URGENT... I Need everyone to pass this message on!


Well-known member
When she told me that men set the standard of beauty and determine what is attractive I was take back. She said that all men only like skinny women, who are "delicate and look like birds". For one, a lot of heterosexual men like more curvaceous figures that's why so much of the media that sexually exploits woman depicts bigger chests and butts. So many ladies are getting implants all over the body to achieve this. I think the idea that anorexic is beautiful comes from the Fashion world that is dominated by women and gay men, so to say that all heterosexual men like and perpetuate this fraglie body type is so ignorant.
And about the whole skin tissue issue Yeah I don't think she understands that tanning is soo popular in our culture to get a more sunkissed and darker skin tone.

I just think people can do whatever to themselves if it makes them feel good about themselves, but at some point you have to stop looking around you for a sense of beauty and look at yourself.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
There are still a lot of bleaching creams available in the US but only in certain neighbourhoods, those in which the most minorities live. It's pretty sad but still true even though tanning and bronzing products are still huge.

Sort of OT, but on Oprah they were talking about beauty in different cultures and in one place, the bigger the woman the better, the more stretch marks she had, the more attractive she was and the more times she was divorced, the sexier men thought she was because it would mean that more men had desired her.

In any case, in every culture, there is going to someone trying to change thier looks to fit in with what they think everyone who is beautiful is like because the women in that place I just described are force fed as children to become overweight if they're not naturally like that.


Well-known member
It is really sad....That people cannot accept, love and embrace the skin they are in. Society and Culture has played a major role...But as we get older and experience life and different cultures...we should surely see the differences as to what we were told or taught versus "How it is" Beauty has no color....If we seek Perfection we will die trying to acheive that...Just not possible. What one person sees as perfect another sees as flawed...It is important that we please ourselves... I don't think there is anything you can say to this lady until she changes her way of thinking....and looks like she is pretty much set in her idea of what "Beauty" is.


Well-known member
As my dh says...Only a Dog wants a Bone.....

Look skinny girls throw shit at my dh...he's the one that says it !!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore
so my question is... How do I get this girl to see that she is beautiful as a woman of color? That she is beautiful as a woman? That she is beautiful as a human being?

You won't be able to get her to see anything. Self esteem starts with SELF....
it' has to come from within her
There are women in this world who are totally Gorge that think they're ugly
And there are world that wouldn't be considered good looking but have the self confidence of 3 Kenya Moores

People have to find beauty within themselves... regardless to what society or others think



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
kim kardashian is one sexy bitch. good lord. i love her.

i prefer thicker girls, but thats just me.

I agree!! And I think Kim is natural. Last night I was having a conversation with this guy and he was like she's got implants in her butt. And i was like no honey have you seen her hips? If you just get implants that is not going to give you a bigger hip width, plus I've seen some unflattering pictures of some of her cellulite. But honestly who doesn't have a dimple randomly. She is the epitome of beauty to me! Except I wish her eyebrows weren't so close together in the middle haha but that's just me.


Well-known member
I think Kim K is pretty...But, Honestly I have never really seen what all the hype was about with her....Just IMO.....I honestly think Beyonce has the IT body when it comes to thicker girls....
I do however like KK's makeup!


Well-known member
beyonce is beautiful too obviously... But Idk B's thighs look like they could kill a small child... but she def has a banging body! I can't lie! And Beyonce's face is flawless!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
As my dh says...Only a Dog wants a Bone.....

Look skinny girls throw shit at my dh...he's the one that says it !!

my bf says that all the time too LMAO


Well-known member
haha... we need a whole another thread for the battle of the booties! haha.... But I'm just glad there are girls with "normal" bodies who can give the average woman something to look to. B/c few ppl can be a healthy size 2


Well-known member
speakin of which, i saw a pic of Lindsay Lohan recently...she looks like Skeletor from He-Man. fucking gross. she needs a CC's of bacon grease STAT


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
speakin of which, i saw a pic of Lindsay Lohan recently...she looks like Skeletor from He-Man. fucking gross. she needs a CC's of bacon grease STAT

hahah so true!! She was such a beautiful girl around the time of Mean Girls... she needs to bring back her healthy curves... Its so sad to see Hollywood got to her.


Well-known member
Honestly, I must speak out that there's a little too much hating on skinny girls here. Skinny girls are glorified at times by the media, and as women we are generally pushed in that direction, but seriously, some people are naturally skinny. That's not their fault, just like it's not a woman's fault if she's naturally curvy. When I was a kid, guys made fun of girls who were flat chested. i guess those girls should just crawl under a hole and die because they don't have big boobs right? Some guys like em big, and some guys like em small, no need to make other people feel bad just because one fool made an ignorant comment.

Also, you can have a very small figure but still have curves. Just because you're thin doesn't mean that you don't have boobs or an ass. It's such a misconception that you are "bony" if you're thin. You can be a size 2 and still have a bigger ass or bigger boobs, it all depends on how you're proportioned.

And as for the Indian girl, she is wrong, but there are many conceptions of beauty, not only varying by culture, but also by individual. I have different tastes from all my friends, and I actually don't have a type because I appreciate many different looks in people. That's not to say you're "racist" if you don't prefer a certain type, because everyone has their own personal preferences.


Well-known member
Honestly, I must say I don;t see all the hating on skinny girls in this thread you are referring to? I think the thread was about why the girl didn't think she was beautiful, bodywise and skin color wise ..No one said skinny girls were not attractive, curvy or didn't have a figure....Unless I missed those posts...

What I did say is what My dh's preference is...which has nothing to do with how a thin person looks..

Men can like what they like that does not make them fools...it makes them have a preference..which they are entitled to...Now calling someone a fool...that is hating!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LoveMU
Honestly, I must speak out that there's a little too much hating on skinny girls here. Skinny girls are glorified at times by the media, and as women we are generally pushed in that direction, but seriously, some people are naturally skinny. That's not their fault, just like it's not a woman's fault if she's naturally curvy. When I was a kid, guys made fun of girls who were flat chested. i guess those girls should just crawl under a hole and die because they don't have big boobs right? Some guys like em big, and some guys like em small, no need to make other people feel bad just because one fool made an ignorant comment.

Also, you can have a very small figure but still have curves. Just because you're thin doesn't mean that you don't have boobs or an ass. It's such a misconception that you are "bony" if you're thin. You can be a size 2 and still have a bigger ass or bigger boobs, it all depends on how you're proportioned.

And as for the Indian girl, she is wrong, but there are many conceptions of beauty, not only varying by culture, but also by individual. I have different tastes from all my friends, and I actually don't have a type because I appreciate many different looks in people. That's not to say you're "racist" if you don't prefer a certain type, because everyone has their own personal preferences.

I don't hate skinny girls. I just think people need to embrace the body they are given and be healthy for their body type. I have a friend who weighs 100 lbs and ppl accuse her of being anorexic... which is far from the truth! She can eat me under the table! I just think we need to start embracing what we have and stop thinking the opposite of what you have is beautiful. What we are all saying is that beauty is subjective and no one body type or physical feature is more beautiful than the other. But I just find it sad when ppl are puting their health at risk to look like some unattaiable idea of beauty.. or when someone puts down another person because they don't fit into their idea of beauty.

We did sorta go off onto a tangent about Kim Kardashian and Beyonce.. but just b/c I love their body shape does not mean that say a Kate Moss or a Chanel Iman aren't beautiful.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, having lived in my family's country of origin, I have noticed that the "white is perfection" mentality is prevalent throughout, whether you're in the metropolis or countryside. Bleaching creams/lotions and homemade bleaching remedies are everywhere and I don't think it will lessen in time.

People try to mimic what they are not because society dictates what is considered beautiful....If that's the case, civilization can take a flying leap...I'd rather go back to the Stone Age...


Well-known member
Hmmm, maybe, "Only a dog wants a bone"
Saying lindsay lohan looks like a skeletor
Commenting on people with "normal" bodies (those that aren't skinny)

I don't know, maybe these are just made in jest, but saying that men don't want women who are thin is saying the exact same thing as men don't want women who are big.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore

We did sorta go off onto a tangent about Kim Kardashian and Beyonce.. but just b/c I love their body shape does not mean that say a Kate Moss or a Chanel Iman aren't beautiful.

Ditto! This is about the Indian Girl and her thoughts ...Not a personal attack on anyone on this forum


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LoveMU
Hmmm, maybe, "Only a dog wants a bone"
Saying lindsay lohan looks like a skeletor
Commenting on people with "normal" bodies (those that aren't skinny)

I don't know, maybe these are just made in jest, but saying that men don't want women who are thin is saying the exact same thing as men don't want women who are big.

That is a quote that my husband says.....Do you consider youself a Bone or just thin? If you consider yourself a bone then I guess you would find that hating...But that you will have to take up with him like I stated...He is entilted to his preference....even if you don;t like it.

and as far as the Lindsay Lohan comment..I honestly did not read that one...But I do skip around ...

This is only personal if you make it so...

I am thinner myself...But I don't consider myself a bone....My husband does prfer thin women....However he does not prefer BONES.....

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