Ugly Celebrities That Are Just So Hot!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Evey
DUDE! I don't know wtf it was that made him look so damn hot in that movie. I was like GADDAMN! LOL and he's not even that good looking but I was infatuated.

Seriously. SERIOUSLY!

That whole movie is sexy to me. I actually have fantasies about Gerard Butler a lot, but only as he is in "300". Weird.

Also, James McAvoy. He resembles Gerard Butler and is totally hot in the new movie with Angelina Jolie. He plays and awkward character but he does it so sexily LOL


Originally Posted by Indigowaters
I can't believe I'm admitting this but I'm pretty sure someone else feels me, but I think Method Man is so sexy! Lol.

Oh yeah! I think I'm going to watch "How High" today - again

I think Ky-Mani Marley is soo hot. Love those dreadlocks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Also, James McAvoy. He resembles Gerard Butler and is totally hot in the new movie with Angelina Jolie. He plays and awkward character but he does it so sexily LOL

While I don't think he resembles GB, James McAvoy is *completely* geeky-hot!! And such a crazy-good actor.

Also, I will forever-and-always-amen find Elijah Wood incredibly sexy. Laugh at me if you must...then there will just be more of him for me.

Billy Corgan back in the mid-90s. I have no idea why I find that man sexy. But I just totally do.

And Adrian Brody. I just love those geeky-hot boys. And he's incredibly talented. That certainly doesn't hurt!


Well-known member
Michael Cera! He's so.. awkward, but incredibly cute at the same time. LOVE him <3<3<3
Zach Braff, he's such a goof, I just adore him.
Hugh Laurie and Alan Rickman - both kinda old, but somehow really sexy.
Billy Corgan. The man's truly a genius, and that's hot.


Well-known member
I can't believe no one has mentioned Billy Bob Thornton, makes me feel kinda creepy, hehe.
Others on my list:
Jon Stewart
Kevin Spacey
Clive Owen (esp. in Closer mmmm)
Joaquin Phoenix
Adrian Brody
Andy Garcia

I could go on all day, I tend to not go for the conventional "pretty boy"


Well-known member
I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds something attractive about Alan Rickman!

Names I didn't see:

Vince Vaughn
Javier Bardem...No country for Old Men, Goyas Ghost
Simon Pegg...Hot Fuzz, Saun of the Dead

hmmm I know theres others


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
zach braff? yes, pls.
and hugh laurie...yeah, i'll take him any day too.

Originally Posted by xmrsvindieselx
mhmmmm Hugh Laurie.

i want him to be my doctor SO badddd.

Originally Posted by wolfsong
Whos that obnoxious guy off of House? Love him!

Originally Posted by janwa09
Yes, those piercing blue eyes and that accent...oooooohh makes me melt!!
Yes I want him to be my doctor specifically my gynecologist hahaha!!

OMG! I thought I was alone on Hugh Laurie. I LOOOOVE love love love love <333 House MD. One of my fav. shows. Seriously...kinky with the cane off the show anyone?!!?!???? *suddenly feels alone again*
Although I'm not sure yet if I like Dr. House or Hugh Laurie more. Hugh has that seXXXie accent but House is a general ass which is always hot, plus...the cane....

To add to the list:
John Lennon - Genius, Speaking Your Thoughts and Singing = HOTT (for me anyways)

Maynard James Keenan of Tool - ooooh that VOICE! hawtt.

*dies of shame* remember when Clay Aiken used to be young? and cute? and a red head? on American Idol?....yeah...I thought he was kind of hot then...not so much anymore....

Owen Wilson and all his messed-up-nose glory is def. on my list.

Jared Leto and Jonathan Rhys Meyers both make my list.

Not sure if he can be considered 'ugly' (ha! not in my book!) but to some he is "creepy"...*licks lips* Trent Reznor, to me, is one of those "mysterious and troubled" hot/seXXXie guys. *panties drop* Rawwwr.


and I can't forget Jason Isaacs. yummy with the blond wig in Harry Potter yummy w/o the wig too.

I'm sure there are more...I might add onto my list later.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eccentric
Michael Cera! He's so.. awkward, but incredibly cute at the same time. LOVE him <3<3<3
Zach Braff, he's such a goof, I just adore him.
Hugh Laurie and Alan Rickman - both kinda old, but somehow really sexy.
Billy Corgan. The man's truly a genius, and that's hot.

I've been fantasizing about Billy Corgan since I was 13.
He's damn sexy and I don't care what anyone thinks.
I'd bang him in a second..
I met him once, he was a total ass..but I still love him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by itsJADEbiitch
XZIBIT!! he kinda has a rough bulldog looking face, but his personality and his voice/laugh *melts*

I totally agree, i love Xzibit!
I don't really think he's unattractive, though he's not what you'd call a 'sex symbol' but you are right, those things definitely make him that much hotter!
I'm glad you mentioned him because if I hadn't read your post I would have forgotten to say him.
Ok, now I wanna go watch Pimp My Ride


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kalikana
Umm, Eric Balfour? lol. I don't know why, but something about him...

Eric Balfour is total Greek nose hot!

Go rent this indie film he did, called "Lie With Me". Now. You will appreciate it- that goes for anyone else who thinks he's as fine as he really is.

Originally Posted by chameleonmary
WITH the makeup though! I think thats what the appeal is all about...

Totally. I find him the most attractive when he's more feminine though. His looks in his videos for "The Dope Show" and "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" are totally sexy. As a matter of fact...

*scurries off to YouTube*



Well-known member
Travis McCoy from Gym class heroes. I remember telling my b.f that i thought he was soo cute and he didn't even get mad, i think he got disturbed, because he had the most disgusted and confused face on his look, lmaooo. I also told my sis and she said 'You're crazy'. But idk there's just something so sexy about him, even with his ghetto fab/grungy/punkish/unibrow self.


Well-known member
Travis McCoy from Gym class heroes. I remember telling my b.f that i thought he was soo cute and he didn't even get mad, i think he got disturbed, because he had the most disgusted and confused face on his look, lmaooo. I also told my sis and she said 'You're crazy'. But idk there's just something so sexy about him, even with his ghetto fab/grungy/punkish/unibrow self.

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