Ugly Celebrities That Are Just So Hot!


Well-known member
Adrien Brody - sexiest man alive

Joaquin Phoenix

Javier Bardem

& did we already mentioned Vincent Cassel
? He´s pretty hot as well!!!


Well-known member
I haven't seen any women mentioned, so I'll throw a few out there...

Tilda Swinton
- I'm a sucker for a hot redhead, and we could wear each others clothes. Love the androgyny

PJ Harvey
- I'm not sure how much of a celebrity she's considered to be now, and though at times she does resemble a hand puppet, I think she's got something really sexy about her.

Samantha Ronson
- Some folks are keen on the butchier Gayelle look, but I'm all for it.


Well-known member
Can I say Zachary Quinto? Because he's not ugly in the slightest, but he has these awesome, exaggerated features that make him look like an anime character. Then again I'm really only into him as Sylar, as I have a thing for murderous sociopaths (...what?). IRL he just makes me go "aww".

Originally Posted by wolfsong
Dylan Moran

Dylan Moran is adorable. Especially as Bernard Black. Sigh.

Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
Joel McHale (The Soup from the E!)

Seconded! Well, thirded.

Originally Posted by revinn
Jack Nicholson, his swagger is sexy.

Hell yes. I could watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest forever.

Originally Posted by fashionate
DJ Qualls in The New Guy, he's definitely hot
otherwise, he's so not my type of guy

I've not seen The New Guy, but it's good to know I'm not alone in being slightly attracted to DJ Qualls. I do like the lanky, nerdy type.

Originally Posted by pratbc
Jon Stewart

For sure.

Originally Posted by concertina
Also, I will forever-and-always-amen find Elijah Wood incredibly sexy. Laugh at me if you must...then there will just be more of him for me.

I LOVE ELIJAH WOOD AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT. Really, though, he's adorable. And if you also take into consideration how intelligent, well-spoken and notoriously nice he is, it's pretty hard to resist. I can even deal with the hipster cooties.


Well-known member
Dave Grohl, lead singer of the Foo Fighters. Not only his looks but his hysterical sense of humor, makes him so "HOT" to me and he is a creative genius.

Lucy In The Sky...

Well-known member
I absolutely LOVE Jonah Hill
. All of my friends just look at me and are like
. But I think he's like the hottest thing around haha. Seriously if I ever ran into him I would ask him out on a date lol.
I totally agree about Alan Rickman, Hugh Laurie, Vince Vaughn, James McAvoy, Gerard Butler and Xzibit. Somethin about them makes them pretty hot. Another one of my favorites is Sean Bean. Anyone see The Hitcher? I don't care if he was a psycho killer, he looked damn sexy doing it!


Well-known member
I would say Adam Sandler and Snoop Dogg!

And whoever said that Jared Leto would even be considered ugly is NUTS! THAT MAN IS FINE AS HELLLL! ughhh

Lucy In The Sky...

Well-known member
Originally Posted by civicbabe627
I would say Adam Sandler and Snoop Dogg!

And whoever said that Jared Leto would even be considered ugly is NUTS! THAT MAN IS FINE AS HELLLL! ughhh

Oh my gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE Adam Sandler! He is so my husband! (too bad he doesn't know it.)And I completely agree about Snoop! My cousin and I think it's because he's so confident, and that's why he's so attractive.
Have you seen the previews for Adam Sandler's new movie with Disney? It looks way funny.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stronqerx
Travis McCoy from Gym class heroes. I remember telling my b.f that i thought he was soo cute and he didn't even get mad, i think he got disturbed, because he had the most disgusted and confused face on his look, lmaooo. I also told my sis and she said 'You're crazy'. But idk there's just something so sexy about him, even with his ghetto fab/grungy/punkish/unibrow self.

I saw him in person and he blew me a kiss... yum.


Well-known member
Ohmigawd! This is so disgusting. I have the hugest crush on PJ Harvey! and I am probably old enough to be her mother!!
no one mentioned Nick Cave? He is creepy/sexy!
And my all time love - Leonard Cohen!!!
Not the best looking man in the world, but sex on wheels!!


Well-known member
^^To Esme...I know what you mean bout the younger man (or woman) thing!, I've been attracted to both David Archuleta and Jesse McCartney's freakin me out cause I used to think it was grody for a woman to be attracted to sumone younger, (though they can't be that much younger I'm only 22), but damn the disgustingly pervy things I would do to those lil boys!! :p lol


Well-known member
Charlie Sheen, Collin Farell, Tommy Lee, Vin Diesel & I agree Jaime Foxx has a sexiness to him.
I like bad boys for some reason. I guess they're a turn on lol


Well-known member
Hmm... I don't know if this fits in with the thread, but I was just watching Pirates of the Caribbean and to me, Commodore Norrington is way hotter than the pirates, but he gets no love...


Well-known member
I can't believe I'm putting this out there but Joel McHale totally comes to mind!! haha I think it's his persona that gets to me

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