To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
Found two new hg lip combos!! I thought my cherish l/s with instant gold l/g was dope.. Till I bought gold rebel from style warriors!! My counter still had some! Omg the packaging is amaazziinhgg.. Leopard print cap.. I might go check out yhe other purple one too.. So pretty! It looks peach in the bottle but it's an amzing soft gold. I love it!! I'm so happy.

I also bought the most amazing l/s of my LIFE! It's hg bff omg ilu all at the same time!!..... Creme cup! I finally bought it! Wve since I saw kareena kapoor lips in kambakht ishq, Ive been searching for that perfect nude baby pink for my skin.. This is sex in a tube guys. The s.a. Gave me plushglass in ample pink to put over it
it's my first plushglass, I like it but it semlls like play doh!!! I've heard lust lipglass is the same color? I prefer the moisturizingness and longetivity of lipglass too.. Do u guys think it's a good dupe? Or am I stuck with the gross smell? I man, I refuse to buy any nars l/g for this very reason. Those smell and TASTE like plastic! Haha sigh.. In such a weirdo.
Guys, I haven't been this happy/or satisfied with make up shopping in the ao long! These lippies and my mufe haul have been like my fav hauls in like forever..
(squee!) ok I better stop scaring u guys..:p


Well-known member
Hey Guys! I hope everyone's doing good.

Ziya - I've always wanted to get creme cup lipstick but I never get should seriously consider it after your rec. I wonder how it compares to Faux and Pink Plaid lipstick. I absolutely love LUST lipgloss! It's like a warm pink(brown) nude colour. It my was first Mac lipgloss back 6 years ago. I finished 2-3 glosses of these and I always rush to buy the next one. I'm not a big fan of nars lipsticks/glosses in general. I prefer Mac lippie formulas and their smell better.


Well-known member
Ziya, I will have to check that out. I refused to watch Kambakht Ishq!

Have you girls ever noticed that Vidya Balan's makeup is just lovely? She does great nude lips. Priyanka Chopra OTOH tends to use really dull colours on her lips, and they wash her out, which is a shame


Well-known member
I'll try 155 too, thanks! I love the Nars Sheer Glow formula too but finding the right match is difficult. I tan super easily in the summer too and encompass such a wide variety of shades throughout the year it's hard to keep up with myself. LOL.

Wow, MUFE HD photographs amazingly! I was shocked when I saw pictures from the night I wore it, it was my skin but 10x better looking! MUFE is really amazing quality stuff. I have their Lift concealer and Mat Velvet Foundation too. I'll have to try MAC F&B also.

Plum foolery was the first (and only) MAC blush I hit pan on. It's a great color, ambering rose is really nice too. It looks good in the winter months too.

Now I want to try creme cup
I'm going to try to snag a Violet pigment in the old pigment container, and Patina eyeshadow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
Had the same problem!! I use the sephora hd55 to apply the least amount possible n buff it in really well.. It settles eventually but I hate putting m.u. All the wah down my neck!!
lmao try 155.. It's the exact color of my chest n neck.. I have 153coz I know I tan like crazy in the summer plus the extra yelow tones help cancel any redness in my cheeks at the very least lo
also try f&b in 34 it's my fav foundation right now! The color matches my winter shade n it's water based, long lasting n feels so nice on!! I think the HD is gna be a more going out foundation for me..
I'm sooo impressed by mufe right now lol

nunu: I love plum foolery! It's a really pretty berry flush, very buildable n
effortless! I'm wanting to try ambering rose as well.. I just tried harmony in the store the day, I think I may get it! U should try it.. Really natural daytime contour.. I just worry it won't shop up in me later though.. :S lol

I ended up with 2n l/g and warm me up l/s.. I think I might exchange the latter for 3n l/g tho.. I'm not really liking how similar it is to my own lip color.. It's not mlbb.. It's bleh instead of better Lmao maybe I just need an objective opinion.

I'm excited for march 4th!! Cremesheen glasses!! (drools) what's staying power like guys? I read on mua that they're 5min wonders coz they're so watery..
lemme know Tia!

Oh Ziya, you're making me want to try out MUFE foundations!! I'm nc43 and i think it's going to be a pain to mix 2 foundations so i think i'll stick to my beloved studio tech

I want to get Plum foolery and Ambering rose! I don't know about honour..have to see it in person.

I got lots of stuff from Warm&Cozy!! I got modellete and mulled cider eyeshadows, both msf's, warm me up lipstick, 2n lipglass, dim the lights nail polish and warm and cozy shade stick! and from love lace only ordered the eyeshadow.
Yesterday, i did a look using all my W&C products. On my eyes i had modelette (lid), Mulled cider (crease), Embark (outer corner) and Daisy chain (highlight) finished with mascara, blacktrack and feline

Cheeks: Comfort (blusher) and By candelight (highlighter)
Lips: Warm me up
and Bada Boom lipglass!

I am so into neutrals these days...


Well-known member
Nunu: ME TOO! I'm hoping to get a new e/s palette going with all neutrals Lmao.. I bet you looked amazing as usual in your W&C goodies..

aww hunny...if you get to visit N. America at some would be awesome to try MUFE. so sorry for making you lem lol

Jazzmatazz: I love the Nars SG formula too! I didn't find it as long lasting as Ida liked..but still good! I found a really good color match in that line..probably closest any foundie has ever come
I'm a NC40-43 and Barcelona fits me great. However, just like you, my skin color flucuates A LOT over the seasons..I'm not rich enough to afford a different foundie each time
lol sigh....
I've heard good things about Patina, its supposed to be a warmer Satin Taupe..let me know how you like it, I might just 'NEED' it hehehee!
PS I hate the new piggie bottles..


Well-known member
Hey Ladiez! Did you guys get anything from the Lillyland collection? I skipped the lipgelees...they look cheap and remind me of lipglosses you can get from claires/ardenes lol

So from this collection.....
I grabbed Optimistic Orange creamblush today and I'm really impressed by the formulas of these. I always hated Mac's cream blushes since I found them so sticky and heavy at the same time. These new babies are nothing like the old ones. They just glide on so smoothly and has a bit of a gel like formula. It literally melts on my

I only bought one because I gotta budget and not go overboard.

I also liked Joie-De-Vivre (peachy-coral) and Florida (pink). Optimistic Orange may look scary bright orange in the pan but it's really pretty on brown skintones. It ends up as a coral-pink shade on my cheeks. I just love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
Hey Ladiez! Did you guys get anything from the Lillyland collection? I skipped the lipgelees...they look cheap and remind me of lipglosses you can get from claires/ardenes lol

So from this collection.....
I grabbed Optimistic Orange creamblush today and I'm really impressed by the formulas of these. I always hated Mac's cream blushes since I found them so sticky and heavy at the same time. These new babies are nothing like the old ones. They just glide on so smoothly and has a bit of a gel like formula. It literally melts on my

I only bought one because I gotta budget and not go overboard.

I also liked Joie-De-Vivre (peachy-coral) and Florida (pink). Optimistic Orange may look scary bright orange in the pan but it's really pretty on brown skintones. It ends up as a coral-pink shade on my cheeks. I just love it!

I got the flower face powder - pearlmatte i think haha but ends up beings quite a lovely blusher for me and I picked up Joie-De-Vivre and I was really thinking about optimistic orange and florida BUT i agree about the lip gelees, way to shimmer for my taste.

I also agree about the new formulation of the blushes because I hated my blush creme. it was very greasy


Well-known member
I skipped..
creme blushes are not really my thing..its irritating to be done all my makeup in the morning and have streaky blush as you're running out the door!! I do have one from Merle Norman that I really like..I love how long they last on your face! just the creamyness is not something I'm used to working with I guess..

lol I did find a new product that I might just be in love with..It's the sculpting powders from Mac Pro. I hated the duos the colors just didn't show up well and/or looked wrong. I tried the individual pot in Shadowy and it was so natural! superb product. I'm probably gna cave and get it :
Right now, I'm trying to decide between Ambering Rose and Coppertone..I do have a ton of peach blushes..but they both look so original!
I have a bunch of pro blushes I'm interested in too..
Anybody know when a F&F might be?? I'm dying here!! I b2m'ed for Totally Fab d/g creme...I really want creme allure too! its such a gorgeous magenta/plum color...I think when I tried it on, it didnt go with what I had on my face, so SO voted I not get it..

I think it might come home with me anyway LOL
any reccs from that collection ladies? my counter is out of Amourus and my fav pink, which were the two I wanted
Lastly, I'm pretty surprised at how quickly these fade on the lips?! mine lasted 30 mins no eatin or drinking.. so strange.


Well-known member
ohhhh just checked your blog right now Zerin! optimistic orange looks amazing!!
Youre lil guys are soooo cute!
I seriously went Aww out loud haha
I missed out on the Cargo sale..I REALLY BADLY wanted both the reverse lip liners..all gone in store and online..
the sephora hd 55 is AMAZING eh? My fav foundie brush even compared to the 190, 187 and the sonia kashuk flat top (my ex fav haha)
God I love theBalm..they're e/s make me rethink my ravings for my Mac ones. I really want to try their concealor..I think the darkest one at my Sephora matched me
This is for 80% of the brands at sephora: Diversity. You're doing it wrong.


Well-known member
hi there I am British Indian with NC42-43 skin.. I have a slight dilemna which some of you may be able to relate to. I use face and body but have gone off it slightly as I think its a little old and towards the end of an evening I notice it can look a bit greyish and grainy. My problem is my skin is not particularly clear, I dont have acne but I do get small breakouts from time to time and my skin scars really easily so my skin is fairly marked and bumpy, plus i have large pores.. eek ! Can you recommend a foundation which will give good but natural looking coverage and also help to smooth out my skin? I always use the MAC primer underneath foundation which definately helps.. but not to the effect I really want. All advice MUCH MUCH appreciated!! p.s. heard mac sculpt may do the trick as its a gel formul..??


Well-known member
^ I personally hate face & body, it's just too hard to work with IMO, and the coverage is minimal...but you already know that
MAC Studio Sculpt is a very good foundation, I use it often when I feel like my skin is looking particularly sucky and uneven, because it has very good coverage and is surprisingly not cakey (I think all foundations are cakey if you apply too much) like Studio Fix Liquid. People with really oily skin seem not to like Studio Sculpt but if you have slightly oily skin I think it's still worth a shot...I do need to powder every few hours but I think that's kind of normal for some people...get a sample from a counter (sorry if that's pointing out the obvious!), it might just be what you're looking for!

I would also add that maybe it's worth checking out another primer because apparently, there are better primers out there than MACs (i.e Smashbox or Monistat Gel)



Well-known member
hey thanks so much for the reply sojouner! I luckily have a sample of smashbox primer which i have been dying to try out, will go and grab a sample of sculpt and hopefully the results will be what i have been looking for.. I have dry/combo skin so it definately sounds like sculpt should do the trick. Thanks so much for the advice - I have no idea what HTH stands for but thanks!



Well-known member
^ no problem hun, you are very welcome! By the way, Studio Sculpt runs a little darker than the other MAC foundations so check out both NC40 and NC42 to see which looks closer to your skin...and let us know how it works out for you

Oh and HTH stands for 'hope that helps'


Well-known member
Ziya - Thanks! lol One of them had a baby last week. I actually bought her pregnant!
So as for the Sephora HD 55 brush..I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! YAY! TheBalm concealers didn't match me at all. =( The dark one was too dark and medium one was too light...but their eyeshadows are just BUTTER!

angelyny - I totally agree with Sojourner. There are better primers out there other than the obvious Mac ones. I don't really like the Mac ones much but prefer the cheaper alternative like Monistat Chafing Gel. I also heard that Clarins Pore Minimizing Serum is good for those who have larger pores. Just try to get a sample at Sephora before you make any buy anything full size.


Well-known member
primer - check, sculpt - check, clarins pore minimizer - check.. thank god for samples! (and you guys too ; ))


Well-known member
hello ladies... I need HELP!! I want to B2M for two lippies from the Spring colour forecast collection.. any lippies catch your eye? I am a NC 42.. Hang up and fresh salmon look good.. but I need a second opinion.. I wish I had girlfriends who were into MAC or even makeup in general but I dont
so any help is much appreciated! TIA!!


Well-known member
I havn't gone to the Mac store yet...but from the swatches online many of them look sheer/frosty except maybe hang up (that's perm). I'm not too much of a fan of sheer/frosty finishes because of my pigmented lips so that's why I would wait for the next You can always use lipliners for sheer lipsticks though. Everyone's raving about Electric Fuchsia lipgloss and saying it borders a dazzleglass. I think you should b2m for 1 lippie this time and save up the one for the next collection. But who knos....I might change my mind once I go to the Mac

I'm trying my best to resist repetitive shade products and there's alotta cool products coming out this year so I'd rather try to budget. I'm excited about these greasepaints and lip stain markers. I wonder how they go on pigmented lips.

From the new collection, I'm definitely getting the peachy coral nailpolish called Malibu Peach and maybe...the neutral one called Abalone Shell.


Well-known member
Zerin: That's so weird! maybe my sephora only had limited shades coz I coulda sworn the darkest one I picked was like an NC 40! haha I'll double check that..
Congrats on your behbeh!!
or your piggies baby
abalone shell looks so hot..I tan the MOST on my hands and feet..
So I think it wont look too nice..

Angelynv: ITA with everyones recc for primer! I think that'll help..I dont like the MAC one TBH..smashbox original or LG spackle sound like good options!

Dopista: I might be the only one stupidly anal, but I only B2M for perms that I've been lemming for a lonnnngg time. This being as you cant return or exchange B2M lippies AFAIK..I havent checked the collection in person, but holy camoly was it a huge one eh? 12 lippies!! lol I have hang up and its a gorj winter or evening color..but tbh I raarrreellly pull that one out..I'd say pick something mebbe a lil more wearable? lol up to you! looking at T@#$%alia's swatches made me Drrooool...Victorian, fresh salmon and a couple others caught my eye! Let us know what you got


Well-known member
Thanks Ziya will do - watch this space.

Zerin - Just checked out your blog - so cool and informative and the pics are amazing x

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