WAASSAAA Specktrites? Night crew check in!


Well-known member
So I am supposed to be in Canada, and that didn't happen. I am pretty bummed that a lot of crap went down that prevented me from getting there, while on the way there...

Sucks for me

mona lisa

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
This will be a weekend of partying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday-huge party at the brothers home = drinking
Saturday-big party at a friends house= more drinking
Sunday-recovering & probably telling myself I will never drink again.

Sounds like fun...I am not sure how much I will drink this year as I have made some good progress on whipping the figure in better shape (and do not want to lose too much ground there) but I will probably raise a few with some friends. It is the fourth after all and what good is a celebration without alcohol and plenty of it?

Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Have a fun, safe, holiday everyone!!!!!

My sentiments exactly!


Well-known member
My weekend is work! Yay hours! It's the end of our big Half-Yearly sale, so tomorrow and Saturday it's time divided between helping clients and setting tables. Then Sunday is when we really change the floor over. Luckily we've already set four tables and we're going to have half the store set by Saturday.


Well-known member
I'm sleeping in tomorrow and watching horrible daytime tv all day! My honey has to work tomorrow so that's about the extent of my 4th.. our kids are older so we really don't do anything anymore.The 4th of July was so much more fun when I was a kid!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
Oh btw if you ladies make the grape juice/vodka/7-up concoction put more 7-up than grape juice.

What ever this little concoction is I want one!!! Sounds yummy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VDUB*BELLA
MMMMmmm I already love Cranberry Vodka so that sounds good

PS - Found the name for your drink (power of google)

Madras Cocktail

Made from Vodka, Cranberry juice, Orange juice and Lime wedge

One of these sounds good to. LOL. I'm so sad I'm working tonight


Well-known member
Yeah we don't really do anything, my parents might barbeque but the weather is sucking. No alcohol here-I'm not only underage, but due to health reasons and personal beliefs I can't drink it.


Well-known member
Happy July 4th to all of you in the US!

We haven't got a holiday weekend here, but I have vacation and tomorrow will be big hauling day: Coll Heat, Electroflash, Sonic Chic and New View will be released here - this is kind of a holiday as well, isn't it?


Well-known member
This weekend will be all about the family - my family tonight, and my hubby's tomorrow. It'll just be nice to sit around and lounge. My husband was in Iraq last 4th, so that makes this weekend much more special for us.

Happy 4th everyone!


Well-known member
Heading towards the beach, making some BBQ, and watching the 2 million dollars my government spent for fireworks xD with the wholeee family

ohhh and of course glamming it up makeup!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TUPRNUT
This weekend will be all about the family - my family tonight, and my hubby's tomorrow. It'll just be nice to sit around and lounge. My husband was in Iraq last 4th, so that makes this weekend much more special for us.

Happy 4th everyone!

My sentiments and God Bless your husband love, Enjoy!!!


Well-known member
im Canadian so my holiday was on teusday.... I didnt do much though. There wernt even fireworks! Americans do your country's bday SO much better! My mom and bro are heading to Seattle this weekend for fireworks and shopping the sales... I am so jelous ... I cant go because im working


Well-known member
ugh its 4th of July and Im sitting at home not doing anything
best friend and her new boyfriend are having a sleepover and hubby has to be up @ 4am for work
who else is up and on?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jennybella
ugh its 4th of July and Im sitting at home not doing anything
best friend and her new boyfriend are having a sleepover and hubby has to be up @ 4am for work
who else is up and on?!

I've had a few 4ths by myself.... Sorry that you're celebrating alone tonight.... sending hugs.


Well-known member
WE had to go home in the midst of a huge family blow up be around the very people that are casuing trouble .On topof that My son and i are both sick..... I'm just so ready to go back home.... GRRRR. I hope you other ladies are having a better long weekend than I am


Well-known member
I don't really celebrate the 4th, so no big deal. There are fireworks EVERYWHERE though, the sound really carries. I saw a few from my bedroom window.