UK'ers did you feel the earthquake??


Well-known member
I was in the flat on my own and suddenly my room started to shake and i honestly thought i was going to fall of my chair!!!

Were any fellow Uk'ers awake? It was approximately at 1 am UK time..

I was soo scared, i didn't know we were going to experience an erathquake!!
I thought the whole building was going to collapse

BBC NEWS | England | Earthquake hits much of England


Well-known member
Re: UK'ers did you feel the mini earthquake??

I'm glad your physically OK and your flat didn't suffer any damages.


Well-known member
Re: UK'ers did you feel the mini earthquake??

Glad to hear nothing broke, but why are you calling it mini?


Well-known member
Re: UK'ers did you feel the mini earthquake??

i was soo shocked..i watched the news today but no one mentioned anything about the earthquake so it was soo unexpected!


Well-known member
Re: UK'ers did you feel the mini earthquake?? felt mini because it only lasted a few seconds!

i'll edit that


Well-known member
Totally unrelated to this earthquake. But one time I was staying over at a friend's house and there was an earthquake,we decided we didn't feel like it was serious (it wasn't) but all of the sudden her younger sister comes barging in (it's about 8am) and yells 'Earthquake! Earthquake!'. My friend and I both say in unison 'Shut up Katie!' It was just a funny moment that every time I hear about earthquakes I think about.


Well-known member
Wow, how scary! I always worry that there will be an earthquake when I visit California...I never thought I'd have to worry about earthquakes in the UK when I'm ready to visit there!! I'm glad to hear you all are OK, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmberLilith
I'm in the North East. I totally missed it. We're *quite* far away.

Couple of relevant link: map and details

Event 2008nyae Map


The original article said 5.3 which is pretty moderate. 4.7 is still fairly strong, it should damage anything but you're still going to feel it. I couldn't tell if at first Nunu was being sarcastic or not about the size of it.


Well-known member
I think it varied in some areas. Thinking about it now it was kind of strong, but not as strong as i have seen on tv or movies, you know the ones that things start falling off the shelves etc..that did not happen in the area i'm in. My room just shook i thought someone was banging the floor of the flat above me and didn't think much of it till my cousin text asking if i'm ok.

I hope no one suffered any damages..
I'm going to ask my roomie tomorrow where she was when it happened and if it was severe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
The original article said 5.3 which is pretty moderate. 4.7 is still fairly strong, it should damage anything but you're still going to feel it. I couldn't tell if at first Nunu was being sarcastic or not about the size of it.

The BBC article was written later than the one i posted, don't know which was more accurate.
And where we were it wasn't enough to do more than shake the room a bit. The map here shows the reported experiences of people across the country:

Event 2008nyae Map

Where are you Nunu?


Well-known member
Glad you are okay Nunu! In CA, we are no strangers to earthquakes. I hate them because they usually happen when you are dead asleep. I wake up feeling scared and trying to figure out what the hell happened.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Coventry, by Birmingham (The midlands). According to the map, it's light.

You probably felt it stronger than here -I'm near Middlesbrough on the map -Light-Weak.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Glad you are okay Nunu! In CA, we are no strangers to earthquakes. I hate them because they usually happen when you are dead asleep. I wake up feeling scared and trying to figure out what the hell happened.

Thanks! I was sitting on my chair, typing my essay and the floor suddenly shook LOL...A lot of people were probably asleep because it did happen at 1am..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
oh ok, i'm glad you're ok

Thank you -you too hon!

Originally Posted by nunu
Thanks! I was sitting on my chair, typing my essay and the floor suddenly shook LOL...A lot of people were probably asleep because it did happen at 1am..

I probably should have been asleep. But i wasn't. i'm still not asleep...
Hope your essay is going ok Nunu -you could always try 'but there was an earthquake!' as an excuse, but i don't think it'd work...