Video Gamers Union!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Fallout 3, y/n?

I did like it a lot, but I cut my first playthrough short (at 50 hours, luls), 'cause I wanted to leave some stuff there for another play. I could feel myself getting a bit weary of it.

I'm not much of an FPS'er, and I found the engine they used for shooting was kind of... Off? Thanks to VATS I wasn't complete dogfood, though. It could just be that I'm a bit shit, haha.

Recently just played Mass Effect and Bioshock too, enjoyed them both.

Any one here played Gears of War 2 for the 360? Is it worth it?


Well-known member
Hmmm. Next time I see a sale go through Game or EB I'll pick it up. F3 is one of the rare games that's cheaper to buy retail than purchase through Steam - it'd set me back close to AU$118 to do a direct download than to buy the physical dvd for AU$95.

ETA: scratch that, JB HiFi has it for AU$75. Outstanding!


Well-known member
Finished Fallout 3.

That had to be one of the most boring things I've ever played in my LIFE.


Well-known member
My preciousssss, GTA IV for PC, here mama alibi comes for you


Well-known member
Alibi, has it been patched yet?

My Steam list exploded with rage when it came out; apparently there were some major texture and redraw issues initially due to some lazy porting.


Well-known member
Lara, you talking about PC version? I dont have a ps3, so I tried only now, when a PC version became aviable here. I tried downloading before, but it didnt work nice, and with this version I got i didnt notice any troubles


Well-known member
The PC version. It appears to have been fixed now after everyone started screaming for blood about it.

PS3s are made of failure anyway.


New member
Name: Lisa
Age: 30
First Video Game Played: Mario Bro/Duck Hunt, although possibly an Atari game...hmmmm can't remember.
Game Systems You Own: Atari 2600, SNES, GameCube, GameBoy Advanced, GameBoy DS, PS1, PS2, N64, X Box, X Box 360, Wii, and enough computers to fill a Best Buy (ok, maybe not that many, but it certainly seems like it)
Current Video Game Playing: Lego Batman, Super Mario Galaxy, Dynasty Warriors 6

Although most of my time is sucked up playing WoW

My screen name comes from my favorite DnD character I made. I've done a little playing with Warhammer 40k and various other tabletop games.

Its nice to know I'm not the only gamer chick that likes makeup.


Well-known member
Hah, Lara, I guess you like Sandbox-y games, or you don't. Apparently there's one hundred hours of gameplay if you do everything, that has to be a lot of hours exploring and just clearing the map. At half of that I was pretty much sick to death of the Capital Wasteland. If I do ever do another run through, it will be a fair way into the future.

Just finished Half Life 2 on the PC for the first time. It was pretty cool, I don't feel like I fail as much at shooting things as I did when I started. I bought my boyfriend Dead Space for Christmas, so we'll see how that goes.


Well-known member
I love sandbox games, it's just that Fallout 3 has so many small faults that it adds up to one giant pile of frustration that manages to be somehow repetitive and boring at the same time.

VATS is frustratingly unreliable but the real-time FPS is just all over the place in regards to accuracy (so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't with which fighting method you choose), not being able to hotkey a switch between current/previous weapons as opposed to just weapons being bound to individual keys (this is one that a lot of seasoned FPS players have criticised about F3, mostly because it's such a basic thing to have in a multiweapon game. Don't forget the invisible Q in WSAD!) and the Pipboy is even more unintuitive than it has been before.

My main criticism is that the NPC behaviours have some the shittiest scripting I've seen in a current gen-game. The lazy programming (gliding instead of doing a anchor-based walk over a bump map, seriously? It's not 1998, we're not playing Half Life anymore) manages to throw me out of any immersion I manage to get, and in a game like F3 player immersion makes up 80% of the gameplay experience.

I was totally sucked into the whole experience in the first hour when I was exploring Springvale - the robot piping presidential addresses and patriotic music in a desolate street, rummaging through frayed suitcases, looting mailboxes outside wrecked homes... I was completely immersed.
Then I went into the school, discovered the Raiders and got into a firefight amongst the heavy ambience of dark rooms stacked with rotting corpses, the dog howling in the next room and the shuffling of the ants in the basement, so completely suckered in to the extent that I was leaning forward in my chair... and then the Raider no-clipped into the wall and started an action_loop0 glitch that sent all the other enemy NPCs in the area into stone.

Seriously. I don't know what's worse, the above example or how every NPC you can have a conversation with appears to be looking over your shoulder.

I didn't hate the game - I've played it twice as a complete angel and as a flesh-eatin', slave ridin', karma-challenged mofack, and you don't log in that many hours on something you really hate unless you're a complete masochist. My main criticism is that Bethesda picked up such a strong franchise with a loyal fanbase for such an incredibly cheap price, they should have run with that and released a product that was Valve or Rockstar quality at the minimum. This just feels like something put out by Acclaim after a three-day meth bender with EA.

That being said, I have two outstanding raves about Fallout 3:
1.) It gave us the long Tunnel Snakes Rule soundclip, which is currently being run into the goddamn ground on the TF2 server I play on. There's even a Steam community splintered off from the main server devoted to people who do nothing but abuse the reserved slot players ability to force soundclips onto everyone by endlessly y-spamming !pall sw/tunnelsnakesrule over and over again.
2.) The entire game improves dramatically with the addition of this mod:
YouTube - Fallout 3 - Wasteland Dancin' (Umpa)



Well-known member
Name: Bambi (Delerium)
Age: 28
First Video Game played: Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt on the NES
Game Systems you own: Original XBOX, (2) XBOX360s (one first gen and one black elite), (2) PS2s (one old style huge one, one slim one), PS3, Nintendo Wii, Game Cube, N64, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Commodore VIC20, Original Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advantage, Nintendo DS.

Current Video Game Playing: Fallout 3, Fable 2, Oblivion (ongoing, play it all the time), Little Big Planet, Rock Band 2 and GH World Tour.

Contact Infooptional)
AIM: babyxchaos
YIM (Yahoo): riotgirl37
MSN/Window Live Messenger: [email protected]
Skype Name: n/a
ICQ Number: 179450071

Other Info: I still have every video game system that I've ever owned and they all still work pretty well. My fiancee is also a gamer geek. The XBOX and one PS2(the slim one) are his. The XBOX360s, PS3 and Wii we purchased together. Everything else I've collected through out the years and kept packed away. I love games, but don't have too much time to play right now while I'm in school. I am looking forward to the Sims 3.


Well-known member
Name: Louise
Age: 24
First Video Game played: super mario bros 3 on the nes
Game Systems you own: wii, ps3, ps2, ds, pc (does that count?!), mega drive, nes, snes, n64
Current Video Game Playing: apollo justice on the ds! i'm on the last case and it's driving me mad!! and on the pc i'm playing gta because my hubby works for rockstar and he's in the credits!oh and me loves WOW! even though i've been too busy the past month to play as much!

Other Info: i don't have many ps3 games - if i'm honest i mainly got the ps3 because i work for sony and i wanted it as a blu ray player!! and i freaking love WOW! i am a blood elf and me loves it! me and hubby play together... it's lots of fun! i love my ds too. it goes everywhere with me!


Well-known member
There's a bitchin' holiday sale on Steam - 10% to 75% off everything in the store. Team Fortress 2 is only $9.99, hint hint.

I picked up Doom III, and I'm debating whether to get Bioshock seeing as it's only $5.


we shoud totally post our names and relms and find eatchother to play on wow! lol. I need more girl gamers to chat with.

Name: Ashley (PaleBeauty6)
First Video Game played: super mario
Game Systems you own:wii, ps3,ps2, dreamcast, super nintendo. pc.
Current Video Game Playing:WOW, Little Big Planet, Silent Hill series.

Contact Info

AIM:Razorblades Ash
YIM (Yahoo):razorbladesash2
MSN/Window Live Messenger:[email protected]
Skype Name:
ICQ Number:

Other Info: (optional)
I Play WOW! Lol! On arathor and lightninghoof servers.
Name: Sarah (Gaming Alias StarL*ght)
Age: 24
First Video Game played: Donkey Kong
Game Systems you own: xbox360, Gamecube, Mostly play Competitive PC gaming.
Current Video Game Playing: Counter Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike: Source, World of Warcraft

Contact Info

YIM (Yahoo):
MSN/Window Live Messenger: [email protected]
Skype Name:
ICQ Number:

Other Info: (optional)
I love the competitive aspect of videogames. The game I mostly play is Counter-Strike, which is a first person shooter. I had an all girls team called Beyond Intuition. I am a makeup loving gaming geek and proud of it. In my blog I focus on makeup and gaming.. my two passions.
My steam page : Steam Community :: ID :: StarL*ght


Well-known member
Name: Valerie/vikitty
Age: 23
First Video Game played: Donkey Kong Country on SNES
Game Systems you own: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS

Current Video Game Playing: Replaying Phoenix Wright: Justice For All atm.

Contact Infooptional)
AIM: thejudasegg
YIM (Yahoo): narcissenoir
MSN/Window Live Messenger: n/a
Skype Name: n/a
ICQ Number: n/a

Other Info: I am guilty of having an R4 chip and a pile of ROMs for my DS. :/ I am such a flaky gamer that I usually end up abandoning a game very quickly, so I download and play that way. If I love a game, I buy it! (I have all of the Phoenix Wright games; I adore them ♥♥♥)