To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happened?


Well-known member
Hey everyone! This thread is aimed at MUAs and... pretty much everyone on Specktra for that matter :p I'm just looking for some funny/gross stories that you have experienced either during your shopping experience or while working...?
I read in one thread a MUA complain about how people used the testers, what exactly do people do?
This is interesting because it will make us all question our tester use next time we're shopping


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

One thing that leaves me perplexed is a customer who doesn't want the lipstick (or any other tester for that matter) cleaned. I just don't understand why not?!


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

I hate when women (or men for that matter) will wipe their dirty greasy fingers across powders and creams and wonder why I am freaking out at them. Grrr.


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

people take the qtips and clean their ears right there at the counter.

hello!?!? that's what you're supposed to do in your own home, not out in public at a makeup counter!


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

One of the only beauty related items we sell where I work are lipbalms. We had a display with about 6 fragrances and each one had a tester. Now I've always hated the idea of having testers for lip balms but I figured if people want to use it then it's their own business..

Well one day this junkie girl comes in (shes a bit of a regular) and shes chatting away to me in front of the lip balm display. She notices them and exclaims "You got new stuff," before opening one up, putting as many fingers as she could get in, grabbing a big wad and wiping it ALL over her face like it was moisturizer. She put her fingers in again wiped some on her mouth the 2nd time. She was covered in visible sweat and just plain dirty.. The thought of some poor person coming along after that and using that tester just made me feel sick. So I got rid of all of the testers and when people ask why we don't have any I sometimes tell them the story hehe


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

When I was 12-13ish my friend did my "makeup" and used gel pens on my lids. <.<


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Originally Posted by erine1881
people take the qtips and clean their ears right there at the counter.

hello!?!? that's what you're supposed to do in your own home, not out in public at a makeup counter!

but you failed to mention that the person who does this can never seem to find the trashcan they must leave the nasty used qtips around the counter.


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Originally Posted by calbear
but you failed to mention that the person who does this can never seem to find the trashcan they must leave the nasty used qtips around the counter.

that i did!

Corvs Queen

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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I saw a dude pop a zit in front of one of the mirrors at a MAC counter.

That's sooooooooooooooo gross!!!


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

I had someone try to hand me a dirty diaper once...then try to throw it away in one of our bins. I politely directed her to the ladies room. Nobody wants to smell poop while they shop for makeup, or anytime for that matter.


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

I don;t work for mac, but i did work in retail for years.

I once got back shorts (as a return) and noticed a blood stain in the crotch afterwards.
Found a used pad in a changing room.
Someone's dog pooped on the store floor, and they ran away.

The mother of all gross out stories comes form my best friend. She used to work at a childrens clothing store (La Senza Girl) A little girl... 6ish was trying on a bathing suit. Apparently she kept telling her dad she had to go to the bathroom, but he said "we'll go in a min. try it on while we're here." After a few mins, he runs out of the changing room draging his daughter behind him and goes "It didn't fit! Thank you!" throwing the bathing suit at my friend and her co-worker. The little girl pooped in the bathing suit. GROOSSSSS.


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Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

My friend worked at a tanning salon and she said people peed in the trash cans all the time and once a lady pooped in the bed. EWW


Well-known member
Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Originally Posted by Hilly
My friend worked at a tanning salon and she said people peed in the trash cans all the time and once a lady pooped in the bed. EWW


LOL you guys are cracking me up!


Well-known member
Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Originally Posted by Hilly
My friend worked at a tanning salon and she said people peed in the trash cans all the time and once a lady pooped in the bed. EWW

What are people thinking??? It's obvious they are going to know who was in that bed last. Were these people banned??? Gosh I hope soo!!!


Well-known member
Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

OMG!!! I am laughing and disgusted all at once. My dad works a job where he travels around to different retail locations. He was in Sears once and said that everyone kept complaining about the smell by one of the clothing racks. One of the sales people went to investigate and found that someone had used the bathroom in the middle of one of the round clothes racks. Apparently, it was some customers who didn't know English and since they couldn't as where the washroom was they instructed their child to use the bathroom there. UGH!! Come on!!


Well-known member
Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Well, this isn't makeup related, but I worked in the hotel business for over 10 years so I could fill this thread completely with stories, but here are 2 of the worst:

One of the housekeepers came to me to tell me she had a room where the mattress needed to be thrown out. When I went to the room to see what the deal was, it looked like someone had sacrificed a virgin on the bed. There was blood everywhere. The room was a shambles and when we tried to find out who had the room, it turned out they paid cash and the desk clerk forgot to get a copy of their ID!!!! Needless to say we threw out the mattress, box springs, pillows, comforter and sheets that had been on the bed. EWWW!!

I was working at a different hotel during Hurricane Katrina and we had almost 90% evacuees. Several of them refused housekeeping service daily... and were there from August 05-April 06!!!! That meant that no one had cleaned those rooms for 8 MONTHS and when they finally did leave, the rooms had to be blocked off for deep cleaning. We couldn't force them to have their room cleaned (FEMA rules and guest privacy, etc.) Grungy toilets, stains in the carpet, etc. The few that had pets let their dogs just crap wherever and some of them didn't bother to clean it up!! We found dirty tampons, pads, condoms, food, crap, wrappers, etc ALL OVER THE PLACE and stuck into the carpet, under the beds and in dresser drawers!!!

FYI-- I quit the hotel business about 2 years ago and couldn't be happier. And yes, those Dateline specials you see about hotels are true!!!


Well-known member
Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

something nasty I saw at mac once....

It was early after they opened and I was the only person in the store. about 10 minutes later this girl walks in with who im guessing are her friends and they were looking at the antiquates (sp? I cant spell that off the top of my head, im slow today) mineralized shadows from last holiday.

The girl had a cold and sneezed right on the display and then they left.

I went to go check out the shadows myself and tell the MA on duty what had happen so she could sanitize the display properly. I thought the girl had just sneezed but no ...

she left a big ass wad of green SNOT right on one of the open shadows!