To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member

How similar is Pollinator (Naked Honey) and Paradisco?

Which do you think is more flattering on us?

Thank you


Well-known member
Does anyone know what kind of cosmetic brands they have in sephora in dubai? (im going there in July , yaaayy)


Well-known member
^Stila, Urban Decay, Nars, Too Faced, Cargo, Bobbi Brown and some high end brands like Chanel, Christian Dior etc.
I'm not sure if they have a MUFE though.


Well-known member
nunu I got Laguna! All thanks to you! Haven't had a chance to fully play around with it. I also purchased luster blush


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
^^Thanks alot Nunu! That was really helpful!
Okay , I need some help! I cannot decide wether I should get coppertone peaches or gingerly blush.. I really want to achieve this look:

I just bought nars luster blush and i swear that is exactly how it looks on me. Luster is soooooooo gorg!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by highonmac
nunu I got Laguna! All thanks to you! Haven't had a chance to fully play around with it. I also purchased luster blush

I hope you like it!! I've heard good things about Luster


Well-known member
hey ppl! iv been away for so long and missed so much !! but iv catched up now

is there anything which is a must buy from the STYLE WARRIORS collection?

also, iv got a big problem, i cant seem to work out what face shape i am!! i am thinking long, but i get told sometimes that i am wrong!! i really would like to specify what face shape i am so that iknow what contour and highlight technique to use, to bring out the best in my face...

whats the defining properties of a long face?


Well-known member
Hey Everyone! I'm back too. lol It's been a while I've been busy with school and then got a lil sick but now I'm betta!

I hope this can help you out Shaista1985.
So for style warriors..I initially had planned on getting 3 items.

Brave New Bronze lipstick, Bright Future (yellow e/s) and Purple Rite Lipstick

I ended up getting Purple Rite lipstick. I find it unique and I don't have anything similar to it. Brave New Bronze looks similar to my other nude lippies so I passed it. As for Bright Future eyeshadow, I wasn't impressed by the colour pay off so I decided I'll just get Bright Sunshine pro pan from the pro store later on if I ever want a decent vibrant yellow shade.The solar bits look pretty cool too but are messy to work with. Impassioned is just gorgeous! I've noticed people just end up pressing them. As for Bronzers and blushes...I already have Refined Golden and Eversun blush. Both are great to have as well. So at the end...I think Purple Rite lipstick is the star of the Style Warriors.
I normally don't like frosty lipsticks but this one is a gorgeous lavender shade and lately, I've been DIGGIN lavender/purplish shades especially for LIPPIES! It started with Up the Amp, Lavender Whip, Fashion Mews and now Purple Rite!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
Does anyone know what kind of cosmetic brands they have in sephora in dubai? (im going there in July , yaaayy)

I think there are more than one sephora stores in dubai.. The one I went to did not have urban decay/too faced as I went particularly to find the primer potion. To add to nunu's list they have a pretty good stock of NARS and smashbox and also the sephora brand which is worth checking out.

If you want Urban Decay and MUFE check out the Bur Juman Mall.. Sorry but I cant remember the name of the store but its in the New part of the mall. The same mall has a MAC pro store but dont miss out on the MAC at dubai duty free. HTH!


Well-known member
Thanks a lot nunu and dopista!! Have any of you been to the outlet mall? mabye there is a cco there , hihi=P I don't really think so but.. =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
And also , do you know if you can you back2mac in dubai?

Yes you can B2M in any MAC store in Dubai but not at duty free. Sorry no CCO in Dubai! I suggest you buy your pro-items in the store and purchase your other stuff at duty free (especially brushes which are considerably cheaper at duty free).


Girls, I really need your advice...

Am about to get some NARS blushers and have my sights on (I already have Orgasam & Torrid):

~ Taos
~ Luster
~ Cactus Flower (cream)
~ Gueule de Nuit (cream)

but am torn between Dolce Vita and Outlaw... Appreciate if anyone can tell me which is better - DV or Outlaw? Any other recs on what I should get? I am MAC Studio Tech NC35 with warm undertones.

Thanks a bunch,


Oh! What about NARS Taj Mahal - anyone tried this?? The swatches look soooo gorgeous and I think it will show up really nice on our Indian skin


Active member
Originally Posted by srank
Girls, I really need your advice...

Am about to get some NARS blushers and have my sights on (I already have Orgasam & Torrid):

~ Taos
~ Luster
~ Cactus Flower (cream)
~ Gueule de Nuit (cream)

but am torn between Dolce Vita and Outlaw... Appreciate if anyone can tell me which is better - DV or Outlaw? Any other recs on what I should get? I am MAC Studio Tech NC35 with warm undertones.

Thanks a bunch,

I personally like Dolce Vita way more than Outlaw. DV is matte, Outlaw has some shimmer. Also, DV is a tad darker than Outlaw as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by srank
Girls, I really need your advice...

Am about to get some NARS blushers and have my sights on (I already have Orgasam & Torrid):

~ Taos
~ Luster
~ Cactus Flower (cream)
~ Gueule de Nuit (cream)

but am torn between Dolce Vita and Outlaw... Appreciate if anyone can tell me which is better - DV or Outlaw? Any other recs on what I should get? I am MAC Studio Tech NC35 with warm undertones.

Thanks a bunch,

my faves on your list. Luster is my new favourite and cactus flower is stunning. To answer your question about Dv and Outlaw, I personally LOVE Dolce Vita, and if you read any of my post o boast about it like crazy! Its a stunning dusty rose that looka gorg on desi skin! Trust me!
Oh you have some of


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shaista1985
hey ppl! iv been away for so long and missed so much !! but iv catched up now

is there anything which is a must buy from the STYLE WARRIORS collection?

also, iv got a big problem, i cant seem to work out what face shape i am!! i am thinking long, but i get told sometimes that i am wrong!! i really would like to specify what face shape i am so that iknow what contour and highlight technique to use, to bring out the best in my face...

whats the defining properties of a long face?

Welcome back guys. I agree with zerin, the purple rite lipstick is a definite must. I too had intention of buying the yellow shadow but if you mix goldmine and chrome yellow it looks exactly the same. I ended up getting two of the blushes because I didn't have eversun (which is a must have IMO) and on a mission which is like a matte version of stark naked kind of. I had to get because i am on a crazy blush craze.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by srank
Oh! What about NARS Taj Mahal - anyone tried this?? The swatches look soooo gorgeous and I think it will show up really nice on our Indian skin

When I decide on a blush I prefer to see it on someone's face rather than a swatch on their hand and found this blog written by a desi really useful. HTH!

NARS exhibit A
The Indian Make-up Diva: Furthering the Blush Review: NARS Exhibit A

NARS Taj mahal:
The Indian Make-up Diva: Second Powder Blush Installment: NARS Taj Mahal, Scary in the Pan, Perfect on the Cheek

NARS cactus flower
The Indian Make-up Diva: My All-Time Favourite Blush: Nars Cactus Flower

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