Tom Ford Beauty Discussion


Well-known member
@beautycool  I thought about that too - about maybe scheduling a visit with a US specialist while you guys were over in the US on holiday. Perhaps they can more definite advice since they have more experience with his condition. It would definitely be worth a second opinion! I just read earlier this week about a British teen that tried to tell her doctors that she felt that her rare form of stomach cancer was coming back based on the symptoms she had been experiencing. They told her that she was being paranoid and that she should stop googling symptoms. When they finally admitted her, it was too late for treatment and she died 10 days after :(. The hospital higher ups are now admitting that they did not listen to her with sufficient attention. 
That happens all time in the uk :( People are sick and they don't do nowt Then docs say it's too late as docs didn't listen Thanks Hun x but my little boy not seriously ill But you know what I may email this hospital up Surely they know more than what's on the net maybe and can help that way maybe just maybe But they are a hospital so maybe not As busy you know !!!! Ash recommended it too about us going there to hospital Like I don't think it's proper serios unless it doesn't go :( by time he reaches 16 :( But comparing pics to before and now Makes me think this actuall condidition disease should just go feeling shall I say optimistic is that the word I'm looking for I'm not sure Meaning having a clear head thinking it can go :) xx


Well-known member
I'm useless at it tbh I don't have time to practise work or family lol that's me I just get up the stairs thinking ah cians still kip and he wakes up like 20 min later Have they got nice mirrors in sephora Oh my gosh I'm trying to save so I have some spending money if we going to FL for me n my eldest he wants clothes from the outlets and sweets from public always says to me he wants loads I need to make a list of the items I want to try n buy from FL TOO anyone near davenport FL HERE !!!!! prob not lol
Best of luck for the Florida trip.


Well-known member
Meaning having a clear head thinking it can go
It used to be that when we lived in small towns or villages, that anyone's health concern belonged to everyone in the village, not just that individual or their immediate family. I often wish that we could somehow return to that way. Because it's hard enough to deal with it but then to have to carry the worry without a village of people who care about you and know. To me, that is healing-- to be able to share it and be heard. And we can all share it and that also helps the family make better decisions.

So I will join you in carrying the hope that this will be gone well before your son reaches the age of sixteen. And I also support you in finding ways that will help you and your son restore his body to perfect health.


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]Ash [/COLOR]:yaay: [COLOR=0000FF]Oh Ash----my TF eye brushes arrived.  I haven't yet tried them----I need to wash them first but I think I'll really enjoy them.  I'll get the Smokey Eye & Crease brushes next.  [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]I would have ordered them yesterday but Miss Monsy said I needed to get Chanel Eau Fraîche[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] first, so I ordered that instead of the brushes.[/COLOR] :D  
Is that the chanel chance eau fraiche I have that and smells lovely and the chance tendre or how ever it's spelt and the normal chance love my chanel perfumes I also have coco Coco m I don't know how to spell the m word lol Also I have the chanel eau premiere and chanel no 5 lol And I think I have a few others too I'm not at home so cannot check but my gosh love them


Well-known member
   [COLOR=0000FF]Oh what a GREAT idea!!!   I'd need to get that one too!!!!  It sounds like you're having blast stepping outside your makeup comfort zone!!!  How fun!!!!!![/COLOR]    [COLOR=0000FF]That's the new YSL primer---cool looking right?  I just put it on and its obscenely smooth and my Chanel Perfection Lumiére Velvet looks even more flawless than[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   usual.  [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]The pink YSL compact is the new[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Touche Éclat’[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Blur Perfector[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF], which I'll be trying today too.  Not shown in this haul that you asked about, the MAC scent[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   Fix+.  I did get the Rose [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] and the Lavender and I like them both but the Lavender is my fav.[/COLOR]     [COLOR=0000FF] My Rainbow Balls are on their way![/COLOR]
How is the ysl blur thingy what does it do Is it like a finishing powder ? Thanks meds


Well-known member
When I was 13 every other month I would get HORRIBLE lower right side pain right at the McBurny point. My parents would haul my butt to the ER since it was the worse in the middle of the night. Each time, the staff would whisper to each other "probably an atopic pregnancy." I was still playing with Barbie's, kiss a boy oh gross!!!! They would send me home. After the ultrasound. Finally at 16 my mother demanded they go in and see what was going on. Turns out my appendix was wrapped around my right ovary like a rubber band. When I would ovulate from that side, it would be so taunt nearly squeezed the ovary to death. So bite me, comes to mind when the medical world blows off women.
Oh gosh horrid pains then :( Must of hated it docs looking and saying or thinking pregnant at a young age 13 gees It must of been horrendous being a young age and getting accused or docs thinking it were that What a horrid ordeal


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Geez that's a long time Yazmin---I'm so sorry you're going  through  that!!!  Is this the first time you've had it or just the longest interval that you've had to deal with it.?[/COLOR]
Hi yazmin sorry to hear you been going through that for the last past five months :( will it get better in time


Well-known member
Best of luck for the Florida trip.
Thank you Hun I have 170 dollars on my dollar card so far :) I'm hoping I get upto like 500 dollars maybe more that's my aim $500 after that my next aim be $800-1000 anyhows I know I won't get that amount bearing in Mind every holiday I been on my income has been 600-900 uk pounds so not good :(that's when I worked lots hours x I have taken a cleaning job with a friend well have just known her for 6 months maybe That's once a week so that's good And I have my school job Then I'm looking for third job Won't make up for income I had lost :(


Well-known member
Ha can I join the hoodie club too I have them :( I have problems doing winged or normal liner So not fair What's the SE brush meddie xx
Pixiwoos have great tutorial videos on you tube about how to do winged eyeliner (and other looks) on hooded eyes. They are really great to watch.


Well-known member
Team Hoody! just checking in, I too don't want to go down the road of TF brushes. HOWEVER, if they came out with a set in the pretty brown case, I'd snap it up. I wonder if I can get a job with them... hmmm


Well-known member
It used to be that when we lived in small towns or villages, that anyone's health concern belonged to everyone in the village, not just that individual or their immediate family. I often wish that we could somehow return to that way. Because it's hard enough to deal with it but then to have to carry the worry without a village of people who care about you and know. To me, that is healing-- to be able to share it and be heard. And we can all share it and that also helps the family make better decisions.

So I will join you in carrying the hope that this will be gone well before your son reaches the age of sixteen. And I also support you in finding ways that will help you and your son restore his body to perfect health.
That's such a sweet thing to express MakeupAli!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by beautycool

Is that the chanel chance eau fraiche I have that and smells lovely and the chance tendre or how ever it's spelt and the normal chance love my chanel perfumes I also have coco
Coco m I don't know how to spell the m word lol

Also I have the chanel eau premiere and chanel no 5 lol
And I think I have a few others too I'm not at home so cannot check but my gosh love them
Yes but I also recently purchased the new one----Chance Eau Vive and it's MAGIC!!!!!!!


Specktra Bestie
I also have really long lashes, so I get the feather look on the hood along with the 1/2 circle of liner too on the hood. Q-tips, a gift to all hoodies!!!
This is me too. Long lashes and hoodies. I get smudges all the time, even if I'm trying to be careful.
Team Hoody!  just checking in, I too don't want to go down the road of TF brushes.  HOWEVER, if they came out with a set in the pretty brown case, I'd snap it up.  I wonder if I can get a job with them... hmmm   
I have a couple of the eye brushes and they are pretty remarkable. I'm lucky I'm not regularly exposed to them, or I think I'd grab them all.


Well-known member
Team Hoody! just checking in, I too don't want to go down the road of TF brushes. HOWEVER, if they came out with a set in the pretty brown case, I'd snap it up. I wonder if I can get a job with them... hmmm
Yayyyyyyyyy TEAM!!!!!
TF did have a set of brushes in the brown case for the Nordie's sale several years ago. I think you might be able to find it on eBay. I have tried everything to get the brown case. But I keep being told, nope Mr. Ford did not like the fact the product remains would be absorbed by the fabric the bristles rested on.


Well-known member
Team Hoody! just checking in, I too don't want to go down the road of TF brushes. HOWEVER, if they came out with a set in the pretty brown case, I'd snap it up. I wonder if I can get a job with them... hmmm
Oh that would be such an awesome splurge! If you get the job pretty, remember me!! lol