To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by highonmac
oohhhh that is soooo hawt. I would love to know. Gingerly is sort of like that on me, maybe you should give eversun a try! Sorry to ask again, but do you think casino would be best on my skin or laguna. Loved that swatches nunu but you look much lighter lol. I do not know if its the lighting, or maybe its my mistake

I think both of them will work for you. I read somewhere that casino and laguna are pretty much the same except for the undertones , laguna is more yellow-toned while casino is more- red toned. Take a look at this:

(not my picture)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by highonmac
oohhhh that is soooo hawt. I would love to know. Gingerly is sort of like that on me, maybe you should give eversun a try! Sorry to ask again, but do you think casino would be best on my skin or laguna. Loved that swatches nunu but you look much lighter lol. I do not know if its the lighting, or maybe its my mistake

I'm nc43, lighting and flash make me look paler


Well-known member
highonmac - I prefer Mac Bronzers like Refined Golden (this one has some glitter but still wearable) and Solar Riche. You should check those out and they have it out with Style Warriors right now. Many don't prefer Laguna/Casino since it looks muddy on their skin.


Well-known member
Zerin - I have solar riche from neo si fi and i am wearing it loooks nice is refined golden and solar riche significantly diffrent?


Well-known member
BTW did you happen to pick up anything from the collection? and also there is a nars event on june5-6 at the holts in yorkdale where you get to do your makeup for free and gift with purchases!


Well-known member
I think Solar Riche isnt as glittery as Refined Golden...I guess you should stick to Solar Riche since not many people like all the glitter.

I didn't pick up anything from the collection at all. I never got the chance to go to a mall either. After seeing reviews and swatches...I'm undecided what to I have many similar shades in my collection too. Also, there will be a Mac Warehouse Sale June 5,6,7 at the Markham Fairgrounds and I'm trying to see if a friend can hook me up with a ticket. I know some people try to sell it on kijiji/craigslist but it's scary since you never know if it's a fake ticket but ppl still risk it. So I might spend my SW fund at the sale instead lol...


Well-known member
Oh snap! I have to go to that. My birthday is on the 5th
so il drag my bf and tell him to take me that friday!


Well-known member
That Kim K pic looks like MAC Peaches or Nars Gina blusher...
refined Golden looks quite orangey too... so maybe that?

I was told Solar Riche is the bronzer for warmer skintones (us, then!)

I am selling my Laguna bronzer (used twice) so if anyone wants it pm me! Also selling Sertao blusher and Riviera multiple.


Well-known member
Oh and Nunu... yep I'm looking forward to bumping up to a NC42 this summer and rocking the bronzed look. I think I'm gonna store away my plum and pinkie blushers.


Highonmac- did you manage to get a ticket for the warehouse sale? ... let me know if you didn't get a hold of one kay


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rupa27
Highonmac- did you manage to get a ticket for the warehouse sale? ... let me know if you didn't get a hold of one kay

i haven't
I would loooooove to go but i am not sure if i can since friday and sat is my birthday and birthday partiiie and sun...i won't get anything nice. BUUT i will tell you if I do want! THANKS RUPA


Active member
WOWW! im soo ecstatic to find a wholee bunch of desis here! I thought i was only lunatic desi makeup addict!!
im so happy! and now you girls can help me out
im recently turning into a blush whoreee but im finding it hard to find a blush that works for me. I'm around NC 35-40 and veeery yellow with kinda rosy cheeks. i've noticed that I can't really pull off bronzers ...or maybe im looking at the wrong ones?! I bought NARS torrid the other day and its VERY red on me. i don't know why but it kinda highlighted my acne so i gave it away. I've noticed that i can pull off pinks and berries better. i can't do a bronzy look. what d you girls reccomend as a pinky/peachy/raspberrish blushh?? also, is there anyone around the same skin as mine who has actually bin able to find a good bronzer and looked good in it?? thankss girls for helping a fellow newbie addict outt


Active member
Originally Posted by zerin
I think Solar Riche isnt as glittery as Refined Golden...I guess you should stick to Solar Riche since not many people like all the glitter.

I didn't pick up anything from the collection at all. I never got the chance to go to a mall either. After seeing reviews and swatches...I'm undecided what to I have many similar shades in my collection too. Also, there will be a Mac Warehouse Sale June 5,6,7 at the Markham Fairgrounds and I'm trying to see if a friend can hook me up with a ticket. I know some people try to sell it on kijiji/craigslist but it's scary since you never know if it's a fake ticket but ppl still risk it. So I might spend my SW fund at the sale instead lol...

WE HAVE MAC SALES IN TORONTO?! omg! why didnt i know about this?! how do you get tickets?! :O


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *neerja*
WOWW! im soo ecstatic to find a wholee bunch of desis here! I thought i was only lunatic desi makeup addict!!
im so happy! and now you girls can help me out
im recently turning into a blush whoreee but im finding it hard to find a blush that works for me. I'm around NC 35-40 and veeery yellow with kinda rosy cheeks. i've noticed that I can't really pull off bronzers ...or maybe im looking at the wrong ones?! I bought NARS torrid the other day and its VERY red on me. i don't know why but it kinda highlighted my acne so i gave it away. I've noticed that i can pull off pinks and berries better. i can't do a bronzy look. what d you girls reccomend as a pinky/peachy/raspberrish blushh?? also, is there anyone around the same skin as mine who has actually bin able to find a good bronzer and looked good in it?? thankss girls for helping a fellow newbie addict outt

Hello and welcome to this thread.
Have you read the whole thread? DirtyPlum posted twice some great blush reccomendation for out skintone.
Also you can search the recommendations section on the forum. Just type nc35 blushes and you wold get some great recommendation.


Well-known member
Hi Welcome
Yup toronto has the warehouse sale. OMG if I go guys, how many of you will i see there !?! I will secretly keep an eye out for you.


Well-known member
rupa27 - omg how dumb am I. I just realized that i did a swap with you earlier and how we were talking about the toronto warehouse sale, and and how you were gonna hook me up with tickets lol! OMG Only know am i realizing this. I wondered how you knew i couldn't get a hold of tickets lol.


Active member
Originally Posted by highonmac
Hi Welcome
Yup toronto has the warehouse sale. OMG if I go guys, how many of you will i see there !?! I will secretly keep an eye out for you.

lol im so surprised at how many desi makeup addicts i've come across now. for all we know, we might just have bumped into each other at a mac store/sephora or we might just be goin to the same school or whatnot
i really hope i go to the warehouse sale ...if i figure out how to get there first!


highonmac - lol yea i remembered that you couldn't go to the last one and wanted tix. ... yeah omg I wonder how many of us are going... im going on sat so look out of me if your there

Neerja- the best/easiest way is to ask any mac/clinique/estee lauder sales people for an invite. This way at least you know the tix are legit.


Well-known member
Reposting this for new members:

Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
I'm South Asian too, thanks for posting the thread!

I'm an NC40-42 and would second what Shabdebaz has said about Spirit and VG5 ...and also Blacktrack and Smolder...

The mineralize skinfinishes Light Flush and Warmed are a must have and Love Nectar gloss is beautiful!!

Here are some other recs:

nudes - viva glam 2,Hug Me, Cherish, Jubilee, spirit, hlaf n half, sparks can fly, kinda sexy
pink - feel so fine, creme de la femme, sweetie, lovelorn, intimate
plum/purple ish - up the amp, plumful, syrup, craving, budding lust
red/coral - profusion, vegas volt, russian red, viva glam 1
browny pinks - fast play, twig

nudes - Viva glam V, VI, lust, bare truth
peachy/golden - love nectar, big baby, pink lemonade
coral - lychee luxe (LOVE IT)
pinks - perfectly pink, full on lust, pink poodle, ample pink (a must)

Breath of plum, plum foolery, margin, prism, harmony, dame, honour, peachykeen, fleur power... i could go on!!

Do any of you actually work for MAC? I do...

Thank you DirtPlum for these great recommendations.


Well-known member
^^My pleasure:

Just to breakdown that blusher desi recs list n add some - here are my musthaves:

Pinks - Dame, Dollymix, Fleur Power, Cubic
Peach - Peaches, Cantaloupe, Refined Golden bronzer, Sunbasque, Style, Peachykeen
Plums- Breath of Plum, Plum Foolery, Coygirl, Gentle, Dirty Plum
Beige/Bronze - Warm Soul, Blushbaby, Harmony, Prism, Margin, Trace Gold,

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