To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
i just bought a bobbie brown skin foundation for myself and i think its wonderful! if its sheer then why dont u finish off with a powder? i personally think the giorgio armani designer shaping foundation is brilliant. :)


Well-known member
Thanks Mac mistress , Im going to have to go spend some quality time at the mall and get lots more testers.. I actually really like the consistency of studio fix stick foundation, but the finish is way too powdery so im going to test out the mineralize compact too x


Well-known member
GlamYOURUs - NICE HAUL! I got myself Gaga lipstick too. It's so pretty! I was kinda wanting one of the ombres but felt they were too pricey so I passed. I wanted Straw Harvest eyeshadow but saw that Evening Aura is like a dupe. I'm too excited about the other new upcoming collections and so I eventually passed on many things.

So how do you like the new mineralize foundation? Is it similar to Studio Tech foundation (cream)?


Well-known member
zerin;1872718 I don't know if you guys ever swatched Mac's Ravishing lipstick. It's a gorgeous coral shade and I love it. So funny thing...I told my friend to test it out but she never liked it and said it looked like she had the "paan stain" on her lips...[IMG said:[/IMG]

I Just LOLED so hard Zerin! Paan stain?? hahaha! I have ravishing (its MIA ATM though
) and I only wear it over lip erase for this very reason! I get orange lips.. I was aiming to recreate Kim K's berday look as she wore that lippie...haha FAIL.

Originally Posted by Portia73
Basically a product to give a bronzey golden lovely glow that will complement tanned skin not make it look more tanned or glittery.

I know I sound like a broken record..lmao sorry! but I honestly am in love with The Balm's mischievous a cheek highlighter! Something similar would be MAC's Trace Gold. hth! Have fun in Spain
(dies with envy!
) Also, I wouldnt recc MAC's irridescent loose powder in golden bronze IF youre planning on taking lots of photos. Its AMAZING in person, IMO, but in photos..
I look like an ALIEN. lol not cute.

Originally Posted by angelynv
Just regarding blush, Im loving the pale pink matte lips look at the moment (e.g. Mac's Please Me) but slightly confused what colour blush to use.. ? Also for a bright fuscia lip with a nude eye - what blush would be appropriate there?? Any suggestions?

Mebbe try a very light hand with a plummy blush or gingerly/bronzer/contoured cheek for Please Me. For bright lips I ususally default on a defined contour but I'd love to hear what others have to say..
Great question hun!

Originally Posted by angelynv
I pinned all my hopes on sculpt as it had been so highly recommended, but it just seemed to go a bit crusty/cakey on my skin and didnt look great in pics either ( i used my smashbox primer sample too). i must have really weird skin because ive seen it on other people and it looks so good im really disappointed : (

You must be all so fed up with my queries about foundation but its really getting me down so any help is so appreciated and i definately appreciated your assistance last time it just seems that my skin is being a little awkward lately..!
thanks in advance and sorry for going on and on x

AWW hunny! (HUGS) I am so sorry to hear that.. trust me I feel your pain..its so hard to deal with skin sometimes! Don't give up..I think foundies are the hardest thing to find a HG in...Sorry it didnt work out..

If you still have your sculpt, I've heard girls say spraying their brush with Fix+ and moisturizing well before hand helps with application.. (however, only try that if Fix+ works for u and doesn't mess with your skin of course)
Also, maybe a damp beauty blender or sponge?
I'll think about some foundies to recc for ya in the next lil bit

so you've got acne prone, tending to oily skin? and youre about NC 42? and youre looking for something to help acheive smooth texture..?
DW hunny, there's so many amazing products out there, I know you'll find one that you love soon! :p

jeez louise! I am officially in a nude pink phase! I am addicted to my Creme Cup and I am CRAVING MOARS!!! lmao Gaga is calling my name. Ladies, tell me I will look like a giant whor@ wearing it. Tell me its gna be GROSS white on my lips. LOL Vicorian and Bubblegum and cultureclash too..

Has anyone tried ember glow or whatever its called yet? it looks hawt! I can't wait to try everything...MUST. WAIT. LITTLE. lONGER. (dies)

Dunno if I mentioned this last time: Dior Hydramax tinted moisturizer. Love it! I think I'll buy it for the summer as the color is a smidgen dark (But totally unoticeable to the non make uppy eye) and runs a bit pink.


Well-known member
OH and PS.. the Olympics are here! Vancouver 2010 baby! Its all very exciting ladies..hope you guys tune in on your tv's and show my beautiful city a lil love

/shameless plug


Active member
Thanks ladies. I need to visit a big store so i can swatch crazy. My sleepy town only has a handful of stores which only sell basics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
jeez louise! I am officially in a nude pink phase! I am addicted to my Creme Cup and I am CRAVING MOARS!!! lmao Gaga is calling my name. Ladies, tell me I will look like a giant whor@ wearing it. Tell me its gna be GROSS white on my lips. LOL Vicorian and Bubblegum and cultureclash too..

Has anyone tried ember glow or whatever its called yet? it looks hawt! I can't wait to try everything...MUST. WAIT. LITTLE. lONGER. (dies)

I'm getting Gaga!! I thought maybe it would be too cool for me but I saw it on Zerin's blog and it looks


Well-known member
Ziya thanks so much for taking the time out to respond to me! I truly appreciate it and I am now officially in love with this forum! LMAO!

I do love gingerly for that natural glow and I tried the fuscia lip neutral eye thing last night (thanks to Zerin too as I copied one of your tuts - the orange lip/matte eye look you have on your blog - you are a star!) and it did look really cool and quite 80's (in a retro rather than themed fancy dress party kind of way).

Ill keep going with the foundation for sure x

Am also loving matte pink lips just looks sooo cool and never had so many compliments since I started trying it - Zerin really rocks that trend too xx


Well-known member
oops i forgot to say yes I am NC42, I have breakouts and my skin is erm.. oily but dry underneath or maybe dry on top and oily underneath..! i know im a freak! xxx look forward to hearing from you.


Well-known member
sojourner if you mean my oily/dry combo.. its weird, i get breakouts and blackheads on my forehead alot and my skin can look shiny but underneath the shine my skin can be flaky! As soon as i slap any make up on it my skin gets sooo dry and the make up can gather around the flaky bits.. jeez im really painting a pretty picture of myself arent i?? hahaha! yep its a real conundrum.. ps i have been checking out some forums for similar problems and the recommendations are helping, but as my skin scars easily, i still need a foundation which will help to give my skin a smooth appearance.
any help as always is super appreciated x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
GlamYOURUs - NICE HAUL! I got myself Gaga lipstick too. It's so pretty! I was kinda wanting one of the ombres but felt they were too pricey so I passed. I wanted Straw Harvest eyeshadow but saw that Evening Aura is like a dupe. I'm too excited about the other new upcoming collections and so I eventually passed on many things.

So how do you like the new mineralize foundation? Is it similar to Studio Tech foundation (cream)?

I think the Ombres are well worth the price in my opinion. I have never seen or felt such softer blushes and the lightness of the blushes are great for everyday!

I love the new mineralize foundation. I used studio tech in the past and it was the worst foundation I have ever tried on. I ended up with cystic acne bc of it. I think there is a vast difference b/w the two tbh. Studio tech is heavier, full coverage where as the mineralize just glides on and is medium to buildable. I haven't broken out from it yet. Its moisturizing and it doesn't oxide on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sojourner
^ ah I see, I think my nose is like that, always shiny but flakey when I put makeup on it, it is really annoying...with foundations, like Ziya said, it's probably the hardest product to find a HG with, you're going to have to spend loads of time trying different ones, and even then it'll be hard to find one that works for you all the time since skin is so changeable...I've realised that I need a few foundations (I rotate Studio Sculpt, Mineralize Satinfinish, Studio Fix Powder and NARS Sheer Glow). I used mineral makeup for about a year (what a baaad mistake, I looked so cakey and my graduation pics were a hot mess which makes me really sad since I can't do that again) because my dermatologist was so sure that regular makeup was causing my acne. And then I just accepted that mainstream chemical foundations suit me better
I tried a lot before settling on the ones I have (I hate Chanel and Lancome with a passion, they have really bad colours and formulations) a lot of people complain about MAC foundations but they are quite good IMO. Have you ever tried Revlon Colorstay? That gets a lot of love...

Oh im so glad you understand! Nope havent tried colorstay, Ill see if all the colours are available in the UK. The mineralize compact sounds good, believe me i am taking a note of all the foundation recs on here and ill go sample shopping soon. I actually tried smashbox hd foundation recently and really liked that, I got medium 2 which was a bit too light, i may just get another sample of a slightly darker shade and try that out also. It went on really well with my ultimate flat top kabuki.
Also regarding primer, Ive also ordered my free sample of lanacane anti chafing gel (uk equivalent of monistat a-c gel) so ill see how i get on with that.

thanks once again, right im not talking about foundation until ive been sample shopping! thanks everyone xxx


Well-known member
Hi everyone!!!!!

Glam: Like i said in the other thread, i was so anti the blush ombre's but you're making me cave girl!!

I want the gaga lipstick too, just don't know if i can work it to suit me.


Well-known member
Ziya -
YAY for the Winter Olympics in Canada!!
Vancouver is such a beautiful place and I would love to visit oneday.
Also, if Ravishing lipstick doesn't work so well on you...try to find a lippie colour that's similar to Mac's Sock Hop lipgloss...that one was LE but I hope they repromote it's an amazing peachy-coral colour and it would suit our skintone real nicely and definitely not "paan type." But yeh....honestly, I love Ravishing lipstick on me.

Sojourner - Ember Glow is a pretty shade and I might even get it. I think Gaga lipstick would suit all desi skintones as long as there's a lipliner involved. lol So you should definitely go for it! Ravishing lipstick isn't too bad...try it on in the store and see how you like it. You can even return it if you think it doesn't suit you. Gotta love Mac return/exchange policies. lol

angelynv - actually did one of my tuts...
You're so sweet. Matte pink lips are AMAZING! I tend to wear it almost everyday (lol) with thick eyeliner and lashes if I have time.

GlamYOURUs -'re making me want the ombres now. Hmm..I guess I'll look at them again. I was kinda leaning towards the pink/lilac/lavender colours. Also, thanks for the foundation review. I'm wanting it now I should really try to finish the foundations I have right now. I still have like four to finish.
I also just checked...they don't have the shade in NC 43 so I hope NC 42 will work on me and not be too light.

Nunu - lol...I know eh...I want the ombres now too. Gaga lipstick will be fine on you with a lipliner. You should definitely get it.


Well-known member
Zerin: I want that foundation too and i saw that there are only two shades NC42 and 44. I use nc43 in tech but 42 in SFF. So i'm in the same boat as you. i think i will go to the store and get matched.

I love tech and this foundation is like a better tech so i am all over it


Well-known member
Zerin: I soo agree ravishing is such a beautiful peachy/coral color and I think it's so pretty on our skintone. I got three people hooked on that l/s

Nunu: Omg you must get a Blush ombre I know they are pricey but they are heaven and they are bigger in size hehe. I bought Ripe peach and Azalea Blossom, Vintage grape was pretty but I didn't think I needed it since I have Dirty Plum blush


Well-known member
My friend is south asian, and she is super fair - like really pale, with long black hair. She recently split up from someone and was really crushed over it, so we have decided that as part of her getting over the whole thing, she should have a bit of a transformation hair and make up wise.. She is absolutely beautiful and her style is so cool, all skinny jeans and cropped leather jackets and funky t shirts. So her make up has always been fairly plain - just black eyeliner, lipgloss and a bit of bronzey blush. I got her to try one of my matte pink lipsticks and it looked really good although a slightly different shade would have suited her complexion more. I actually dont know what MAC skintone she is but ill try to find out - any recs on some looks for very pale south asian skin?? xxx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angelynv
My friend is south asian, and she is super fair - like really pale, with long black hair. She recently split up from someone and was really crushed over it, so we have decided that as part of her getting over the whole thing, she should have a bit of a transformation hair and make up wise.. She is absolutely beautiful and her style is so cool, all skinny jeans and cropped leather jackets and funky t shirts. So her make up has always been fairly plain - just black eyeliner, lipgloss and a bit of bronzey blush. I got her to try one of my matte pink lipsticks and it looked really good although a slightly different shade would have suited her complexion more. I actually dont know what MAC skintone she is but ill try to find out - any recs on some looks for very pale south asian skin?? xxx

Most of my l/s are from collections so they are usually limited edition but some of my favorites and some that might look good with lighter skintone would be :
Pervette,Speed Dial, Fanfare, Syrup, Sweetie, Ramblin Rose, Ravishing, Chatterbox and twig
I think it be fun if you went in the store with her and you guys can play around with different colors n test them out in person and I wish your friend good luck I know how hard it is after a break up but it's really sweet of you to be doing this for your friend

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