Tom Ford Beauty Discussion


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Happy Birthday MEDGAL07! Not surprised we're both Cancers! My birthday was June 24th.
Thank you PP
Yasssss---lets hear for us nurturing , sensitive Cancers---rub us the wrong way though and we'll pinch ya with our claws!!!


Well-known member
Looks like he has stopped naming the shadows
Spring 2015, now AW15

I am definitely getting it! The shade looks pretty! Just thinking of getting them from other retailers! The TF CS is non existent! Any issue with the package/order concern, it really is hard to get ahold of someone to help! Most of the time I end up with their Voicemail lol!


Well-known member
Looks like he has stopped naming the shadows
Spring 2015, now AW15

I am definitely getting it! The shade looks pretty! Just thinking of getting them from other retailers! The TF CS is non existent! Any issue with the package/order concern, it really is hard to get ahold of someone to help! Most of the time I end up with their Voicemail lol!


Well-known member
Looks like he has stopped naming the shadows
Spring 2015, now AW15

I am definitely getting it! The shade looks pretty! Just thinking of getting them from other retailers! The TF CS is non existent! Any issue with the package/order concern, it really is hard to get ahold of someone to help! Most of the time I end up with their Voicemail lol!
Lol! Easier than using the names of ex-bf's ay?


Well-known member
Looks like he has stopped naming the shadows
Spring 2015, now AW15

I am definitely getting it! The shade looks pretty! Just thinking of getting them from other retailers! The TF CS is non existent! Any issue with the package/order concern, it really is hard to get ahold of someone to help! Most of the time I end up with their Voicemail lol!
I got that Email and I really want that E/S---it will play well with Cognac Sable. I'm afraid to preorder it from the TF site. I'd love to wait and get it elsewhere.


Well-known member
Come on Nordies.....where's Tommy boy

I already have the 3 ls in the "new" Nordies set let's move along & get something new Nordies


Well-known member
Oh no! On the bright side thouugh, this new dermatologist sounds like she knows what she's talking about so hopefully it'll all work out. Sorry to hear your other son didn't get the job. Fingers crossed something else works out for him soon. And we're always here to talk about makeup any time you want to take your mind off things for a bit!!

Quote: Originally Posted by beautycool

Hi Hun thank you
The struggles are so real gees
I been ok my little boy the rash has gone sort of after 7 days
I think it's scarred him or it's gone like bumpy on his back and body
It's prickly scabs I can't explain
Pin prick makings and you can feel and see them on him

The redness etc has gone though being the hot weather hasgone in the uk ATM
I sent pics to the dermatologist secretary as I got told I wasn't allowed to speak to the dermatologist over the phone

So I used my brain and said can u send over pics to her
She said yes I send you the email
You can go through me to her
Then when she replys go through her to me to you
Arghhhh gosh

I sent pics Thursday last Thurday
And then got a reply back lunch time Friday
( thought it was quick )
Anyhows she thinks he has a second disease called polymorthic light eruption

Yer mmmmm nice great
He may go back to see her soon

Or hubby has piped up this evening that him and cian are covered with health insurance
Which we both forgot about
So we may pay the first £75 to get him seen

Sorry long story not been on for a whole I mean I have been on but not much
Was very upset on Friday and didn't know what to do

My son didn't get the job
don't even think he got the chip shop job either
Just wanted to say that as someone who works in the health field, and has worked with a dermatologist, from what I've seen it's very often skin issues = digestive issues. One of the problems is that we will treat a skin issue topically, as in "let me put an ointment on it," or take an antibiotic, rather than get to the root cause, which can often be the person is not digesting and absorbing their food properly or has taken too many antibiotics that wiped out their gut flora, which need to be restored. My hub who had lifelong allergies and skin issues from childhood was able to repair his gut and resolve his skin issues as a result of our seeking out docs who understood how to address these issues from that perspective. That is a whole story and I could not say what the resources are where you reside. But I just have to mention this because there are areas of medicine where the knowledge is great, and other areas where the docs are behind the 8 ball unless you find someone who understands that connection. What can then happen is that their attempts to fix it make things worse. If you are able to locate the right kind of gut specialist, it will produce results. This is actually a new cutting edge area of science that researchers at places like Stanford say will totally transform health treatment. If you are interested, please google "microbiome." Hope this helps, and good luck to you and our family!


Well-known member
Just wanted to say that as someone who works in the health field, and has worked with a dermatologist, from what I've seen it's very often skin issues = digestive issues. One of the problems is that we will treat a skin issue topically, as in "let me put an ointment on it," or take an antibiotic, rather than get to the root cause, which can often be the person is not digesting and absorbing their food properly or has taken too many antibiotics that wiped out their gut flora, which need to be restored. My hub who had lifelong allergies and skin issues from childhood was able to repair his gut and resolve his skin issues as a result of our seeking out docs who understood how to address these issues from that perspective. That is a whole story and I could not say what the resources are where you reside. But I just have to mention this because there are areas of medicine where the knowledge is great, and other areas where the docs are behind the 8 ball unless you find someone who understands that connection. What can then happen is that their attempts to fix it make things worse. If you are able to locate the right kind of gut specialist, it will produce results. This is actually a new cutting edge area of science that researchers at places like Stanford say will totally transform health treatment. If you are interested, please google "microbiome." Hope this helps, and good luck to you and our family!
Hi Hun thanks for the advice but my little boys rare condition goes back to damaged DNA Mast condition he has damaged DNA :( Nothing I did just one of those things that happens when egg meets sperm or wot not Mastocysis ultercia pigmentosa And recently found out his allergic to sun But could be due to the mast But the dermatologist had said he has this other condition to sun called polymorthic light eruption But I'm more bothered about his mast condition Hun Thank you though Mast condition may affect his gut more later But it's so hard for me to understand this all But have already been told that mast is due to damaged DNA


Well-known member
But have already been told that mast is due to damaged DNA
So sorry to hear this, hun. That is a lot to deal with. Not sure if this link is related to what you mention. Might be helpful in avoiding possible triggers he may have: