Ugly Celebrities That Are Just So Hot!


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Originally Posted by k.a.t
OMG Keanu Reeves mmmmmmmmm.............. esp in that movie with Sandra Bullock and the bus lol can't remember the name but yummy hehe and also i second Axl Rose when he was younger

SPEED....thats the movie's name. Keanu is not ugly. He looks like the exact clone of my brother!

kristina ftw!

Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
Daniel Craig. He's not that attractive but I wouldn't mind being his Bond girl... There is something rugged and sexy about him.

I'd say he's pretty darn attractive :yummy:
Also, I think Edward Norton is pretty hot, too. I've seen people mentioning Seth Green and Richard Gere - they're definitely very hot, but I don't consider them unattractive or ugly in any sense of the word, so they don't really count in my case
Then again, I don't find Edward Norton ugly either ... But a bit funny looking, perhaps?

ETA: Is Flavor Flav the guy in Taking Back Sunday's "You're So Last Summer"-video?

Edited again: Ohh, I thought of one! Eminem!


Well-known member
Tommy Lee Jones - he's not that attractive, but he's hot! For an older man he still have a very nice body and a cute little a$$....

I think Conan O'Brian and John Stewart of The Daily Show are very hot as well.
Something about these 3 guys that's very compelling, even though they're hardly what you would consider to be classic handsome types. Except for John Stewart, he's gorgeous maybe I should remove him from this list....


Well-known member
It kind of disturbs me what is considered 'ugly.' Kevin James can't be hot because he's 'big'? Meh. (And for the record, I find him totally hot.) I think anyone and everyone is physically attractive because the only things to measure "physical attractiveness" against are socially constructed beauty standards, which are false and... well, crap!

I think men like Benicio Del Toro and Adrian Brody are attractive because they are unique-looking. You shouldn't feel like an outsider because you like someone who does not measure up to the silly beauty standards of the media or whatnot, ya know? I don't feel weird or embarrassed admitting I think anyone mentioned in this thread is hot, is what I mean.

Sorry, not trying to suck the fun out of this thread or anything. I just wanted to throw in my two cents. :p


Well-known member
I'm hardcore agreeing with Benicio Del Toro, Cillian Murphy, Michael Cera and Steve Buscemi.. according to all my friends, I have terrible, terrible taste in looks..I prefer to think that I have unique tastes
So let's see.. Jack Nicholson, his swagger is sexy..Michael Sheen, Paul Bettany, Peter Gallagher (eyebrowwsssss
), Aaron Stanford, Justin Hawkins..sigh. Pretty much anyone creepy/strung-out/villainous/greasy. I could go on all day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Gerard Butler in Phantom of the Opera = Ok.

Gerard Butler in 300 = *moist*

DUDE! I don't know wtf it was that made him look so damn hot in that movie. I was like GADDAMN! LOL and he's not even that good looking but I was infatuated.


Well-known member
A few who've been mentioned already:
Gary Oldman -particularly the scene in Bram Stoker's Dracula where he's walking Mina to the cinema -glasses, top hat, curly hair
Marilyn Manson
William Peterson

I don't think they're actually ugly, just not conventionally attractive.


Well-known member
Alan Rickman. I have the huuugest crush on him <3 And Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy siiigh *googles pics* To me they are not ugly at all, but I guess not the conventional idea of hotness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yummy411
ummm maybe lil wayne.... quite ugly, but has some kinda sex appeal.. maybe the bad boy thing.. ewwww he's soo tatted up, it's disgusting!

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG I totally know what you mean about Lil Wayne


Well-known member
Umm, Eric Balfour? lol. I don't know why, but something about him...

And I agree w/ Gerard Butler too, but he's not really "ugly" .. Physically, he looks okay, but I think it's his charm... I think he is really hot

Oh, and is Michael Phelps considered a celebrity? lol. His body is smooookin' hot, but his face.. umm, not so much, imho. I don't like his smile lol, but when he looks serious, he looks hot. lol. xD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Marilyn Manson...

WITH the makeup though! I think thats what the appeal is all about...


Active member
Patrick Fugit. From White Oleander, Saved and Almost Famous. Although I'm really getting too old for thinking that about the latter.


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XZIBIT!! he kinda has a rough bulldog looking face, but his personality and his voice/laugh *melts*

TECH 9-- oh yeah! he's something special

Don Omar- his look is different.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Le-Saboteur
Oh, also, Gerard Butler. Mainly in Phantom of the Opera. Any females I've discussed this with think I'm insane, but he's just... rrrr! Love.

Omg Kendra, talk to me! Have you HEARD his accent in real life? So hot. I loveeeed him in the Phantom of the Opera. I pretty much wanted Christine to choose him >.< Raoul was boring, what can I say?


Well-known member
Gabriel Byrne, Alan Rickman, John Malkovich and Jeremy Irons. (The last three are all about the voice!!)

Oh have to edit in Rufus Sewell, that lazy eye just makes me melt and he's a cute accent too!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Le-Saboteur
I love Benicio del Toro. I don't know what it is about the sleazy drug-dealing gangster look that does it for me, but...
Oh, also, Gerard Butler. Mainly in Phantom of the Opera. Any females I've discussed this with think I'm insane, but he's just... rrrr! Love.

Girl, I'm there with you! Gerard Butler can have me anyday! He is way too sexy for his own good and the accent just makes it even better....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VDUB*BELLA
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG I totally know what you mean about Lil Wayne

ha he so came to mind when i read this thread! i heard someone compare him to schmiegel (sp?) from lord of the rings
hey but sometimes... you know what i!

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