The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Debi--Way to go. Sometimes you just got let loose the crazy bitch to get things done. Let us know how it all goes tomorrow. I would still write that letter to top level customer service.

Elena--Thanks for the link. The colors look beautiful.

HG-- hope you have time to post some swatches. Glad to hear they meet your high standards. I find EL e/s to be hit or miss. However I suppose all brands are that way. I haven't purchased one of their e/s in quite sometime so perhaps I'll give them another shot.


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I have to confess that I am a lurker most of time now too. I am working hard in the last stage of my phd thesis and well, I think I might need some extra time to finish all the stuff I'd like to include, but well, time is limited! My MU purchases are nonexistent at the moment. As usual, Chanel won't bring the holiday collection to Spain, so bye bye Sweet Beige glossimer

I am a bit excited about some of the incoming MAC collections, but to my surprise, most of them won't reach this stupid country either (bye bye Iris Apfel and Daphne Guiness

Apart from that, I am as good as I can be: doing a lot of sport (that way I forget about work), decorating the apartment (I will post pictures, I promise!) and reading Specktra from time to time. I miss you a lot and I hope you are having a good fall and a better incoming Christmas time!

Just two things before I get back to writing:

- OMG!!! Paris!!!!! I wanna be your BFF!!!!!!

- Take care of yourselves ladies, that includes backs, colds and of course, accessories!! Good job done in Nordstrom, ElvenEyes. Even if you were wearing an old ugly bag and a pair of pants from 20 years ago, in the end, it's your property, so if they ruin it, they have to pay for it (or we don't have to pay for something we may break in a store?).

Michelle, elegant, C!, MissQQ, bis, Winthrop, Elena, Anneri and all the lovely Ratonas, have a wonderful weekend and I'll be stopping by next week to at least say hello.


Well-known member
Hi! I'm doing well... just very busy at the moment... lots of projects, and deadlines... I miss you all! HG, Michelle, Elena, Almus, MissQQ, Lou, Anneri

Debi - That's so awful with what happened to you at Nordstorm
. Go you for showing them you're not one to be messed with!!! And hope your back feels better soon too! I agree with Lou, it could be the stress from all this, escalating the pain.

Anneri - Are you coming to Berlin today? Where will you be? Gosh I guess it's already too late to set up a coffee date or something now. I'd love to meet you :).

Almus - Good luck with your PhD thesis! Last stages are always the hardest part, just remember the good feeling you're going to get afterwards!


Well-known member
My husband is at Nordstroms, picking up my new bag, dropping off my ruined clothes. I am holding my breath. I have this horrible feeling they got the wrong colour or wrong style. :( Say prayers....


Well-known member
It is here! Looks perfect, right colour, right style. The funniest thing? After all the crap they gave me they ended up going upstairs to the Coach store and buying it that way, last night. Which they could have done the night it happened. In fact, that was my idea which I blurted out one time I spoke with them after that night. I told them no more excuses. Go upstairs and just get the bag from the store. They still have them there. So, I got the purse, another dustbag for the purse, and a paper handled Coach bag. Even funnier is that the ladies at that store know what happened, so must be laughing their heads off at Nordstrom because they were really angry about the whole incident and said they didn't like Nordstrom selling Coach bags since they were not well informed about how to clean or not clean certain bags and there really is no excuse for it since directions are on a card in each bag.

Now, who wants to make bets on how long it will take to get my clothes back and if they will be cleaned or not? They were not very kind to my hubby when he went. I say in a month they will inform us that they can't get them cleaned. In 2 months I might see a check or gift certificate. Grrrrrr.

But I have my bag. I hugged my ruined bag before my husband returned it and told it I was so sorry. I get attached to my things. Sadly, I was wearing some of my favourite clothes that day. I really despise Nordstrom for what they have put me through.



Well-known member
Congrats Debi!!

enjoy it and get well soon!

p.s. tantrums are good for the soul sometimes

lol Yes they are! And it got some action. Even my husband is glad about this part being over. On top of all this crazy stuff I just received my MAC Holiday goodies and LOVE the silver boxing and white packaging. I never realized how sick I am of black until now! I love the gold that EL uses and the beautiful metallics and tortoise shell looks of other companies. I also received my Sephora F&F goodies and put it up on my blog. So I am very happy about my stuff. Now to work on my back. It is dark, rainy, cold and we might even get snow tonight. I love this time of year. Time to pack it up and pull out the Christmas goodies!! Presently burning a Spiced Pumpkin Muffin candle and the house smells delicious!! Happiness is good! Stress, not so much!


Specktra Bestie
Hey ladies!!! I haven't been on the thread in a while...

Debi- I'm happy you got your bag replaced. Completely shocking that they didn't do this immediately, which really would have been the only correct course of action.

I just had a look through the last pages and it's nice to be somewhat caught up on what everyone is doing. I went strolling through makeup counters today and seem to have fallen for virtually all of the holiday collections (although some haven't made it here yet). I'm having trouble making decisions, which I always do...


Well-known member
Debi--Yay on getting your replacement bag. That is just crazy that the Coach store had the same bag all along. What an idiot manager not to go or call right when this all happened to see if they had it. I hope your back gets to feeling better.


Well-known member
It is here! Looks perfect, right colour, right style. The funniest thing? After all the crap they gave me they ended up going upstairs to the Coach store and buying it that way, last night. Which they could have done the night it happened. In fact, that was my idea which I blurted out one time I spoke with them after that night. I told them no more excuses. Go upstairs and just get the bag from the store. They still have them there. So, I got the purse, another dustbag for the purse, and a paper handled Coach bag. Even funnier is that the ladies at that store know what happened, so must be laughing their heads off at Nordstrom because they were really angry about the whole incident and said they didn't like Nordstrom selling Coach bags since they were not well informed about how to clean or not clean certain bags and there really is no excuse for it since directions are on a card in each bag.

Now, who wants to make bets on how long it will take to get my clothes back and if they will be cleaned or not? They were not very kind to my hubby when he went. I say in a month they will inform us that they can't get them cleaned. In 2 months I might see a check or gift certificate. Grrrrrr.

But I have my bag. I hugged my ruined bag before my husband returned it and told it I was so sorry. I get attached to my things. Sadly, I was wearing some of my favourite clothes that day. I really despise Nordstrom for what they have put me through.

Debi I am so happy that you have a new bag! That is fantastic! And although a total shambles at least you have the most important part sorted out :)

I hope everybody is doing well. I have been pretty busy this week working as well as having my birthday on Wednesday. Nick got me some Inglot shadows. I had never tried them before and I must say that I feel a new addiction coming on! :) Have a great weekend ladies! :)


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I have to confess that I am a lurker most of time now too. I am working hard in the last stage of my phd thesis and well, I think I might need some extra time to finish all the stuff I'd like to include, but well, time is limited! My MU purchases are nonexistent at the moment. As usual, Chanel won't bring the holiday collection to Spain, so bye bye Sweet Beige glossimer 
I am a bit excited about some of the incoming MAC collections, but to my surprise, most of them won't reach this stupid country either (bye bye Iris Apfel and Daphne Guiness  
). Apart from that, I am as good as I can be: doing a lot of sport (that way I forget about work), decorating the apartment (I will post pictures, I promise!) and reading Specktra from time to time. I miss you a lot and I hope you are having a good fall and a better incoming Christmas time! Just two things before I get back to writing: - OMG!!! Paris!!!!! I wanna be your BFF!!!!!! 
- Take care of yourselves ladies, that includes backs, colds and of course, accessories!! Good job done in Nordstrom, ElvenEyes. Even if you were wearing an old ugly bag and a pair of pants from 20 years ago, in the end, it's your property, so if they ruin it, they have to pay for it (or we don't have to pay for something we may break in a store?). Michelle, elegant, C!, MissQQ, bis, Winthrop, Elena, Anneri and all the lovely Ratonas, have a wonderful weekend and I'll be stopping by next week to at least say hello.
Thanks, I am ok, great to hear from you :) I hope you thesis is going well and you get some time to relax, have a great weekend too. Elven?eyes, I hope this episode has an end soon, but do not let them off the hook easy. Anneri, Paris is great, I hope you at least got a taxi ride to see something of the city :) Have a great weekend, my lovely ratonas :cheers:


Well-known member
Usually I am a very cheerful person, but right now I just want to cry. We are having a severe snowstorm, with winds and heavy snow in the Northeast. This is insane as you can't even get in a Halloween mode and fall never really came. We had summer, rain and now winter. And we have lost at least one of our Bradford Pears. It was towering and beautiful and so glowing white, even at night, when the blooms come out in May. Snapped in half and gone. My husband is out raking and brushing off our other trees, trying to save them. You can hear trees falling and snapping all over town. It is just like the ice-storm we had a few years ago. Terrible and we keep losing our electricity.

And here I am trying to watch Halloween specials and get festive. Impossible. Sunday will be all about snowblowing, shoveling and cutting branches down. What a terrible mess New England is in right now. Praying we don't lose our maple trees, which are basically my soul.



Well-known member
Usually I am a very cheerful person, but right now I just want to cry. We are having a severe snowstorm, with winds and heavy snow in the Northeast. This is insane as you can't even get in a Halloween mode and fall never really came. We had summer, rain and now winter. And we have lost at least one of our Bradford Pears. It was towering and beautiful and so glowing white, even at night, when the blooms come out in May. Snapped in half and gone. My husband is out raking and brushing off our other trees, trying to save them. You can hear trees falling and snapping all over town. It is just like the ice-storm we had a few years ago. Terrible and we keep losing our electricity.

And here I am trying to watch Halloween specials and get festive. Impossible. Sunday will be all about snowblowing, shoveling and cutting branches down. What a terrible mess New England is in right now. Praying we don't lose our maple trees, which are basically my soul.

i'm sorry about your Pear tree Debi :( that sucks. The weather these days is so crazy - things are changing so dramatically and I feel like the seasons are so messed up. Sorry your halloween has been wrecked by the snow :(


Well-known member

Thanks! It is a mess. We lost two Bradford Pears. We had an awful snowstorm that brought down thousands of trees and powerlines and we have been without electricity/heat since Saturday night. We may not get it back for 4 more days. 90% of our town is without power. Halloween has been cancelled because they do not want kids running around in the dark and touching live wires and getting electricuted. We are presently staying with my parents who have heat and electricity and warm food! But I miss my home. I want to buy a generator because we keep getting horrible storms like this and winter hasn't even begun. It is literally devastating in some places. Trees that smashed down on cars, trees that fell on people, a generator that didn't work right, fires, heart attacks, etc. We received about a foot of snow and some have 3 feet. This is unheard of for October in New England.

My back is worse, but I have my priorites right. We went to the house earlier to check on things. I washed my hair, my face, put makeup on, redid my nails. lol All the little rituals that make life more normal. No one is in a very festive mood right now. I just want to go home to what is most familiar to me and my firm bed! My parents sofas, chairs and mattresses are waaaay too soft and squishy!!


Specktra Bestie
Very sorry to hear about the damage from the storm, Debi. It seems especially unfair coming as it does on the heels of being viciously attacked by nail polish. I do hope that you're back at home and that things are gradually settling back to normal. Thinking positive thoughts for you.

Out of curiosity, have any of you ladies tried anything from Bite Cosmetics? Being a huge fan of both makeup and wine, this seems like a line made for me. I've seen some swatches and reviews on line, but I'd be curious to hear more. They're available through Sephora, although I don't remember seeing them the last time I was out there. Then again, I only heard of them later, so it might not have clicked.


Well-known member
Very sorry to hear about the damage from the storm, Debi. It seems especially unfair coming as it does on the heels of being viciously attacked by nail polish. I do hope that you're back at home and that things are gradually settling back to normal. Thinking positive thoughts for you.

Out of curiosity, have any of you ladies tried anything from Bite Cosmetics? Being a huge fan of both makeup and wine, this seems like a line made for me. I've seen some swatches and reviews on line, but I'd be curious to hear more. They're available through Sephora, although I don't remember seeing them the last time I was out there. Then again, I only heard of them later, so it might not have clicked.
I haven't heard of this brand but shall go and have a nosey!

And sorry that things haven't improved Debi - especially your back. Are you able to go to a special massage place where they can do something for you? I forget the name but they are massage people that deal with injuries and such.


Specktra Bestie
Here's the link for Bite at Sephora:


Well-known member
I eat more when I have worn Bite... I love their matte lip pencils and the lip rouge in the pan.. sweet. lovely brand and well priced!

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