Originally Posted by lara
Read through the thread further, I wrote a reasonably long post about why I found it so disappointing.
I of course found that immediately after I posted that.
I think the gliding of NPCs is a bit nitpicky and only really noticable on uneven surfaces. It may have been a simple fix, but I have no doubt that when doing usability tests, and considering the time line they had, they probably opted to fix gameplay problems first and I can't fault them for that.
What view were you using, the first or third person perspective? I used mostly first except when navigating exceptionally large areas so didn't usually feel like NPCs were looking over my shoulder although I did encounter a couple who tried to talk through a wall at me.
My issues with the game were that sometimes looting through the same types of items got a bit repetitive. It would have been challenging if there was more stuff with questionable usage. The enemies were also somewhat repetitive.
Every time I died wearing raider armor I couldn't help but thing "Man, raiders are hot!" as my dead body collapsed to the floor.
Fallout 3 was an amazingly ambitious game and I wish more RPGs would take cues from it. The world was incredibly expansive and open ended. I didn't have as much issues with enemies getting stuck in loops either, but I have had this problem with enemy/environment collision games that I have programmed in XNA Studio so I can't say I could fault Bethesda Softworks for it either.
I also loved the fact that I was able to make my character have blue hair too, which usually isn't an option.
Also I am biased because I am completely obsessed with retro futurism and post apocalyptia in general.