Vegan couple sentenced to life over baby's death


Well-known member
They deserve what they get. Period. They saw their child wasting away and did nothing about it. It's not that difficult to ask your pediatrician for help. I'm sure a pediatrician could have recommended a healthy diet for their baby keeping their vegan lifestyle in mind. These people did nothing to help their child...nothing. And should pay for it.


Well-known member
The only thing I disagree with is the conviction for "Malice murder". I highly doubt there was any malice in this case... just blind, horrible ignorance and stupidity. I'd roll my eyes if the situation wasn't horrific. How do you simply fail to notice your child wasting away?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

One thing I dont understand though, is why she didn't breastfeed the newborn. Or is "breast milk" considered an animal product?

Nope... as a veggie, i can tell you its all about intention. the whole 'vegan' thing has to do with cruelty, and breastfeeding your own kid is not linked to animal cruelty, anywhere. in fact, it would make MORE sense to breastfeed your kid, since the whole point about drinking cow milk is how humans are the only 'animal' that drinks milk other than its mother's.

anyway.......... i think they did it consciously. come on, its a BABY. plus, they could've given the baby apple sauce, and stuff like that. most gerber's newborn products are animal-free, right?
and i know for a fact that newborns feed of MOSTLY breast milk... so this makes me really really mad!!!



Well-known member
I think I agree that the charge of "malice murder" may not have truly fit the bill (unless there's something I don't know about in the legal definition which would wholly apply). However, I think their sentence is more than fair. There's a vast different between an accident and starving your child to death. I don't even think anyone with half a brain cell could viably claim ignorance in the year 2007. I mean, seriously.

I know this is an old thread, but gah! This kind of thing burns me up.


Well-known member
They neglected their child. Its not because they are vegan. There is plenty they couldve have done yo keep him healthy. I think they deserve this sentence.


Well-known member
I think this is most definitely a malice murder...starving to death is extremely painful, and they let their child starve to death. For six long weeks the poor thing wasted away, and they ignored every sign. I have a very hard time believing that any "parent" could be so ignorant not to notice such a severe health problem. I almost feel that this was more then just negligence or ignorance.


Well-known member
You know, I'm all for people adopting various lifestyles. Eat what you will, do what you want. However, it is clear this couple was not as educated as they thought they were. Being vegan does not just happen, there's a lot of planning that goes into such a way of living.

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