am about to pull out some of OPI's last year fall collections and see if they are still working well. They look good, so thumbs up (or in this case, nails up) !!


Well-known member
Debi! .. lol.. I am old and wrinkly and withering away as I type

I will be needing a new photo for business soon and when I get it, I will post it up - albeit briefly. ha.

I have a similar problem with any light Chanel polish -- the last one Pearl Drop changed colours on me and got a yellowish case.. if I were a smoker I would have blamed it on the smoke but since that is not the case, I don't know what made it turn yellow. Seems the lighter shades are affected by the sun too.. dunno. But I do enjoy Opi and Essie as well as Butter .. my fave from Butter is Yummy Mummy !! I have it on now since I had the Graphite removed when I got a mani/pedi on Friday.

cutie.. lol.. and thanks. I am looking the same, except my hair is really more interesting than the blonde .. lol. I had a great time with Ramon on the weekend and he insists we should get married.. but I am not ready and neither is he, but since he is a man, he will never admit it.


Well-known member
lol HG~ I keep seeing someone elegant, like Meryl Streep :) Today I put on OPI Rising Star from the Burlesque collection. Love the golden copper colour for fall! Still glittering a year later and not separating, so hoping for the best! Yummy Mummy by Butter is lovely. I must have about 15 of their polishes now. I went nuts for them and so glad I can try them on at Nordstroms before purchasing. Some really neat colours, too! I've become a n/p freak this year and having lots of fun with it!


Well-known member
Debi.. thank you but no.. I think MStreep is a gorgeous woman. I could only wish I did look like any age.

I love my Butters.. also like Deborah Lippman's nps

I have been using my Rosee powder each day as a blush -- it gives me a very soft pink glow .. I am not wearing any blush now but am doing red red lips again... not lined but smudged.


Well-known member
HG~I haven't delved into the land of Deborah Lippman, but I plan to when I next visit Nordstrom, if I have any money left! I want to get that Happy Birthday glitter to wear on my birthday, a little over a month from now!

I delicately put my Rosee powder on my entire face today to set my foundation, then Tarte Dollface blush and muted berry gloss by BB. I look sweet, but don't be fooled.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I think Meryl Streep is a gorgeous woman too. She looks beautiful at every age, even as she gets older. She looks different as she ages, but she doesn't look like she is the older version of her younger self, if that makes sense. Debi - happy birthday looks so gorgeous! You will have fun wearing it! Have a great weekend!


Well-known member
Well, I was all excited to go to Nordstroms today with a list of things to look at, starting with the Christmas Philosophy goodies. I stood in front of the display trying to decide which one to sniff first and what to get before skipping merrily over to the Chanel counter to swatch when.... a sales lady started pushing herself on me and pointing to every single scent saying which one she liked, or this is good and that one is nice....when...


The nail polish bottle she was holding slipped out of her hands, hit the glass display, then the floor, splattered nail polish everywhere, including on my shoes, my pants, my sweater, me, and my Coach bag.

"Oh, sorry. I'm so sorry." Yeah. Um, ya just ruined my entire outfit and my brand new bag. I get this was an accident, but sorry is not going to cut it, chickie! She started coming at me with nail polish remover to remove the nail polish from my bag. Are you serious???? Handbag department did not know what to do. Manager did not know what to do. (Whatever happened to if you ruin it you pay for it???) They took my bag to the shoe department and let one of the guys at it. Oh, splendid idea. They didn't take the n/p off but they did ruin the bag even more.

"Sorry." A lot of shrugs. Are you kidding me? By now I feel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, one minute so angry and not wanting to say a word out of anger and the other minute tears filling my eyes and rolling down my face. It was just a "let's make a quick fix and get her out of here" attitude. Now I don't swear, and I keep my cool, and I let the tears run quietly down. I am no diva. They offered to have the purse professionally cleaned. We went up to Coach for their advice and they said no, it is ruined and cannot be treated. They need to replace it.

Now waiting for a call. I didn't buy Chanel. I didn't buy butter or anything else there. We went to B&BW and Macy's and gosh darn, golly, I won't buy a thing from Nordstroms until they fix this and after the nonchalant service I received I won't be going back there in a hurry. And it would have to be my favourite purse that they ruined...which is about 10 days old. Great. Right now wishing I could start my whole day over again. But I can't. So the ruined sweater and the ruined shoes, bag and pants are sitting here staring at me. Lovely...


Well-known member
Debi.. omg. What a horrific experience and how sad that your whole outfit was ruined... as well as your lovely shopping trip and the pain and suffering they have caused you.

darlin.. and don't take this the wrong way... I am not a diva, but I am a business person who can be as nasty as the next guy and this calls for action.

you probably know what to do, but waiting for them to call you is not going to give you any kind of relief.. find your receipts for the clothes you were wearing, take pics of your clothes, your Coach bag and put it all together into a file folder with a summarization of everything that happened, date, time, and anyone who was around, including the sales help, managers, and Coach people. Then on Monday, run to the local courthouse and file a small claims suit for the fulll amount of your inventory as well as a pain and suffering amount -- replacement clothes etc. I don't know what the amount allowable for small claims in your area is, but it's probably 5K or under. And go for it.

don't take a lame "I'm sorry " .. fight and fight it right.!

I do hope you get restitution... in fact, I am sure you will, cause Nordies will not go to court with an attorney to represent them for any amount under 5k.. they will settle with you.



Well-known member
Debi.. omg. What a horrific experience and how sad that your whole outfit was ruined... as well as your lovely shopping trip and the pain and suffering they have caused you.

darlin.. and don't take this the wrong way... I am not a diva, but I am a business person who can be as nasty as the next guy and this calls for action.

you probably know what to do, but waiting for them to call you is not going to give you any kind of relief.. find your receipts for the clothes you were wearing, take pics of your clothes, your Coach bag and put it all together into a file folder with a summarization of everything that happened, date, time, and anyone who was around, including the sales help, managers, and Coach people. Then on Monday, run to the local courthouse and file a small claims suit for the fulll amount of your inventory as well as a pain and suffering amount -- replacement clothes etc. I don't know what the amount allowable for small claims in your area is, but it's probably 5K or under. And go for it.

don't take a lame "I'm sorry " .. fight and fight it right.!

I do hope you get restitution... in fact, I am sure you will, cause Nordies will not go to court with an attorney to represent them for any amount under 5k.. they will settle with you.

Thank you. I will take the pictures. Court is over an hour away and I suffer from agoraphobia, so that won't happen. But I did note who was around and luckily the Estee Lauder woman and the Chanel lady, both who know me by my first name, came to my rescue and are being sure this gets taken care of. I won't just take "sorry". I am just tired and worn out, stressed and so upset. Tomorrow I can be ticked off. :) I don't have receipts for the clothes because they were bought a few years ago, but they are still nice clothes. Thank God I didn't have on my suede skirt or my leather or Ugg Boots or I probably would have punched her lights out. And my husband was there through the entire thing, too, albeit way too quiet. Knight in Shining Armour he is not. The people at Coach and the head of Customer Service at Coach are all on my side. The are furious because Nordstrom is selling Coach bags but they don't know their products, or how to look for the cleaning instructions for each person, or to look for the number and call up for cleaning advice BEFORE doing anything. They failed on so many levels that I now also know I will not buy a purse from them, ever. They don't have a clue as to what they are doing and I would not trust them to handle any problems correctly. If I have to bring a sleeping bag and sleep out in the middle of the store I will until they fix it. The manager is supposed to cal by tomorrow at the latest. I'll let you know what happens. Or start packing my bags. Cheap case anyone decides to take me out with n/p again. Deadly weapon. I am so stressed out. As soon as I take my eye makeup off I am going to have one darn good cry. God forbid I mess up my look on top of everything else.

And I told my husband regardless of what happened, he now has to buy me some new clothes.


Seriously. Who cleans a handbag with nail polish remover? Do any of these people have common sense or an education or have they all been sniffing too much n/p??


Well-known member
Oh dear, that is absolutely horrific! They should most definitely reimburse you for everything they damaged. I would continue to call, email, write a letter of complaint -- and keep going to the higher ups if needed. I hope it all get resolved soon!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - so sorry about what happened. It must be very stressful. Hope they reimburse you quickly. Meanwhile, get some nice new clothes and it will cheer you up.


Well-known member
About to crawl into bed and read a bit in Dracula before sleeping. That ought to cheer me up. lol At least I got some nice things after we finally left Nordstroms. I swear we were there for over an hour, possibly two. But I picked up tons of stuff at B&BW Christmas goodies, Pink Soft and Dreamy, some Essie and Clinique goodies with a free gift at Macy's, as well as some holiday bath goodies by Philosophy, and Exposed Tarte blush from Sephora with a Tarte free gift. With money left over that was going to go to the Tweed blushes by Chanel. I came home upset, angry, but smelling delicious. I just keep looking at my bag and getting so sad. I had even bought the matching wallet for it.
Nordstrom, I despise you right now.


Well-known member
wow Debi I cannot believe what happened to you! That is outrageous what they did and how they tried to 'fix' the issue. and I understand that you didn't want to cause a massive scene but I would have gone crazy and not left until something had been sorted. they just wanted to get you out as fast as possible! I do feel sorry for the SA because obviously it was an accident - but the store manager should have sorted something out for you! They know how much these things cost and it is terrible that your new bag has been wrecked like this. Please keep us updated on what happens :(


Well-known member
Thank you, Lou, and everyone. I will definitely let you know. They called yesterday and my husband spoke to them this time. They are going to try and have my clothes professionally cleaned, but I doubt they will be able to get all the spots and dots off my pants~there must a hundred there. And they told my husband they have the same purse but in black. No, he said wisely. Same colour (duh, that is why I got it). They will call tomorrow to let us know when it will be in and we can make the exchange. Frankly I won't be semi happy until they do, and again, I won't be shopping there for a long time because the whole situation was handled so badly. I've worked in sales, beauty and as a manager of a store. I know what it means to be on commission and what it means to try and sell a product. But you don't shove yourself on someone or that just makes them walk away. And I plan to talk to the manager with the girl present to make this clear. Was it an accident? Yes, but a preventable one. If she had put her nail polish down it would not have happened. If she had walked over and asked me if I needed help after I had been there for a few minutes instead of rushing over and literally shoving herself in front of me so I had to step back from looking at the product and then have her bubbling over what scents are good, all which caused her to be stupid and drop the bottle which broke. I can smell and sniff and see and decide on what I want. I was going to grab 2 scents and go over to the Chanel counter for blush. Did she make the sale? No. It wasn't worth any of this. Macy's, Sephora and B&BW got my money and they missed out and will continue to do so. If they don't believe me, they can run the surveillance tapes! So right now I don't feel bad for the SA because she really didn't look upset or like she cared one bit. None of them did except the Chanel lady who is always so nice along with the other Chanel workers and MAC ones and a few nice guys who also work there. So..we will see how it all ends. If I were a manager what would I have done? Offered to replace the bag immediately and ask about the clothes. How much were they? Rough idea, what brand? Do you want us to professionally clean them or would you like money for it or a gift certificate to Nordstrom to replace it in some way? You drop everything and take care of the customer until they are satisfied. I didn't hear any of these options offered to us while we stood there wondering what are they going to do to fix this mess. All I heard was "sorry".



Well-known member
Oh Debi, I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. This is really odd for Nordies as they are known for their customer service. So that manager should be booted for the way he handled it. I agree that he should have asked you to list the items and value and if they did not have the exact bag then he should have said he would order it straight from Coach and overnight it.

I would give them to maybe 11:00am and if no call I would call. If you get the run around or the sorry or we have the bag in black hang up and call the main customer service number and ask for a supervisor. Start out nice and polite and if not offered complete compensation demand it. And whether you plan to or not if they don't step up to the plate tell them you will have no choice but to go file a small claims suit. This was an accident yes but the way it was handled and the way your were treated were not.

I would also follow up with an email to Nordies customer service with details of everything that happened. I would explain to them how they treated you and made you feel no details left out. I do not think they would be pleased to hear how this whole thing played out. How freakin stupid can they be to take polish remover or anything to your bag. DUH, guys of course the bag is ruined and you will have to replace it. Who wants a bag after they have scrubbed on it? They need to pay you for every single item and then some.

I take it that this is your pretty new pumpkin colored one?


Well-known member
Oh Debi, I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. This is really odd for Nordies as they are known for their customer service. So that manager should be booted for the way he handled it. I agree that he should have asked you to list the items and value and if they did not have the exact bag then he should have said he would order it straight from Coach and overnight it.

I would give them to maybe 11:00am and if no call I would call. If you get the run around or the sorry or we have the bag in black hang up and call the main customer service number and ask for a supervisor. Start out nice and polite and if not offered complete compensation demand it. And whether you plan to or not if they don't step up to the plate tell them you will have no choice but to go file a small claims suit. This was an accident yes but the way it was handled and the way your were treated were not.

I would also follow up with an email to Nordies customer service with details of everything that happened. I would explain to them how they treated you and made you feel no details left out. I do not think they would be pleased to hear how this whole thing played out. How freakin stupid can they be to take polish remover or anything to your bag. DUH, guys of course the bag is ruined and you will have to replace it. Who wants a bag after they have scrubbed on it? They need to pay you for every single item and then some.

I take it that this is your pretty new pumpkin colored one?
Thank you and yes. It is my pumpkin one, which I bought expressly for its colour that I have been wanting for ages. I love it and received it late September and started using it about 7-10 days ago. The whole fiasco is a nightmare. The manager was female and not the brightest star in the skies. Really, no one there had a clue as to how to handle the situation nor seemed very informed of the products they carry and how diverse leathers can be. Again, the whole feeling was how to get rid of me fast and put it behind them, and we were being very quiet. Maybe next time I should start swearing like a sailor. Sheesh.


Well-known member
Debi--Did Nordies come through for you today? I hope you let them know everything. They better not try to squiggle out of this. I saw on the Coach site that your bag is still in stock. So don't let them tell you they cannot replace yours.

Let us know what they do. Hang in there.


Well-known member
Hiya everyone, whom I didn't meet yet, and big hugs to all the regulars!


Debi, that what happened in Nordstrom sounds like a right nightmare, and I can't believe how unprofessionally they are treating the whole situation :S
Of course they should have offered to replace the bag for you immediately, Coach bags don't come cheap, and they know it!

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