Video Gamers Union!


Well-known member
:3 that would be so fun.

I think I like L4D more than TF2. Probably because it's a lot easier to control the amount of idiots in L4D than it is in TF2.


Well-known member
*makes a so-so motion*

TF2 - you can control the idiots you come into contact with because it lets you choose your own servers. One you find a good server, you stick with it.
L4D - uses a matchmaking service, so you're punted into games with people who scream HOW DO I SHOT TONGUE over and over again.

Most of my L4D playing now comes from inviting/being invited by friends into regular games we hold once or twice a week; circumventing matchmaking limits the sheer amount of pub game douchebaggery.


Well-known member
Well yeah, it's much easier to find 3 friends than it is to find enough to make a good TF2 server.

Or I just get horrible experiences way to often filled with music blasting and other voice chat annoyances.



Well-known member
The new GTA IV DLC pack came out today/yesterday for the Xbox. I'd love to get it but the Live Marketplace system is so convoluted and badly designed I refuse to partake in it.

DLC for PC: I'm all over it. Just look at how much money I've funnelled through Steam in the last few months for proof.
DLC for consoles: hell no. Give me a disc or no dice, I want old media.


Well-known member
Does anyone play Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe?

The bf and I just got it recently, I've been kicking his ass with Catwoman.
*cracks whip*


Well-known member
Name: Ally
Age: 24
First Video Game played: Mario the first one with duck hunt
Game Systems you own: now? DS, ps3, xbox, wii, nes sega, n64, gameboy, snes
Current Video Game Playing: rock band 2, chrono trigger, wario shake it

Other Info: Nope just love video games and so does my boyfriend so if he plays the ps3 i play my ds right beside him on the couch, that's love


Well-known member
Name: I have several but the one that you will catch me playing under the most is CrystalFox
First Video Game played: I have been playing video games since the Atari and the first game I played was Breakout, Video Games have come a long way. LOL
Game Systems you own: Xbox 360, Wii, Xbox, Game Cube, Playstation 3, PSP, Nintendo DS
Current Video Game Playing: Changes everyday we own over 100 games, Last night I was playing God of War.

I am also a PC gamer, I used to play Planetside, I play WoW and Sims. I used to also play Dungeons and Dragon and have been thinking about going back and giving it a second try. I EverQuest or as I lovingly call it EverCrack but that got boring.

Contact Info

YIM (Yahoo): Crystalfox05

Other Info:
Actually I have more of a question... How many ladies play WoW and under what server do you play? I have always wanted to start or be in a guild where it was all females on WoW. I used to have an all female guild on Planetside and we used to kick butt. hehehehe....It is so much fun to see the guys complain when they get owned by a female.

kristina ftw!

Well-known member
I play WoW as well, but I'm on the European realms. I mostly play when I'm home sick though, otherwise I don't really have the time atm. Boo!


Well-known member
I don't touch WoW/Warhammer/etc.

I lost a good two years of my life to Starcraft; god knows how much time I'd sink into WoW


Well-known member
Would you kill me if I said I've never played Starcraft?

I was always too scared of Kerrigan on the cover of Brood War to get it.

Can't wait for Starcraft 2, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
I don't touch WoW/Warhammer/etc.

I lost a good two years of my life to Starcraft; god knows how much time I'd sink into WoW

Exactly! I try to stay away from such games since I had a really serious online gaming addition for 1,5 years


Well-known member
I love Starcraft with the burning fire of a thousand burning suns, but no, I don't harangue people for not playing games or for not enjoying something that I did

When SC2 comes out I'll be gone forever. Diablo III is also going to eat my brain, I'm sure of it.


Active member
Name: Zeitghost/Lisbeth
Age: 22
First Video Game played: Mortal Kombat II
Game Systems you own: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Game Boy
Current Video Game Playing: World of Warcraft, Oblivion


Well-known member

The next few weeks are going to be a good time to be part of a Heavy/Medic mantrain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

The next few weeks are going to be a good time to be part of a Heavy/Medic mantrain.

Sooooo excited! :w
I want an energy drink! >:c


Well-known member
My name is Sarah and I am a VG addict! :O But only when I have work to do. Go figure.

I first started playing on the NES with my older brother (Kid Nicky anyone? Legacy of the Wizard?)

Now I'm still all about the old school, though I throw some newer (ish) ones in. I love Civ III! Oh, and Portal. Although I only played it the one night, and my brother had to sort of give me hints. I have an artistic mind, not a logical one. D: