To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Sonali & Highonmac - Thanks for the rec. Will go with Dolce Vita.

Dopista - Thank u for the links. Taj M really looks gorgeous on her.


Well-known member
I think Porcalin pink would be too light on me. I just looked at the swatches of it and it doesn't really show up. So i guess i'll be going for Cheeky Bronze.


Active member
yes it is. I've seen swatches of Porcelain pink on the really really light girls too, and its like a very subtle highlight for them . i have my eyes on cheeky bronze for sure! when i saw the swatches, it looks like its more smoother than the rest. gorgeous colour! and im also thinking about smooth merge and triple fusion *-) after i look at some more swatches. we havnt seen many pics of the blushes yet. i really wanna see "Style demon" sounds very interesting. and I think i want the fab-dabuulous blush. from the lipsticks, im interested in Trimming Talk. its a bright fuscia and cuz i just got into mac, i don't really own any bright fuscias. are the shadows interesting you girls? i have never bought a mineralized eyeshadow before. are they the same quality as the other shadows? and are they really shimmery and frosty?


Well-known member
I've been literally drooling over the latest Colour Craft collection pics that were posted on

Temptalia has some other pics from the collection as well.
MAC Colour Craft - Sneak Peek Images

So I guess Porcelain pink msf will be light but I'm actually looking for a light pinkish highlight for me. I didn't like petticoat on me much. So far I'm liking Porcelain Pink, Cheeky Bronze, Triple Fusion and Smooth Merge. I heard two of the MSFs are similar to Redhead and Blonde MSF. I wont be getting the one that looks like Redhead since I have that one already. The other dark golden ones look more of a bronzer so not really into those right now. lol

I'm also ANXIOUS to see the new blushes...cuz I'm such a blush whore lol....I can't get enough of them. From the swatches I'm getting Improvise for sure and maybe Daft Pink or Hand-finish or Fad-dabulous... I have enough golden kinda blushes so I won't get Cheek and Cheerful...even though it looks like a gorgeous shade too. WOW! lol obviously I can't get them gotta budget now!

I'm definitely getting that purple lipgloss...cuz I'm DIGGIN' lavender shades these days...LOVE EM! I'm also eyeing Trimming Talk, Color Crafted and Made with love lipsticks as well...I wonder how those will look on ppl of our skintone. Hopefully...I'll just pick one of them.

As for mineralized eyeshadows...I won't be getting any unless it's at some sale lol...but yeh I'm not too much of a fan of mineralized eyeshadows. Some shades are unique to me Two To Glow and Fresh Green Mix MES (from old collections). For now..I'm happy building my normal Mac pan eyeshadow collection and they work just fine.

Man...I can't wait for this collection and I think it will be my favourite of the year!!!!!



Well-known member
highonmac - OMG! I swatched Nars Luster Blush today and it's GORGEOUS! I'm gonna try to get it soon. It's such a pretty peachy-golden-bronzy colour. Great recommendation highonmac.


Well-known member
Nunu or Dopista , does anyone of you guys know how many days after the us launch the different collections from MAC usually arrive in Dubai / the middle east?


Well-known member
by the way , do you guys know if there is a good dupe for other worldy blush in the color craft collection?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
Nunu or Dopista , does anyone of you guys know how many days after the us launch the different collections from MAC usually arrive in Dubai / the middle east?

There's an event in the MAC store in Mercato Mall for Style Warriors on the 17th of June.

It takes up to 3 weeks or 1 month to get collections here


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
highonmac - OMG! I swatched Nars Luster Blush today and it's GORGEOUS! I'm gonna try to get it soon. It's such a pretty peachy-golden-bronzy colour. Great recommendation highonmac.

YAY! BTW I saw your Mac Warehouse Sale Haul, and OMG I am sooooo jealous. Talk about deals! I am so mad I couldn't go but I will for sures go in Septembter. I really wanted gladiola now because of you insane ammount of raves. I don't want to buy off ebay though but maybe i can get it in a swap. We will see
Also, thanks for the little mention on your blog, you brought me subscribers


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
There's an event in the MAC store in Mercato Mall for Style Warriors on the 17th of June.

It takes up to 3 weeks or 1 month to get collections here

noo =( That means Im probably not gonna be able to get the color craft collection from there.. since I im leaving the 18th and gonna be back 2.august =( Ah well.. Thanks!


Well-known member
lol...yeh it was my first time going! I wanna go again now! lol I wouldve loved to go on the Friday when they had everything like the MSFs and the traincase so it would have been worth it even more. Well...there's always next time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
lol...yeh it was my first time going! I wanna go again now! lol I wouldve loved to go on the Friday when they had everything like the MSFs and the traincase so it would have been worth it even more. Well...there's always next time.

I absolutely love your blog! I'm always on it, lol.
Loved your haul as well and i'm sorry you couldn't go earlier
I hope you get to go earlier next time!

Oh and please do a tut for the spiced chocolate look you looked absolutely gorgeous!! And i love your new fotd!


SW is going to be released this week and i feel that i don't want a lot of things. maybe just a lipglass and the lustre drops in Sun Rush but my problem is the gorgeous packaging!!


Well-known member
I went to MAC on thursday and picked up Buzz from NH and Eversun from SW..absolutely gorgeus! I think I'm going to go back for She's a star and Queen bee..
She's a star is almost exactly like instant gold lustreglass, (which I'm running out of lool) plus I like the moisturizing and long lastingness of lipglass better

queen bee is the perfect golden/coral/tangerine color for summer..I wonder how close this is to Pink Grapefruit though?
Also, thanks for the reccs ladies! I ended up with my first DGs!! Love Alert and Steppin Out are just amazing


Well-known member
nunu -'re too sweet. Yeh....I've been real lazy with those To be honest you can pass on the lustre're just over paying for shimmery liquid
I think we're better off with msfs. Don't buy it and save up for Colour Craft!!! lol You can get a lippie from SW...that's cool!

Ziya - Awesome haul gurlie! I'm thinking of getting Queen Bee too.
Everything else looks too boring from that collection. I was dissapointed by the highlighters as well...I dont know why they even call it highlighters when it's literally powdery like MSFN. :S Hardly any shimmer at all! It's all good though....we have ColourCraft coming up!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
I went to MAC on thursday and picked up Buzz from NH and Eversun from SW..absolutely gorgeus! I think I'm going to go back for She's a star and Queen bee..
She's a star is almost exactly like instant gold lustreglass, (which I'm running out of lool) plus I like the moisturizing and long lastingness of lipglass better

queen bee is the perfect golden/coral/tangerine color for summer..I wonder how close this is to Pink Grapefruit though?
Also, thanks for the reccs ladies! I ended up with my first DGs!! Love Alert and Steppin Out are just amazing

Hey girl, hey!

How do you like Buzz? The only think i'm looking forward to in NK is the lipglasses! I have she gold from Dress Camp and never used it so i don't know if i should get the golden one. But i am lemming the other 2 especially Queen Bee!

Eversun is beautiful! I don't know why i skipped it when it first came round. Atleast you got it in the pretty packaging! I got mine in the Bronze travel kit.
I don't know why i was against getting it from SW!

Funtabulous is a pretty Dazzlglass as well!! I got it this time round!

Originally Posted by zerin
nunu -'re too sweet. Yeh....I've been real lazy with those To be honest you can pass on the lustre're just over paying for shimmery liquid
I think we're better off with msfs. Don't buy it and save up for Colour Craft!!! lol You can get a lippie from SW...that's cool!

Hmmm, maybe i should skip the lustre drops because i don't have a liquid foundation anyway to miz it with (i use studio tech)

My original list for SW was:
Purple rite and Brave new bronze lipsticks
Gold Rebel and Fierce & Fabulos lipglasses
Vibrant Grape and tempting es.
On a mission BPB
Mercenary nail polish
sun rush lustre drops.

Now it's gone down to the lipglosses only lol..Do you have Vibrant Grape?

Originally Posted by zerin
Ziya - Awesome haul gurlie! I'm thinking of getting Queen Bee too.
Everything else looks too boring from that collection. I was dissapointed by the highlighters as well...I dont know why they even call it highlighters when it's literally powdery like MSFN. :S Hardly any shimmer at all! It's all good though....we have ColourCraft coming up!

I'm looking forward to Colour Craft as well!!


Active member
Originally Posted by zerin
lol...yeh it was my first time going! I wanna go again now! lol I wouldve loved to go on the Friday when they had everything like the MSFs and the traincase so it would have been worth it even more. Well...there's always next time.

Zerin it was my first time going too! and i went on fridayy!! you'd be surprised that a lot off MSFs were already sold out by 5 o'clock on friday. i remember petticoat being one of them for suree. some blushes were sold out as well. they didn't have the huge MAC traincases. they had one with compartments which was pretty big but not HUGE. that one was for 30. it wasnt all that though. so you didn't miss much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *neerja*
Zerin it was my first time going too! and i went on fridayy!! you'd be surprised that a lot off MSFs were already sold out by 5 o'clock on friday. i remember petticoat being one of them for suree. some blushes were sold out as well. they didn't have the huge MAC traincases. they had one with compartments which was pretty big but not HUGE. that one was for 30. it wasnt all that though. so you didn't miss much

What did you end up getting if you don't mind me asking


Active member
Originally Posted by highonmac
What did you end up getting if you don't mind me asking

Hi highonmac!

I got:
femme-fi eyeshadow
signed, sealed eyeshadow
top hat eyeshadow
climate blue eyeshadow
sweet laison eyeshadow suite
cash flow paint pot
sea me shadestick
By degrees slimshine
intimidate slimshine
Rich and ripe lipglass
strawberry blonde lipglass
sonic vibe lipglass
Holidays 08 warm eyes eyeshadow palette
holidays 08 little darlings coral lipglass/lustreglass set:
- underage
- ola mango!
- wonderstuck
- budding
- pink grapefruit

and on friday they had two charity bags and i got both of them
charity bag 1:
- blowdry lipstick
- top knot eyeshadow
- mac wipes
- mousse slimshine

charity bag 2:
- what a do! lipstick
- mac blot film
- flip eyeshadow
and i think i forgot something from this one *-)

oh and i wanted the golden bronze iridescent powder and some other msf that i forgot the name of, BUT the lady who was working there ended up giving me the WRONG STUFF!
she gave me sun twist beauty powder and iridescent pressed ppowder in belightful insteadd!! URGH! i was SOO MAD! cuz i hadnt even heard of these before and don't know what to do with them so i just put them up for swap on MUA

and i also got a bunch of other random stuff like lashes, some eyeliner brush, random lipglosses, Fix+, Mac's cleanse off oil etc! it was a gooooooood dayy


Well-known member
Hey nunu! I had many of the things already from the SW which is why I didn't bother too much. I already have Eversun blush and Vibrant grape eyeshadow. It's pretty but not a must have. I bought it in the pro pan. Gold Rebel gloss looks real pretty on top of BNB lipstick. I have similar shades so I can tell how pretty it would be. I'm sure you have similar blush shades like on the Mission blush right? lol ok so now I'll tell help you out with your list.

Nunu's Original List!
Purple rite < You should totally get this...I'm sure you don't have something like this already. It's a frost so it's different.
Brave new bronze lipstick < You might have similar peachy nude colours if not get this.
Gold Rebel Lipglass < Again, this looks gorgeous on top of peachy nudes...totally warms up those lips. Totally recommend!
Fierce & Fabulos Lipglass < I would pass on this...I have enough pink shimmery glosses lol (dazzleglasses)
Vibrant Grape and Tempting es < You can easily get these from the pro/perm line in pan form. You can buy it if your store carries pan shadows or just swap for them. Again...I would rather get tempting e/s over vibrant grape.
On a mission BPB < I'm not too crazy for this blush since I do have berryish blushes. I don't even like Mac normal blushes that much I'm trying to stop since I have 2 mac blush palettes full and I don't have plans on buying anymore unless they are MINERALIZE...I love those! *drool* ok so nunu....don't bother with this blush and save up for colour craft blushes!
So totally skip this one.
Mercenary nail polish < This is a gorgeous colour but then again Mac nailpolishes are pricey. Maybe there's cheaper dupes....but if you want it badly, go for it! lol
Sun rush lustre drops < You should totally pass on this! lol MSFs are way better!

Great Haul Neerjal!! =D Don't you love cashflow paintpot? It's GORGEOUS! That's my favourite item from my

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