Ok. Fine. The school is completely innocent. Maybe a lockdown wasn't reasonable but all the students interviewed in the classrooms weren't even aware there was a shooting. Cho stalked 3 women which was reported to campus police, his roomates said he had an invisible girlfriend who called him Spanky, he lit a fire in his dorm, he was hospitalized for mental illness, his plays were terribly violent, he was reported to counselors by his teacher, he refused to give his name in another class. He was a ticking time bomb!! But of course this is America and we couldn't forcibly 'help' him because O no that would be taking away his rights! (Like those people he killed didn't have rights) Have you ever seen a commitment hearing? It's almost impossible. But still nothing was really done. And to that person who asked if I knew him? I'm glad to say I didn't. I made the comments based on what nearly everyone said of him, he hated people and wouldn't talk to people, his suicide note mentioned how everyone was so mean to him. That's ridiculous. Until we wake up and smell the frickn roses here in the US stuff like this will keep happenings. Give it a couple years and this will be topped. What would I have done? I dunno, why didn't those girls press charges on him when he stalked them? Where was his family and what did they do to him? Was is the schools fault? No, but in my opinion there was some degree of negligence. I'm just sick of people sympathizing with these shooters.