To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
I'm NC42.. I'm indian as well. I do so many dramatic shadows
I like contouring thoughhh. I have chubby cheeks and I try to get the cheek bones!


Well-known member
Welcome to the thread

I have an extremely skinny face which is not good. I can't contour my cheeks at all, it really isn't nice. I wish i can put on a bit of weight in that area.


Well-known member
Everyone always thinks I'm young because of my chubby face. I always get around 13 with no makeup. 15/16 with. haha.


Well-known member
Hey all...

from what I can remember from way back in October (MAC training) W&C and All Races... collections are a lot more desi friendly. Love Lace wasnt particularly exciting. I'm a little over it when it comes to LE collections so am not really bothered with getting must-haves. I have enough of everything.

My fave lip combo atm is Pink Plaid and VG SE Fergie lipsticks - maybe with Soar lipliner to push it up a notch.

Can anyone rec any must-have lipsticks from YSL or Giorgio Armani??


Well-known member
I <3 chanel's lip laquer -ming- such a pretty colour! Im wearing it in one of my facebook pics ..

Originally Posted by highonmac
I find the lip pencils lasted fairly long. Its really nice semi-matte and feels great on my lips. You loose quite a bit of product from sharpening it but the colours are stunning.

I have the mufe liner in black and I am not too impressed. I only purchased it because the Sephora was out of the urban decay one. I was desperate for a black liner so i purchased it but now the GOSH one sounds very appealing to me.

i saw the chanel l/l on temptalia's blog and looooved the colors especially dragon! I can't seem to pull of reds but maybe just maybe....



Well-known member
HAPPY 2010 lovelieeeesss!


MAC ~ Warm me up lipstick, Cantaloupe blush
Illamasqua ~ Test lipstick
Nars ~ Blonde Venus and Catfight lipsticks



Well-known member
DirtyPlum, you've reminded me of two new Illamasqua products I really like
Promise, a pink blush that's really good for NC30-45 (which probably covers a lot of us)
and Follow, a pink-red pigmented lipgloss. I have dark lips for my skin tone, almost purple, a lot of us do, and ordinary lipgloss is just useless. This is even better than the MAC lipglasses.
Plus most of you probably know this already, but Nars Albatross rocks for us. I even tried it on my mother and she loved it too, subtle shimmer.


Well-known member
gah. It's been a bad m.u start to the year in Ziya land lol.
school has started again meaning sleepless nights and early mornings...
I am loving:
Benefit's Erase Paste in Deep. It's like effin nuclear orange in the jar..but it does a pretty good job. Reason why I love it? It does NOT crease or get cakey or feel heavy at all! I was pleasantly surprised.

Shu e/l curler: didn't know my lashes could be that curly..(they tickle the tops of my eyelids under the brow!!) Mind. Blown.

Nyx Doll lengthening mascara: this and Full n Soft are my official DS HG

MAC: Hello Kitty BP in Tippy

MUFE HD foundation in 153 n 155. I love this foundation! its frickin awesome. I find the 153 a tiny bit too yellow and deep, but its the CLOSEST match and tends to settle really well on my skin. just have to blend the neck and chest..
which is a pain to remove at the end of the day. 155 is more neutral...

Revlon ColorStay Brow Enhancer: Get this. If you don't have an already great eyebrow routine...this will save your life. I got this at SDM in Medium Brown. The highlighter is great for inner corner, but the wax/color itself is the real winner. Sooo easy to use and great results!
heres the MUA review:

I've been rocking a quick blotting of Twig as a stain lately..givin love to a much neglected lippie

I'm suuuuuuper excited for this week! I'm meeting up with the amazingly beautiful and talented Alexa (aka BlindPassion) to go shopping! I have some major hauling planned..:p YAY!!
I'm dying to try the lip products from Warm n Cozy..also hoping SO will take the hint and nab me a Smokey piggie set from the website b4 they sell out!
LOL sorry for the long post..


Well-known member
ALSO, moonlit, do you mind linking or posting a pic of you wearing Ming? I wanted to get it...
(drools) lool


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shy_makeup_girl with you on there. i get 14 and im 19...lmaooo. ive always had a chubby face since i was a babyyyy

I'm with both of you, I have chubby cheeks and now I have nasolabial folds because of them.
I keep contouring to get the cheekbones too..I have nice high cheekbones and they could look so great if it wasn't for all the fat under them!


Well-known member
The piggies are gone...sold out...everywhere...I don't do ebay or other internet stuffs coz I worry about authenticity...sigh.

anywhoozle, my day with Alexa was pretty dope..she gets 10% of at the Bay because she works at the Dior counter and sometime MUFE in Victoria. She bought the best of MUFE and MUFE HD foundation with her discount for me!! so super nice..I just gave her cash later. The only thing I worry about is future issues with the foundie or powder..if it breaks me out, I won't be able to return coz its on her card and she lives so far away :S (crosses fingers that skin doesn't screw me over)

So far, I'm IN LOVE with Smokey Lash.. wowza. Haven't gotten to use any of the other stuff yet..:p

Also, took a look see at MAC..found Funtabulous D/G! its so nice on

W&C looks actually pretty nice! I want the light pink l/g, 2N, and 3N
and maybe 2 lippies

any hauls or beauty discoveries lately, ladies? I'm eyeing some Too Faced palettes!!! I want the neutral eye, french and fabulous. here's the links:
Sephora: Too Faced French & Fabulous Palette ($85 Value): Combination Sets

Also,I swatched some tarte e/s at sephora they were sooo velvety!
awesome surprise.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
The piggies are gone...sold out...everywhere...I don't do ebay or other internet stuffs coz I worry about authenticity...sigh.

anywhoozle, my day with Alexa was pretty dope..she gets 10% of at the Bay because she works at the Dior counter and sometime MUFE in Victoria. She bought the best of MUFE and MUFE HD foundation with her discount for me!! so super nice..I just gave her cash later. The only thing I worry about is future issues with the foundie or powder..if it breaks me out, I won't be able to return coz its on her card and she lives so far away :S (crosses fingers that skin doesn't screw me over)

So far, I'm IN LOVE with Smokey Lash.. wowza. Haven't gotten to use any of the other stuff yet..:p

Also, took a look see at MAC..found Funtabulous D/G! its so nice on

W&C looks actually pretty nice! I want the light pink l/g, 2N, and 3N
and maybe 2 lippies

any hauls or beauty discoveries lately, ladies? I'm eyeing some Too Faced palettes!!! I want the neutral eye, french and fabulous. here's the links:
Sephora: Too Faced French & Fabulous Palette ($85 Value): Combination Sets
Sephora: Too Faced Natural Eye Neutral Eye Shadow Collection: Eyeshadow Sets

Also,I swatched some tarte e/s at sephora they were sooo velvety!
awesome surprise.

Sounds like a fun shopping trip!

I picked up 2N l/g and Warm Me Up l/s from Warm and Cozy. Love them! I think I am going to get all the amplified creams in upcoming LE collections that work with my skintone, really like the formula.

I've heard great things about smokey lash!

In the market for a new foundation
I have samples of MUFE HD and Nars Sheer Glow. Color matching is so hard sometimes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ambodidi
What shades of MUFE HD are you looking at, Jazzmatazz, and what's your MAC shade?

Hi, I'm NC 43 in MAC and looking at MUFE HD in 153. It's really nice
but seems to be a tad too yellowish.


Well-known member
Had the same problem!! I use the sephora hd55 to apply the least amount possible n buff it in really well.. It settles eventually but I hate putting m.u. All the wah down my neck!!
lmao try 155.. It's the exact color of my chest n neck.. I have 153coz I know I tan like crazy in the summer plus the extra yelow tones help cancel any redness in my cheeks at the very least lo
also try f&b in 34 it's my fav foundation right now! The color matches my winter shade n it's water based, long lasting n feels so nice on!! I think the HD is gna be a more going out foundation for me..
I'm sooo impressed by mufe right now lol

nunu: I love plum foolery! It's a really pretty berry flush, very buildable n effortless! I'm wanting to try ambering rose as well.. I just tried harmony in the store the day, I think I may get it! U should try it.. Really natural daytime contour.. I just worry it won't shop up in me later though.. :S lol

I ended up with 2n l/g and warm me up l/s.. I think I might exchange the latter for 3n l/g tho.. I'm not really liking how similar it is to my own lip color.. It's not mlbb.. It's bleh instead of better Lmao maybe I just need an objective opinion.

I'm excited for march 4th!! Cremesheen glasses!! (drools) what's staying power like guys? I read on mua that they're 5min wonders coz they're so watery..
lemme know Tia!

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