Hey Everyone! I'm back too. lol It's been a while I've been busy with school and then got a lil sick but now I'm betta!
I hope this can help you out
So for style warriors..I initially had planned on getting 3 items.
Brave New Bronze lipstick, Bright Future (yellow e/s) and Purple Rite Lipstick
I ended up getting Purple Rite lipstick. I find it unique and I don't have anything similar to it. Brave New Bronze looks similar to my other nude lippies so I passed it. As for Bright Future eyeshadow, I wasn't impressed by the colour pay off so I decided I'll just get Bright Sunshine pro pan from the pro store later on if I ever want a decent vibrant yellow shade.The solar bits look pretty cool too but are messy to work with. Impassioned is just gorgeous! I've noticed people just end up pressing them. As for Bronzers and blushes...I already have Refined Golden and Eversun blush. Both are great to have as well. So at the end...I think Purple Rite lipstick is the star of the Style Warriors.
I normally don't like frosty lipsticks but this one is a gorgeous lavender shade and lately, I've been DIGGIN lavender/purplish shades especially for LIPPIES! It started with Up the Amp, Lavender Whip, Fashion Mews and now Purple Rite!