Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
I agree with you completely. Perhaps Im taking the unpopular stance here, but they didn't do it on PURPOSE, it should not be labeled MURDER. It was an accident, not something done maliciously. Jail time isn't going to do a darn thing because they're not any type of menace to society. This is rediculous, a life sentence. Christ.
Not only did their child die at 3.5 lbs at 6 weeks of age, that's also a net loss of at least 2 lbs from birth (going off an assumption that the baby weighed 5.5 lbs at birth).
Failure to thrive is obvious.
This is not an accident.
This is intentional and obvious neglect.
Were it NOT intentional and obvious the child would have been taken to the hospital when it was showing signs of failure.
Failure to thrive is OBVIOUS, and were it not for the fact the child
died it would still be starving quietly.
Starvation plays a HELL of dance on the body. Muscle degeneration, brain degeneration, tissue loss, heart problems...
At 6 weeks of age, the growth in a child who is healthy is nearly VISIBLE. The milestones certainly are.
This was no accident.
Was the death an accident? It wasn't intentional, but it was a) avoidable and b) inevitable by the way they were raising the child.