Tom Ford Beauty Discussion


Well-known member
Just wanted to say that as someone who works in the health field, and has worked with a dermatologist, from what I've seen it's very often skin issues = digestive issues. One of the problems is that we will treat a skin issue topically, as in "let me put an ointment on it," or take an antibiotic, rather than get to the root cause, which can often be the person is not digesting and absorbing their food properly or has taken too many antibiotics that wiped out their gut flora, which need to be restored. My hub who had lifelong allergies and skin issues from childhood was able to repair his gut and resolve his skin issues as a result of our seeking out docs who understood how to address these issues from that perspective. That is a whole story and I could not say what the resources are where you reside. But I just have to mention this because there are areas of medicine where the knowledge is great, and other areas where the docs are behind the 8 ball unless you find someone who understands that connection. What can then happen is that their attempts to fix it make things worse. If you are able to locate the right kind of gut specialist, it will produce results. This is actually a new cutting edge area of science that researchers at places like Stanford say will totally transform health treatment. If you are interested, please google "microbiome." Hope this helps, and good luck to you and our family!
Yes! I know about this issue & I agree. I am totally into eating healthy & exercising.


Well-known member
So sorry to hear this, hun. That is a lot to deal with. Not sure if this link is related to what you mention. Might be helpful in avoiding possible triggers he may have:
Hi Hun sorry have only just seen this Yer that's it :( xxx Thanks Hun have already looked it up all about it :( thank you I app it Hun ️ Waited to have my little baby for a very long time And then this happened !!!!! Then we find out the markings from when he was born is actually that Then we find out he may have also another condition poor little boy :( makes me sad


Well-known member
Then we find out he may have also another condition poor little boy
makes me sad
So terribly sorry that this happened, Hun, and all love and blessings to you and your family. A goodly portion of my own work is directed towards trying to get our society to make changes so that we allow less toxic stuff to be put out into the world that will interact with our genes and affect our health by creating a less than healthy environment. Your little sweetheart is one of the increased number of little ones that are suffering. And I hope and pray that he will be able to do better some way some how. My heart goes out to you. <3


Well-known member
awwwww shyt HAPPY BIRFDAY MEDDY!!!

what did u do? where did u go? what did u get? EEEEK!!!

soooo I wore my beloved TF Rose Soleil yesterday and twisted the tube UP only to find that shyt broke at the base **insert screeching halt sound**
I saaaaid PHK THAT...nordies WILL be exchanging and im NOT payin no dmn price difference either
thank goodness its not LE tho cuz I would've been devastated. Is anybody else gearin up for the anniversary sale tomorrow??

And speaking of CCO's im debating on going back for sahara haze!! nude dip is gonna round off my TF palette stash tho n im done....**says everyone before they splurge again**
This is all so helpful and thank you to everyone! The hub and I will be on the road in a few days and going by an outlet that has a shop. Now the challenge comes in persuading the hub to make the stop. Wish me luck!


Well-known member
I am panicking a bit! So, a friend in the UK asked if I could send her Nude Dip and Pink Sand since they are both out of stock over yonder. I told her that Pink Sand was sold out everywhere except for and they now accept PayPal. She sent me the money and I happily placed her order for her. I've just received it a half hour ago and Nude Dip is missing!! No shipping invoice, no note/gift wrap as I had asked for. Just Pink Sand thrown into a FedEx box with tissue. They are conveniently closed until Monday. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm really afraid they will say that they've sent everything when they didn't. The most expensive item is conveniently missing and I have to say that this is unacceptable from a multi-million dollar company. I expect better when I'm paying the prices that he charges!!!


Well-known member
I am panicking a bit! So, a friend in the UK asked if I could send her Nude Dip and Pink Sand since they are both out of stock over yonder. I told her that Pink Sand was sold out everywhere except for and they now accept PayPal. She sent me the money and I happily placed her order for her. I've just received it a half hour ago and Nude Dip is missing!! No shipping invoice, no note/gift wrap as I had asked for. Just Pink Sand thrown into a FedEx box with tissue. They are conveniently closed until Monday. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm really afraid they will say that they've sent everything when they didn't. The most expensive item is conveniently missing and I have to say that this is unacceptable from a multi-million dollar company. I expect better when I'm paying the prices that he charges!!!
This is terrible. I hope it all works out.


Well-known member
I am panicking a bit! So, a friend in the UK asked if I could send her Nude Dip and Pink Sand since they are both out of stock over yonder. I told her that Pink Sand was sold out everywhere except for and they now accept PayPal. She sent me the money and I happily placed her order for her. I've just received it a half hour ago and Nude Dip is missing!! No shipping invoice, no note/gift wrap as I had asked for. Just Pink Sand thrown into a FedEx box with tissue. They are conveniently closed until Monday. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm really afraid they will say that they've sent everything when they didn't. The most expensive item is conveniently missing and I have to say that this is unacceptable from a multi-million dollar company. I expect better when I'm paying the prices that he charges!!!
What do we have to do now----film ourselves opening packages
This is just awful. I hope there's an easy path to resolving this.


Well-known member
Just wanted to say that as someone who works in the health field, and has worked with a dermatologist, from what I've seen it's very often skin issues = digestive issues. One of the problems is that we will treat a skin issue topically, as in "let me put an ointment on it," or take an antibiotic, rather than get to the root cause, which can often be the person is not digesting and absorbing their food properly or has taken too many antibiotics that wiped out their gut flora, which need to be restored. My hub who had lifelong allergies and skin issues from childhood was able to repair his gut and resolve his skin issues as a result of our seeking out docs who understood how to address these issues from that perspective. That is a whole story and I could not say what the resources are where you reside. But I just have to mention this because there are areas of medicine where the knowledge is great, and other areas where the docs are behind the 8 ball unless you find someone who understands that connection. What can then happen is that their attempts to fix it make things worse. If you are able to locate the right kind of gut specialist, it will produce results. This is actually a new cutting edge area of science that researchers at places like Stanford say will totally transform health treatment. If you are interested, please google "microbiome." Hope this helps, and good luck to you and our family!
I totally agree! Also, some people tend to produce more bacteria than others, so getting that under control pro & pre-biotically is crucial.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] OMG[/COLOR]:shock: [COLOR=0000FF]What do we have to do now----film ourselves opening packages[/COLOR]:shrugs: [COLOR=0000FF]This is just awful.  I hope there's an easy path to resolving this.  [/COLOR]
Thank you! They aren't open until Monday :(


Well-known member
New Highlight duo!!! Available for preorder!


Well-known member
So has the Skin Illuminating Powder Duo been discussed at all? I didn't even know it was coming out, and now I saw it on their website!

EDIT: LOL wow someone posted JUST before me, woops!


Well-known member
I had a literal "shaking and crying" moment today- or darned close to. My local Nordies got their counter within the last 2 weeks. It's a work of art... And the biggest counter of any brand I've ever seen. I have glimpsed heaven and it is filled with TF, y'all.