Video Gamers Union!


Well-known member
Warhammerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Dawn of War II. Way more fun than it should be, but needs more maps.

I'm starting to hear a lot more whispers about Diablo III shipping soon.


I don't have any video game consoles, but I play WoW! I have a warrior on bronzebeard. Alliance side.

WoW is like a second job. oh well >.<


Well-known member
^^Yay Starcraft!! About bloody time.


Well-known member
Omg I am currently addicted to World of warcraft. My bf got me into this about three weeks ago. Im a level 50 Blood elf hunter on Gorefiend. PvP is friggin hilarious XD. I dont care what people think this game is great! Cant play now though cause I got exams. How sad
Cant wait to start again!


Well-known member
I'm playing in a Starcraft comp this weekend at a hall down in Little Korea.

I'm going to get my arse kicked so bad


Lara: Lol! omg i get my ass kicked by my korean students all the time. I'm an English tutor and most of my students are Korean. They're insane with computer games. fastest reactions ever.

I think i'll stick with WoW, even though my server is ridiculously full of drama.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jello89
Omg I am currently addicted to World of warcraft. My bf got me into this about three weeks ago. Im a level 50 Blood elf hunter on Gorefiend. PvP is friggin hilarious XD. I dont care what people think this game is great! Cant play now though cause I got exams. How sad
Cant wait to start again!

Level 50 in 3 weeks? =O It's taken me 6 months to get to level 43 (but that is also a reflection on how much time I play, lol.) I'm averaging a level every weekend now, unless real life gets in the way.


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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shenanigans
Level 50 in 3 weeks? =O It's taken me 6 months to get to level 43 (but that is also a reflection on how much time I play, lol.) I'm averaging a level every weekend now, unless real life gets in the way.

My personal best is 1-60 in 4 days. :C I often get discouraged in Outland, though.


Well-known member
The new Spy/Sniper unlocks in TF2 are great. The new Spy gun is a goddamn cannon, especially with crits on headshots.

Now if only they'd do something about Sniper headshots connecting, marking as a crit but failing to register as an actual one-shot-skill headshot.


Active member
Name: (Screename) bRene
Age: 19
First Video Game played: Oooh man. Wolfenstein 3D!! Still one of my favorites.

Game Systems you own: Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii, N64, Nintendo DS,
Current Video Game Playing: RE5 // Second Life

Contact Info
AIM: xbeautifulxface


Well-known member
I will try to update the Union list but I've been busy and forgot my password several times. (Don't kill me for that.) So I will try to update this as soon as I can.

<3 Roxas.


Well-known member
I didn't know this existed!!

Name: (Screename) Magnolia (Angry Parakeet)
Age: 25
First Video Game played: Mario Bros. or Mega Man
Game Systems you own: 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, DS
Current Video Game Playing: Muramasa, Kingdom Hearts 358/2, Blazblue


Well-known member
Name: Monica

(Screename) monicathekiller on psn


First Video Game played: Super Mario Bros maybe?

Game Systems you own:pS3, PS3, PSP

Current Video Game Playing:Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Contact Info
YIM (Yahoo):[email protected]
MSN/Window Live Messenger: [email protected]


Well-known member
Name: Carnik
First Video Game played: Mario bros
Game Systems you own: PS3/Wii
Current Video Game Playing:COD Modern Warfare, COD World at War, Devil May Cry, Guitar Hero, UFC Undisputed...yes I am sadly addicted


Well-known member
Name: MsHielo
Age: 22
First Video Game played: Super Mario Brothers (NES)
Game Systems you own:
At my apartment - XBOX360, Wii, PS3, PS2, DS, PSP
In storage - NES, SuperNES, Genesis, Game Boy Color, Game Gear, PS1, Xbox, N64, Gamecube
Current Video Game Playing: Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube)

XBL: IntegraXAlucard
PSN: AlucardXIntegra


Well-known member
Screenname: ---

Age: 21

First Video Game played: Um...either Sonic 3 or Zelda: Link's Adventure

Game Systems you own: Wii, N64, Gameboy. As far as consoles go, my brother owns an XBox 360 and sold his XBox and Gamecube; my sister owns a PS2. My dad's a programmer, so everybody in our family has a computer. :p

Current Video Game Playing: Okami, Baten Kaitos, Left 4 Dead 2

I cannot get past Okami (can't find the whirlpool or catch the marlin), and I'm stuck on Baten Kaitos. Plus, my PC is officially out of commission, and has been for the past 2 months about. That completely interrupted my Neverwinter Nights 2 campaigns. >_< So I've been hanging out with my twin brother and playing a few games with him on his XBox 360. We LOVE Left 4 Dead, so of course we're playing L4D2! And he got Call of Duty 2 today, but I was watching him play it and it made me sick. Too much swooshing around and banging about on cliffs. O_O

He's dying to try out Napoleon: Total War and Assassin's Creed 2, but we've forbade him because it's nearing Christmas time. :p


Well-known member
So, any one else playing Dragon Age? I finished my first run through (Dalish Rogue --> Ranger and Duellist) about a fortnight ago. Loved it. Great story, great characters, and pretty good gameplay (in some parts, others not so much) as well.

Probably my favourite game. There's so much room for movement in terms of the kind of character you want to play.