The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Officially joining this thread because after buying a Rouge Allure, Rouge Allure Laque, Rouge Allure gloss and three nail polishes (Peridot, Black Pearl and Rouge Carat) my ass needs to hang out over here.

And OMG, Elven, what is up with that heifer trying to clean your bag with nail polish remover?!?!?


Well-known member
Thank you, Lou, and everyone. I will definitely let you know. They called yesterday and my husband spoke to them this time. They are going to try and have my clothes professionally cleaned, but I doubt they will be able to get all the spots and dots off my pants~there must a hundred there. And they told my husband they have the same purse but in black. No, he said wisely. Same colour (duh, that is why I got it). They will call tomorrow to let us know when it will be in and we can make the exchange. Frankly I won't be semi happy until they do, and again, I won't be shopping there for a long time because the whole situation was handled so badly. I've worked in sales, beauty and as a manager of a store. I know what it means to be on commission and what it means to try and sell a product. But you don't shove yourself on someone or that just makes them walk away. And I plan to talk to the manager with the girl present to make this clear. Was it an accident? Yes, but a preventable one. If she had put her nail polish down it would not have happened. If she had walked over and asked me if I needed help after I had been there for a few minutes instead of rushing over and literally shoving herself in front of me so I had to step back from looking at the product and then have her bubbling over what scents are good, all which caused her to be stupid and drop the bottle which broke. I can smell and sniff and see and decide on what I want. I was going to grab 2 scents and go over to the Chanel counter for blush. Did she make the sale? No. It wasn't worth any of this. Macy's, Sephora and B&BW got my money and they missed out and will continue to do so. If they don't believe me, they can run the surveillance tapes! So right now I don't feel bad for the SA because she really didn't look upset or like she cared one bit. None of them did except the Chanel lady who is always so nice along with the other Chanel workers and MAC ones and a few nice guys who also work there. So..we will see how it all ends. If I were a manager what would I have done? Offered to replace the bag immediately and ask about the clothes. How much were they? Rough idea, what brand? Do you want us to professionally clean them or would you like money for it or a gift certificate to Nordstrom to replace it in some way? You drop everything and take care of the customer until they are satisfied. I didn't hear any of these options offered to us while we stood there wondering what are they going to do to fix this mess. All I heard was "sorry".

oh yeah the whole thing is crazy! speaking as a store manager i would have been on the phone to my head office, explain what happened and get them to sort out how we deal with the replacements / cleaning! i don't understand why these people are not sorting this as quick as possible :(


Well-known member
I hope everything is working out for Debi with Nordies and her Coach bag. She's not been on here in several days and that's not like her.

Hopefully she's not sick like so many are right now with the weather change.

I've had her on my mind. Isn't it weird how we (or maybe it's me) worry about our friends on here sometimes more than our so called friends in "real life"?

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Well-known member
So sorry I have not written in days. Wednesday morning I woke up in terrible pain from my lower back and was rushed via ambulance to the hospital. They thought it might be a kidney stone, but after blood work and a CT-scan said nope, unhooked me from all the pain meds, said it was a badly pulled muscle with spasm and sent me home. By Friday morning I was in twice the pain and sent back, spending the day in ER with morphine! Sheesh. Same result, sent home with pain killers. Only taking them when absolutely necessary so as not to get hooked and only have the dose prescribed with a long recovery. Back pain is horrible. Some sitting, some walking, finally washed my hair and gosh, darn, I was determined to Clarisonic my face and get on some foundation and blush and a squirt of perfume before crawling back into bed!

My husband is dealing with Nordstrom who is still playing games, going up the levels of management. The whole thing is a nightmare that I can't deal with right now, but supposedly they have ordered it and will get back to us tomorrow on status. So, I am in bed, in pain, and hubby is under extra stress. When I am better and hopefully have a new replacement bag I do plan to write a note to Nordstrom about the entire affair in detail. I will not be shopping there again. I can get anything they have at other stores or online directly, or I can simply live without. In their great desire to make a silly sale they lost a regular customer who plucked down a pretty penny for Chanel, Butter London and other expensive products. Their loss is other people's gain.

So, that is where I have been. What is everyone up to? I have to get better. Christmas shopping is looming over me!


Well-known member
Debi--I am so sorry about your back. I can't handle pain killers either. After my foot/ankle surgery I took ibprophen. I had to give in the first couple of nights as the pain was too much. I had to make sure I ate and was ready to sleep because anything much stronger than ibprophen knocks me out and if I try to move I get sick. Same thing with antibiotics with me, I can't take any of the strong ones or my stomach will reject them.

I do hope you feel better soon. Take it easy so whatever it is will heal. Did you fall or twist it in anyway or did it just start hurting? If it doesn't get any better go see a specialist. Back pain can indicate many different serious medical problems. I'm not trying to scare you as it may be that you need to keep still for a while to let it ease. But please be careful so it doesn't get any worse.

I have to say I am really shocked at Nordsrtoms. They are known for their freakin customer service. I've been told this so many times from different people. I was chatting recently with the new manager at my MAC store. He was telling me he used to work at Nordstrom and how people would bring back a product almost completely used up and tell them that it just didn't work for them and wanted to return it. He said "we had to take it back because, well it was Nordstrom and that's how their customer service is" This summer I wanted a Butter London n/p that the Vegas store was sold out of so I ordered it online and it sold out and my order got canceled. I called cs and they tracked one down for me and shipped it to me with no shipping charge. This was before they started the free shipping on all orders that they just started.

When you write your letter make sure it goes to the top corp customer service. If you feel up to it while you're resting your back jot down anything about what happened that pops in your head. That way when you do write the letter you don't leave anything out that you meant to say. I always get mad at myself when I've sent an email or letter and then remember something else I wanted to put in it. But that's me and my ADD brain and I get wrapped up in writing and forget and leave out some of the details.


Well-known member
Debi, get well soon!

I know back pain very well and had my double surgery because of my back. Now I keep it in shape by swimming every day (here in Italy I have no pool but am going to a spa on Weds.. so that should help).. I might put in a pool on my land but not worth it till next spring.

rest, and hope all goes well with the rats @ Nordies.



Well-known member
Debi, get well soon!

I know back pain very well and had my double surgery because of my back. Now I keep it in shape by swimming every day (here in Italy I have no pool but am going to a spa on Weds.. so that should help).. I might put in a pool on my land but not worth it till next spring.

rest, and hope all goes well with the rats @ Nordies.

Thank you and so sorry to hear about your back. I am shocked over the whole thing because I was in gymnastics and ballet, plus rode TB race horses as an exercise girl. I never hurt myself more than a basic pulled muscle that didn't even need to be iced down. I have always been in excellent shape until I started gaining weight. Swimming sounds so nice right now, but alas, New England has a very short swim season and the indoor pools sort of freak me out. Too quiet, no one around, weird hours for open swim. Back to the treadmill for me. Now I am nervous to use my back at all. I never expected this to happen.

I'll let you know if the rats make any new moves, either positive or not. Sigh... what a nightmare.


Well-known member
Thank you and so sorry to hear about your back. I am shocked over the whole thing because I was in gymnastics and ballet, plus rode TB race horses as an exercise girl. I never hurt myself more than a basic pulled muscle that didn't even need to be iced down. I have always been in excellent shape until I started gaining weight. Swimming sounds so nice right now, but alas, New England has a very short swim season and the indoor pools sort of freak me out. Too quiet, no one around, weird hours for open swim. Back to the treadmill for me. Now I am nervous to use my back at all. I never expected this to happen.

I'll let you know if the rats make any new moves, either positive or not. Sigh... what a nightmare.
do be careful with activities so soon after your back is hurting... you don't want to do more damage. take things slow :)


Well-known member
I'm sorry for being awol for so long, but looking at this thread, a lot of people have neglected it apparently

Debi, my thoughts are with you. Get well soon!

I'm right in the middle of the (apparently) most hectic weeks of the year at work. On thursday we're flying to an event in Berlin, and on Saturday I'll go home and start packing for our vacation! We're flying on Monday, and I'm soooooooo happy about it! I can't wait to land in Miami, get outside - and it's warm. And sunny. So looking forward to it, lying on the beach, make a trip to the Keys, go shopping... I can't wait.
Before that, the stupid event
. But well, I'll manage two days, won't I?

Last week I was able to accompany my boss to Paris for an event and managed to see absolutely nothing of the city. I was so disappointed because I've never been to Paris before! But the lunch at least was absolutely fab, so that made up for a lot of things.

I hope you all are well! I miss the Ratonas.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi! Whats up with everyone? Yeah Christmas shopping is about to start in a month's time. My Starbucks stores are getting the christmas drinks this Thursday!

Debi - Sorry about the terrible back pain. Hope it gets better and you get more rest. I always have back pain that I deal with daily. On some days the pain is bad while on some days it is bearable, but none so bad that I have to go to the ER.

Lou - I'll try the hot and cold compress for my back too. Carrying heavy things puts a toll on the back. I try not to carry a heavy day-to-day bag, if I have lots of things I will carry two bags so at least I can carry one on each arm instead of all on one side. Great that you are getting a car next year! Congrats! I swim once a week at the public pool but it can be quite gross and unhygienic. I don't join any gyms although I thought of joining one just to use the pool, but it worked out to be too expensive and not cost efficient for me.


Well-known member
Debi, I'm very sorry to hear about your terrible back pain. I hope you're feeling at least a little better by now. Take good care of yourself.


Well-known member
Debi -- hope you are recovering. Back pain is no fun! And hopefully the Nordies situation gets resolved.

Anneri -- How exciting about your trip to Miami! I loved living in Florida. They have gorgeous beaches and the water is warm! Now I live on the side of the country that has freezing cold water :( Too bad you weren't able to see much of Paris, but hopefully another time. Your jobs sounds exciting!

MissQQ -- crazy that the Christmas stuff is coming out (I love it, though!!). We have Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then I can really get my Christmas stuff out -- yippee!! I need to get going on my shopping early this year :)

Almus, Astrid, and Elena -- how are you?

Gail -- let me know when you get your new lippie and how much you love it!

Hope all of you are doing well. I have a sore throat, cough and sinus pressure . . . yuck. I'll be taking it easy today!


Well-known member
Hi everyone! Well, I just completely blew up at the people at Nordstroms. I yelled. I spoke over them. I didn't give them a single breath. I think I might have even sworn...and if you know me, you know that is pretty rare. I told them to get the bag and if they can't clean the clothes they ruined (which is doubtful) I want cash. Mula. Dead Presidents. And if they don't pull through I will climb the Coorporate ladder and bring them to Small Claims Court, smear their name in the media and that I don't care who loses a job in the process.

The bag will be there at opening tomorrow. We will call first as it is a 45 minute drive and then make the exchange. I will never ever shop there or through online again. Helloooo Macy's, Chanel and other places.

Note to self. Never dress up to shop at mall and carry junky bag. Save the nice ones for local stores. I was looking at some of my other Coach bags. They have been through salt and snow, rain, ice, mud, restaurants, family gatherings, drooling dogs and they still look like I just took them off the shelf, both inside and out. My cheaper bags bought at various places and used year round for about 5 years at a time still look new. Unbelievable.

Bite me, Nordstroms. My back hurts, PMS is kicking in and I've lost all patience and manners. It felt amazingly good. My husband, mild-mannered man, stood watching me on the phone, in awe. The wife he never knew....



Well-known member
^ Good going Debi
... that feels so good to vent it all out.. lol.

and, you will finally get some satisfaction for your beautiful handbag !!

take care of yourself and rest that back until you are well.. it all heals so just go slow!


Well-known member
Ha, you show them, Debi!
Sometimes I wish I could get that mad on the phone at times when I get shite customer service (and I work at customer service myself).

Hi Michelle, Miss QQ, Anneri, HG, Winthrop!
I've been doing well, but just insanely busy. Involuntarily, I am turning in a bit of a lurker!
I've done quite a lot of makeup shopping recently (mainly with the help of lovely C.), work and some serious partying (which gave me a bad cold, but I'm over it now).
You will never believe who was dancing just a couple of feet away from me at one of the parties: Paris Hilton!
Although I'm not a fan of hers, it was still rather surreal :) Needless to say, I had to take lots of pictures.

I thought I'd also share the pic I found of those EL gel eyeshadows Anneri was talking about some time ago. I am liking the look of those:


Well-known member
Waves to Elena,

I am glad to know you are well and busy.. busy is always good.

I have those ES.. and have been using them quite frequently.. they are stunningly gorgeous.

I did send Two to Cheryl.. and don't know if she liked them or not, but they are really cutting edge technology in mu.

thanks for the link..I might post some swatches of all the colours as well as the highliter !


Well-known member
Elena -- too funny about partying with Paris Hilton! Glad you are staying busy and getting some good makeup shopping in :)

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