To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Active member
Hi ladies! so i'm looking for my perfect neutral look for work since i started working everyday now and never cared about a neutral look for school or anything. i went to school looking like shit sometimes. but i definitely have to make myself look more classy and acceptable in the office lol. so i want to make a quad of neutrals with 4 eyeshadows that i will need in a neutral look for easy access and carrying around. so far the highlighterrs/neutrals/and browns i own are :

shroom: i actually kinda like it as an all over lid colour but it hardly shows. i just use it sometimes alone when im late for work.
nylon: too frosty/goldenish of a highlight for everyday work wear
shore leave/sable: i dono which one of these two it is. its from te sugarsweet collection and its a frosty pinkish highlight colour.

Tempting: i hate lustre
bronze - ummm not sure
woodwinked - i kinda like it. but i think its soo frosty/shimmery for work
embark - i use it to deepen crease but i dono it looks too red on me

let me know what you girls use in your neutral look and what 4 neutral eyeshadows i must have
thanks in advance! <3


Well-known member
I mostly use Satin Taupe, Signed Sealed (or Night Manoeuvres from the newStyle Warrior LE), Retrospeck and Phloof


Active member
satin taupe seems like a really popular colour. i HAVE to go buy it now. heard about it too much. do you use it as an all over lid colour or in the crease?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *neerja*
Hi ladies! so i'm looking for my perfect neutral look for work since i started working everyday now and never cared about a neutral look for school or anything. i went to school looking like shit sometimes. but i definitely have to make myself look more classy and acceptable in the office lol. so i want to make a quad of neutrals with 4 eyeshadows that i will need in a neutral look for easy access and carrying around. so far the highlighterrs/neutrals/and browns i own are :

shroom: i actually kinda like it as an all over lid colour but it hardly shows. i just use it sometimes alone when im late for work.
nylon: too frosty/goldenish of a highlight for everyday work wear
shore leave/sable: i dono which one of these two it is. its from te sugarsweet collection and its a frosty pinkish highlight colour.

Tempting: i hate lustre
bronze - ummm not sure
woodwinked - i kinda like it. but i think its soo frosty/shimmery for work
embark - i use it to deepen crease but i dono it looks too red on me

let me know what you girls use in your neutral look and what 4 neutral eyeshadows i must have
thanks in advance! <3

OK so based on the fact that you already have Shroom as a highlighter (and Nylon for the night-out highlighter) you have space in your quad for one all over lid colour and 3 crease colours.

Therefore I would recommend the following:

All-over lid options:
Amber Lights
All that Glitters
Ricepaper (better as a highlighter)
(Woodwinked, Tempting)

Crease options:
Satin Taupe
Silver Ring or Knight Divine
Deep Truth
Embark (not a fan personally)


Well-known member
DP! I was wondering..what l/l would you recc for using with Chatterbox? I haven't worn it yet coz I feel its a little light on my NC 43 skin..In that family I already have Cranapple, Beurre and Magenta. please help, its such a prettty color!


Active member
to all the ladies in toronto ..I finally managed to get some mac warehouse sale tickets! i can't waitt!!
i will definately be grabbing a lot of what you suggested earlier! there's a girl i got in touch with who is selling two more tickets in vaughan mills tomorrow, let me know if you want her contact details!
hope you girls are able to get your tickets too!


Well-known member
Dearest Dirty Plum,

Do you happen to have a mini-me version of yourself that I can carry in my purse when I go MAC shopping?



Originally Posted by *neerja*
Hi ladies! so i'm looking for my perfect neutral look for work since i started working everyday now and never cared about a neutral look for school or anything. i went to school looking like shit sometimes. but i definitely have to make myself look more classy and acceptable in the office lol. so i want to make a quad of neutrals with 4 eyeshadows that i will need in a neutral look for easy access and carrying around. so far the highlighterrs/neutrals/and browns i own are :

shroom: i actually kinda like it as an all over lid colour but it hardly shows. i just use it sometimes alone when im late for work.
nylon: too frosty/goldenish of a highlight for everyday work wear
shore leave/sable: i dono which one of these two it is. its from te sugarsweet collection and its a frosty pinkish highlight colour.

Tempting: i hate lustre
bronze - ummm not sure
woodwinked - i kinda like it. but i think its soo frosty/shimmery for work
embark - i use it to deepen crease but i dono it looks too red on me

let me know what you girls use in your neutral look and what 4 neutral eyeshadows i must have
thanks in advance! <3

Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
OK so based on the fact that you already have Shroom as a highlighter (and Nylon for the night-out highlighter) you have space in your quad for one all over lid colour and 3 crease colours.

Therefore I would recommend the following:

All-over lid options:
Amber Lights
All that Glitters
Ricepaper (better as a highlighter)
(Woodwinked, Tempting)

Crease options:
Satin Taupe
Silver Ring or Knight Divine
Deep Truth
Embark (not a fan personally)

Those are basically all the best recommendations

Dirty plum- I
Sable for our skintone+brown eye color! It's an amazingly versatile color.

I know you already have plenty of highlight colors - but might I recommend checkin out Femme-Fi too? I was looking for the perfect highlight & although many stand by Ricepaper as the NC holy grail - personally, it felt too obviously yellow'ish for me(please dont stone me for the blasphemy, lol). I think I might jes have to go buy my first back up of Femme-Fi from my cco since I dunno when it'll come around again. - plus its a veluxe pearl so not as frosty a finish as Ricepaper. Jes my 0.02



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
DP! I was wondering..what l/l would you recc for using with Chatterbox? I haven't worn it yet coz I feel its a little light on my NC 43 skin..In that family I already have Cranapple, Beurre and Magenta. please help, its such a prettty color!

Hey lovely!

Aww, don’t be scared of Chatterbox... lipliner with this colour is kinda tricky because its such a creamy opaque colour. I would suggest either Dervish or Cranapple. But I would recommend applying the liner first and then layering the lipstick colour on top of the liner so its not visible. This will mean you don’t have the Ghetto Lip look (dark rim of liner with light colour lipstick inside) LOL.

Or try Pink Treat/Magenta if you want to darken it and add some depth to the lipstick so it doesn’t look as bright. So again, liner all over lips, then lipstick and then bit more liner round lipline, blended down into lippie so you get a nice graduation.

Also, try putting Chatterbox on top of more nuder lip to get a softer look.

Another important thing is to ensure you balance out the bright lip with something on the cheeks. Don't go bubblegum pink on cheeks too, thats a bit overkill – try something with a bit more depth like Breath of Plum which is sheertone so a bit softer but still a darker pink. Line your eyes with Feline or Graphblack and rock n roll

...and share pics with us?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Ziya, where have you been hidding? LOL
Haven't seen you around in ages.

HEYYYY! I know
I've missed you guys..I had a brief computer glitch and exams and crazyness with work. Basically, I'd be on here like FIVE minutes a day, look at some FOTD's quickly then hop right off
it was terrible! But hopefully, I am back with a vengeance!
Dirtyyyyy! your suggestions are gold...thank you soooo much! I definitely will try Pink Treat...I find cranapple is like adding hot pink to neon pink lmao
Thanks sooo much!
So jealous of the T-dot girls! Have fun at the Wharehouse sale ladies!


Active member
Originally Posted by TDelicate
Those are basically all the best recommendations

Dirty plum- I
Sable for our skintone+brown eye color! It's an amazingly versatile color.

I know you already have plenty of highlight colors - but might I recommend checkin out Femme-Fi too? I was looking for the perfect highlight & although many stand by Ricepaper as the NC holy grail - personally, it felt too obviously yellow'ish for me(please dont stone me for the blasphemy, lol). I think I might jes have to go buy my first back up of Femme-Fi from my cco since I dunno when it'll come around again. - plus its a veluxe pearl so not as frosty a finish as Ricepaper. Jes my 0.02


ohhh thanks for the reccommendation TDelicate! i personally hate frosty highlight colours for the daytime. and i looove the veluxe peearl formula! i didnt hear much about femme-fi except that temptalia always uses it as her highlight but i thought maybe it wudnt suit my skintone but now its definately on my list of things to get at the sale!

Originally Posted by Ziya
So jealous of the T-dot girls! Have fun at the Wharehouse sale ladies!

Awww don't be jealous ziya !! if you're in the states, then we have to be the ones jealous of YOU guys cuz you have nordstroms, CCO and macy's etc ..we have none of that here!! i always wished that we wud get mac for discount too and secretly hated you guys and your CCO haha!


Well-known member
I was hoping you ladies could help me choose mac e/s to fill a 15 pro palette.. I want to start off with easy to wear colours and love VPs.

My list so far that I think would look good on an nc 42
1 highlight - ricepaper/phloof
golds & bronzes - goldmine, amberlights, coppering, bronze
browns - woodwinked, mulch
greens - humid, sumptous olive
silver, black and darker colours - silverthorn, black tied, carbon, knight divine, club
purples - stars and rockets (if I can get my hands on it or vibrant grape), star violet

And.. a quad of blues? Does the list sound good? Am I missing anything/including similar colours? Thanks!


Well-known member
dopista- In terms of blues, you should ad freshwater and contrast. I think you need nocturnelle as a purple and parfait amour. I think you need some nice matte browns like embark, swiss chocolate, and cork or wedge. Crystal avalanche is a nice alternative white with shimmer.


Active member
Hi dopista,

I did a pallete a few months ago and this is what I have:

highlight - naked lunch, ricepaper
golds & bronzes - goldmine, amberlights
browns - woodwinked, embark
greens - humid, juxt, aquadisiac, mink & sable
silver, black and darker colours - electra, carbon, knight divine
purples - star violet, satellite dreams
pinks - expensive pink
Blues- freshwater, deep truth

I'm looking into buying:

Vex, Arena, Satin Taupe, all that glitters, twinks, sketch, bronze, cranberry, sushi flower, tempting

I'm really looking for an all over lid color that is close to my skintone and so far MUA has recommended Arena as she said the orange will cancel out that blue undertones in the dark area.

What do you guys think?????


Well-known member
Gliterrati - I actually really like arena, its quite nice, in terms of an all over colour i am not quite sure. I too would like to hear requests from this.


Well-known member
I usually steer clear of pastels (NC 43 skin) they look terrible on me..but I am sure you can make them work for you!
I just wouldn't for me...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *neerja*
satin taupe seems like a really popular colour. i HAVE to go buy it now. heard about it too much. do you use it as an all over lid colour or in the crease?

Both! You can do really beautiful brown smokey eyes with it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dopista
I was hoping you ladies could help me choose mac e/s to fill a 15 pro palette.. I want to start off with easy to wear colours and love VPs.

My list so far that I think would look good on an nc 42
1 highlight - ricepaper/phloof
golds & bronzes - goldmine, amberlights, coppering, bronze
browns - woodwinked, mulch
greens - humid, sumptous olive
silver, black and darker colours - silverthorn, black tied, carbon, knight divine, club
purples - stars and rockets (if I can get my hands on it or vibrant grape), star violet

And.. a quad of blues? Does the list sound good? Am I missing anything/including similar colours? Thanks!

A blue quad:
Deep Truth, Freshwater, Moon's reflection or Shimmermos and a highlight with blue flects like (Vellum). Prussian is a lovely colour as well.

Purples which i love:
Fig1, Satelite dreams, Sketch, Cranberry and Hepcat.

For the highlight; definately go with Ricepaper.

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