Well-known member
- the squat-n-spray
- hand cream as face cream
- taking entire boxes of tissues out of the metal covers and stuffing it down their shirts
- trying to jam a tray of testers into their bra/handbag
- using the q-tips to clean their ears and trying to hide them in the hotspots/displays/stands
- sneezing into a bottle of body lotion
- asking me to wipe their son's nose
- projectile vomiting into our trash can, then being convinced that their glasses fell into the pool of vomit and demanding our lovely cleaner go down to the rubbish bays, find their vomit-laden bag and fish around for their glasses (protip: they were in her handbag the entire time)
- masturbating in store
- hand cream as face cream
- taking entire boxes of tissues out of the metal covers and stuffing it down their shirts
- trying to jam a tray of testers into their bra/handbag
- using the q-tips to clean their ears and trying to hide them in the hotspots/displays/stands
- sneezing into a bottle of body lotion
- asking me to wipe their son's nose
- projectile vomiting into our trash can, then being convinced that their glasses fell into the pool of vomit and demanding our lovely cleaner go down to the rubbish bays, find their vomit-laden bag and fish around for their glasses (protip: they were in her handbag the entire time)
- masturbating in store