Tom Cruise on Scientology (video)


Well-known member
I had a close encounters of the most unkind 3rd kind CULT of scientology when I was only 21. Before I heard about them, I had thought the Moonies and Hare Krishnas were the most extreme but wow, scientologists are WHACKED!

I was looking for a job and answered an ad: Counselors wanted, will train. Very cool, I thought that sounded great, a counseling job and they'll do the training? Hooray!

Went to the job interview and took a personality test. Afterwards, I got an interview and results of my personality test. It was awful, it really made me feel horrible about myself. With all that I had to offer the world [and still do
] there was only one apparent positive trait from this test. That's when my interviewer, under the guise of hiring me for this counseling position, started in on the church of scientology and their reactive mind crapola. He smilingly explained that once I complete their course, then I'd be qualified to help others. Feeling about 2 inches tall, I managed to summon the energy to tell him to go F$#%$ himself and walked out. I cried the entire way home, threw out all the L. Ron Hubbard novels I had once enjoyed and afterwards was a lot more wary of ads that contain the words "Will Train".

This is a sick cult that depends upon people feeling horrible about themselves; otherwise, how can they brainwash the "unenlightened" to join their cult of darkness? I haven't been able to stomach Tom Cruise in any of his movies ever since he became their "spokesperson" and I used to like him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
I had a close encounters of the most unkind 3rd kind CULT of scientology when I was only 21. Before I heard about them, I had thought the Moonies and Hare Krishnas were the most extreme but wow, scientologists are WHACKED!

I was looking for a job and answered an ad: Counselors wanted, will train. Very cool, I thought that sounded great, a counseling job and they'll do the training? Hooray!

Went to the job interview and took a personality test. Afterwards, I got an interview and results of my personality test. It was awful, it really made me feel horrible about myself. With all that I had to offer the world [and still do
] there was only one apparent positive trait from this test. That's when my interviewer, under the guise of hiring me for this counseling position, started in on the church of scientology and their reactive mind crapola. He smilingly explained that once I complete their course, then I'd be qualified to help others. Feeling about 2 inches tall, I managed to summon the energy to tell him to go F$#%$ himself and walked out. I cried the entire way home, threw out all the L. Ron Hubbard novels I had once enjoyed and afterwards was a lot more wary of ads that contain the words "Will Train".

This is a sick cult that depends upon people feeling horrible about themselves; otherwise, how can they brainwash the "unenlightened" to join their cult of darkness? I haven't been able to stomach Tom Cruise in any of his movies ever since he became their "spokesperson" and I used to like him.

What a scary experience!

I know someone that went to a off shoot of this. He lost all his money and came back thinking he was God in more than one sense of the word. He was never the same. He spent unbelievable about of money on this and sent his employees to it. He still believes it was the best thing in the world for him. He had something that none of us had without the training. If you didn't get it from the training, you didn't follow the directions. His talk didn't even make sense, but it must have made sense to him.

A lot of what Cruise says, looks so freaking familiar it's scary. The man would just go on and on about this and that. Everyone could see he was brainwashed. He is still living. He lost his family and didn't care. The thinking that was instilled in him made everything just perfect.


Well-known member
I think there should be a crack down on cults that pose a health (physical or mental) risk to the public, and to those poor vulnerable people that get roped in. These people knock you down so that they can build you up to be a person that is beneficial to them, at whatever cost.
Cults may pretend to be all about love, but this is complete bull - they have nothing to do with religion or faith. Behind the veil of lies is someone on a power trip.
Its a small blessing that Scientology seems to be one of the non-abusive cults.

One of the worst cults IMO was The Family:

(*Caution - links on this site contain sensitive material - namely that concerning chld abuse and racism*):

The Family International Children of God Family Cult by insiders

I think the 'leaders' of abusive cults should only be given enough rope to hang their selves. What kind of person would play a role in these evil deeds, let alone make their kids participate? Animals dont have this sickness, so where did we go wrong?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I don't know if it's just me, but I have found a change in Katie of late. Don't get me wrong. She looks beautiful. She just doesn't appear as spontaneous. She looks like she is posing and a bit stiff. She doesn't look like the free spirited woman anymore. Perhaps, it is from having a child or is it from hanging around Tom. ???

totally agree!! she looks like a Stepford wife...


Well-known member

On this link, you can view a recent interview with Katie and Letterman. There was a difference. I really noticed it when looking at earlier interviews of her with Letterman on

I could watch barely 3 mins of the most current and I compared it to the one where she was on Letterman promoting Batman. (See below). I didn't even want to watch the current one. She is so boring and her effect is rather flat.

She looks so energetic and natural in this clip.
YouTube - Katie Holmes on David Letterman part1


Well-known member
Do you think it felt as awkward to Dave as it was to watch? I mean he had to carry the ENTIRE conversation because it's like she doesn't have any opinion or anything to add to the interview. She was so stiff and monotone and short-answered.

She was a LOT more animated and relaxed in the older ones, although she was still poised and showed great posture.


Well-known member
Oh, yes. Dave had to notice. She looked like she was over conscious of not using her hands too much or she was extremely guarded in what she was to discuss. Gosh, I don't know what all what going with her. You had the perfect word. It was "awkward".

Part of her beauty was her freeness to me. That is missing now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I dunno, I always thought she was pretty dull, tbh.

If you thought she was dull before, she is a totally not there now. There is another interview online with her promoting Mad Money & she is totally going blank in the interview. She can hardly answer the simple questions of the interviewer. She doesn't look nervous at all. She is just blank - like not there. The other actress in the movie, Diane, has to take over.

(At the time she got engaged to Cruise, she has admitted to just starting to become involved in Scientology).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
I personally dont believe in worship, but im all for people having religion in their life if it is used positively, and not forced upon others. However Cruise comes across as the alien loving version of a jehovah's witness. This preaching, control freak attitude of his really rubs me the wrong way. Katie Holmes was a 'virgin 'til marriage' girl next door, so its a bit odd that when her girlhood crush starts dating her, she gets knocked up and turns into Victoria Beckhams prettier sister. Though in all honesty this could bear no relation to her getting together with Cruise.
Its amusing that Cruise has put himself on his pedestal given how much of the general public feel about him.

I hope that all of those rumours are false, and that they are happily in love with each other. But unfortunately every time i see a photo of them i think 'business arrangement'.

It is just a business arrangement. And I've heard many times that he is a gay as Christmas which I think is true because he always sets of my gaydar.

He has fully blown flippy top head if you ask me. Crazy as a sack of cut snakes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
(At the time she got engaged to Cruise, she has admitted to just starting to become involved in Scientology).

I don't think Tom would have given her much choice in the matter if they were going to be together.

That's what scares me about their relationship. She came from a point of "fan adoration" and so I am not sure how objective she was able to be about her choices because being with Tom was like a fantasy come true for her (from prior interviews). And by the time she realizes/acknowledges the control, it will be hard to get out.

And I am not judging whether they love each other or not. I think you can love someone and be blinded by the fantasy of it at the same time; seeing it as you want it to be regardless of the reality.

My friend dated a man who turned out to be a complete (and scary) control freak. In the beginning, she was "in love" because that control was perceived by her as lots of attention. It took years for her to admit that he had serious control issues as well as his air of self-importance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alien21xx
Every time I see a video or picture of Tom Cruise, I think back to that South Park episode. I guess everything I learned about Scientology, I learned from South Park.

That's one of our all time favorite episodes
That & al gore manbearpig!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by COBI
I don't think Tom would have given her much choice in the matter if they were going to be together.

That's what scares me about their relationship. She came from a point of "fan adoration" and so I am not sure how objective she was able to be about her choices because being with Tom was like a fantasy come true for her (from prior interviews). And by the time she realizes/acknowledges the control, it will be hard to get out.

And I am not judging whether they love each other or not. I think you can love someone and be blinded by the fantasy of it at the same time; seeing it as you want it to be regardless of the reality.

My friend dated a man who turned out to be a complete (and scary) control freak. In the beginning, she was "in love" because that control was perceived by her as lots of attention. It took years for her to admit that he had serious control issues as well as his air of self-importance.

I just can't help, but think she was a recruit for him too. I am cringing.

Isn't that truth about how women miss perceive controlling behaviors as love in the beginning!


Well-known member
I love this video about mind control. It's old, but it's great. It's simple. When you know someone who was in a cult, the cult did almost all of these techniques to the person. The person doesn't even realize it. That's the scary part.

YouTube - Mind Control Cults


Well-known member
Apparently the creator of Scientology was in it for the money, not the power/'religious' aspects:

Some documents written by Hubbard himself suggest he regarded Scientology as a business, not a religion. In one letter dated April 10, 1953, he says calling Scientology a religion solves "a problem of practical business," and status as a religion achieves something "more equitable...with what we've got to sell." In a 1962 official policy letter, he said "Scientology 1970 is being planned on a religious organization basis throughout the world. This will not upset in any way the usual activities of any organization. It is entirely a matter for accountants and solicitors."[75] A Reader's Digest article of May 1980 quoted Hubbard as saying in the 1940s "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion."[76]

This is both amusing and tragic if its true.

Also worth reading (and some comments), but to be taken with a scoopful of salt:

Jennifer Garner Was Tommy Girl's First Choice | Dlisted

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The thing with Hubbard is he started this cult and got in over his head; he went crazy.

Scientology scares the hell out of me, especially since it's becoming more and more visible and likely popular. I know society does tend to psychiatrically overmedicate and possibly overuse therapy, but Scientology rejects all of that, even if you desperately need it. Schizophrenics have been convinced to go off their medication and end up killing someone; Scientologists convinced them to not take the medicine.

I know people have choices, but it's a cult. I wish that shit would get shut down.

Katie Holmes looks rough. I know she's a new mother, but she has lots of money and access to things many other new mothers don't. Most new mothers don't look like they aged 10 years in a few years. I go between pitying her and being annoyed with her. She's no newcomer to Hollywood, has a great family who she could go see if things got rough. It's not like a traditional getting sucked into a cult story. I almost think she chose to do this for fame and then found herself way more deep into than she expected. The part that annoys and disgusts me is she brought an innocent child into it.


Well-known member
But her "great family" doesn't live anywhere near LA (in Ohio, I believe.) Family far away (geographically) and add in the fantasy factor that is/was Tom Cruise (for her), and I think she is not far from the traditional vulnerable person at all.

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