To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
Thanks Angelynv!

Honestly...I'm not really feeling the lipsticks so much. I wish they had some satin/matte finishes. The colours seem nice but I hate reapplying lustres so


Well-known member
any desi girls recommend mufe foundation for bridal? im not too keen on mac..and ive heard some very good reviews on mufe. my bros just gone to dubai i could ask him buy me some n bring em back..?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macmistress
any desi girls recommend mufe foundation for bridal? im not too keen on mac..and ive heard some very good reviews on mufe. my bros just gone to dubai i could ask him buy me some n bring em back..?

I can't speak to it's (MUFE HD's) lasting power since I haven't worn it for very long at once but it looks great in pictures which I know is important for a wedding day.

If someone else is buying it for you it could be hard to find a color match without seeing it in person.


Well-known member
Zerin: ITA!! I love me some satins..
alas the colors are so pretty...must. go. see. swatch. become poorer. ROFL

MacMistress: I love MUFE HD for special photographs better than MAC IMO coz lack of SPF reflection.. Depends on the skin type/needs of the bride..? I think if you use a primer and powder her lightly, HD would work. I'd recc the same advice as Jaz, get a good color match! Good luck hun!

ALL: have you guys seen the VIVA GLAM lippies?? I am soo excited for both of em..

In other random but happy news, I found a whole bunch of cheap perfume and makeup at Winners today! I got their Brow Beater pencil in blone and brunette for 5 bucks each! The blonde is to die for...
Also got two Ultraglide lipglosses they're very pigmented and smooth, highly recc you guys try em. Haven't tried this yet, but I got a loose shadow in Asphyxia (really pretty purple)

other stuff:
Incoco nail sticker polish (LOVE this stuff HG! they are like stickers of polish) ($3)
Paul Mitchell skinny serum (mini bottle ($3)
J.Lo Deseo ($10)
Britney Spears Curious ($15)

I want to go back for the Kate Moss Velvet Hour gift set (only $15) and Clean warm cotton linen spray (Smells like heaven!)
Its hard to find good UNOPENED stuff, but when you do, the prices are AMAZING


Well-known member
^ lol yess...very desi yaar!
I'm actually liking her make-up too. I'm lemming for cremesheen glosses from this collection. (Great opportunity to B2M guys!

Ahh yes...Winners is always full of surprises! It's good to visit once in a while. I always like to check out their lil Urban Decay section. I also try to get hair products from there. YAY for GREAT PRICES!

Anyways.....I'm excited about the viva glam lippies too. (even though theyre lustres....I can't resist the prettiness of the pink gaga one)

Also, this new Mac collection called Pret a Papier that's coming out in April is calling me.

I'm a sucker for corals on cheeks/lips. So far I'm wanting...

Instant Chic Blush - Mid-Tone Muted Coral
Dressmaker, Dressmaker - Creamy Light Peach Coral (Lustre)
Made To Order - Creamy Mid-Tone Dirty Coral (Lustre)
Coral Crepe Paintpot - Soft Coral < YAY! New PP!

(I have no idea how the swatches are for ofcourse the list may change once the actual swatches are out)

I don't know if you guys ever swatched Mac's Ravishing lipstick. It's a gorgeous coral shade and I love it. So funny thing...I told my friend to test it out but she never liked it and said it looked like she had the "paan stain" on her lips...

Also, I don't know about you guys but I'm overwhelmed with all these upcoming Mac promo pics/ AHHH so much info overload!...don't know what to pick and where to start but still very excited as well
th_DANCE.gif I guess it's a good thing to budget and try to pick the things you REALLY WANT!


Active member
Helloo! all the way from England.

Been reading this thread surreptiously for ages and i have bought so much from what's been reccomended here, thanks to all the suggestions ladies. The advice on here is seriously invaluable, as caucasian makeup artists ALWAYS suggest wrong shades that look all off on us.

I'm shade 128 in HD makeupforever and 153 in the summer. I was wondering if you ladies could advice me, i have looked through the whole thread but i've forgotten what's recommended as it was a long time ago and its time consuming(sorry)

I'm going away to sunny Spain for a fortnight and was wanting a lovely glowy bronzer. nothing that gives me a tan, but something glowy like Nars Albatross. I wish they had something in a more golden colour. I'm going to have to hunt down a store near me and test away. Anyway, what do you guys use? Not as much for colour but for a goldeny glowy very light shimmer that complements our already beautifully tanned skin tones. (I have to bear in mind that i will get darker, hence not wanting to use Albatross as that tends to go chalky on me or to add more colour)

Basically a product to give a bronzey golden lovely glow that will complement tanned skin not make it look more tanned or glittery.

I need to find a big department store that has all the products then i'm going to go test crazy and have various shades on my face and hands. can't wait. Sounds positively exciting.

Thank you very much my lovelies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jazmatazz
I can't speak to it's (MUFE HD's) lasting power since I haven't worn it for very long at once but it looks great in pictures which I know is important for a wedding day.

If someone else is buying it for you it could be hard to find a color match without seeing it in person.

thnx for ure input, i was actually going to order samples first and work from there. i went selfridges today and got foundation samples from bobbi,mac and illumasqua. so far the bobbi brown i tried today was lovely but obviously keeping my options open because not all brides have the same skin texture.


Well-known member
Desi promo model? That's amazing, good find!

I'm super overwhelmed with the upcoming collections! I love MAC, but I wish they'd slow down a little. I recently found a Freckletone l/s at the CCO, studio finish concealer (love), arena e/s and patina e/s are my latest buys. Arena is a subtle gold toned daytime highlight for me. Patina is a nice neutral but I want to buy satin taupe too.

Be careful with the eyeshadow palettes folks, I broke mine last week
And then a few days later they raised the price of them.

From the upcoming collections I want Dirty Plum blush. It's coming out with Riveting and the London one. I'm going to wait until the London one to try/buy it since it will have special packaging.


Well-known member
Just regarding blush, Im loving the pale pink matte lips look at the moment (e.g. Mac's Please Me) but slightly confused what colour blush to use.. ? I have ladyblush but its a little too .. pink?? Tried a sheer No 7 apricot creme blush, preferred it but not sure if thats "against the rules" ..? Also for a bright fuscia lip with a nude eye - what blush would be appropriate there?? Any suggestions?

Im NC42 btw x


Well-known member
angelynv - I would suggest a soft pink colour or even a peach/coral colour would be fine if you have a darker skintone. I don't know if you have Mac Peaches blush but that's my fave blush and I can wear it with any look I do. You should definitely look into that. I'm sure your apricot creme blush should be just fine for nude lips. I'm NC 42/43.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angelynv
Just regarding blush, Im loving the pale pink matte lips look at the moment (e.g. Mac's Please Me) but slightly confused what colour blush to use.. ? I have ladyblush but its a little too .. pink?? Tried a sheer No 7 apricot creme blush, preferred it but not sure if thats "against the rules" ..? Also for a bright fuscia lip with a nude eye - what blush would be appropriate there?? Any suggestions?

Im NC42 btw x

Try MACs Dame, Coygirl, or Breath of Plum for a soft pink blush to go with Please Me.


Well-known member
Thanks Dirtyplum - Dame looks absolutely gorgeous on the website - will have to drop in to Selfridges soon and check it out x


Well-known member
hey girls, im applying for the pro card. i have my certificate. is it okay if i send a cd with the photoshoots of my work? i havent sorted my business cards yet and that will take another week. any help?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Portia73
I'm going away to sunny Spain for a fortnight and was wanting a lovely glowy bronzer. nothing that gives me a tan, but something glowy like Nars Albatross. I wish they had something in a more golden colour. I'm going to have to hunt down a store near me and test away. Anyway, what do you guys use? Not as much for colour but for a goldeny glowy very light shimmer that complements our already beautifully tanned skin tones. (I have to bear in mind that i will get darker, hence not wanting to use Albatross as that tends to go chalky on me or to add more colour)

Basically a product to give a bronzey golden lovely glow that will complement tanned skin not make it look more tanned or glittery.

I think Dior Amber Diamond is exactly what you're looking for, it's a compact with several colours combined (like BB Shimmerbricks) and it's very sheen-y not glittery. If that's too pricey try MAC Trace Gold blush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Im curious to know what all the desis south asian girls purchased in Spring Forecast?

Hey GlamYourUs!
I didn't get only two nailpolishes.
Malibu Peach & Abalone Shell
I'm waiting for the upcoming Mac collections this year. SO EXCITING!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
Hey GlamYourUs!
I didn't get only two nailpolishes.
Malibu Peach & Abalone Shell
I'm waiting for the upcoming Mac collections this year. SO EXCITING!

Are you serious? lol You of all people bought the nail polishes. haha I heard they were streaky so I didn't even bother to look. I picked up quite a few items:

Very Violet
Straw Harvest
All the Ombres except Springshine
Laugh A Lot
Lavender Wind
130 brush
Gaga x2
NEW Mineralize Foundation

I am usually drawn to spring collections than any other collection in the year so I have no regrets!


Well-known member
Hey guys.. Sooo I got a sample of studio sculpt in NC42 and also armani luminous silk in 2 diferent shades - i think 6.5 and 8. Im not keen on any of them! armani is too sheer, but i had a feeling that would be the case anyway. I pinned all my hopes on sculpt as it had been so highly recommended, but it just seemed to go a bit crusty/cakey on my skin and didnt look great in pics either ( i used my smashbox primer sample too). i must have really weird skin because ive seen it on other people and it looks so good im really disappointed : (
You must be all so fed up with my queries about foundation but its really getting me down so any help is so appreciated and i definately appreciated your assistance last time it just seems that my skin is being a little awkward lately..!
thanks in advance and sorry for going on and on x

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