Waiting for Heatherette


Well-known member
I've realised that although I'm not crazy about either of the trios, what I really want is the nice packaging, so as long as I have one of them, I'll be happy. (I suspect I'll get both, though ... ) Stupid I know, but as everyone has just agreed, MAC can really bring out the irrational in us all.


Well-known member
I was trying out my new Jardin Aires last night (thanks, melliquor!) and it occurred to me that it seems a real shame that there are always lots of items which never get the special treatment of the LE packaging. I know Jardin Aires is a repromote and Pink Pearl is a pro colour which is always available anyway, but wouldn't it be nice to have pigments with LE packaging? Imagine Pink Pearl with a glossy pink lid with the Heatherette logo!
The same goes for mascaras, fluidlines etc, which are rereleased/repromoted with new collections.


Well-known member
I'm unsure what to think about the orange packaging. I quite like the shade, but I prefer orange with another colour, preferably pink or red. I'll have to see it in front of me to know for sure but so far, I'm not crazy about the products either. That's a good thing for my purse though.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i have a feeling it will be tomorrow!! i can't wait till i have them all in my hands lol. I received my trio 2 today and melrose mood lipstick and i love both. Trio 2 all the colours are gorgeous the vip pink is really nice and the veluxe pearl cassette is a gorgeous texture and blends well. melrose mood has a wonderful texture will try do a fotd today. x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Girl about town
i have a feeling it will be tomorrow!! i can't wait till i have them all in my hands lol. I received my trio 2 today and melrose mood lipstick and i love both. Trio 2 all the colours are gorgeous the vip pink is really nice and the veluxe pearl cassette is a gorgeous texture and blends well. melrose mood has a wonderful texture will try do a fotd today. x

OH NOOO you make me want trio 2 now lol
i was gonna pass it because it can easily be duped but i dont know

i have a feeling tis tomorrow too


Well-known member
i really DONT wanna get trio 2.. i mean i dont wear pinks/purples that much but the palette is soo cute

I think i might pass on it and get other products instead and if they still have it online in a few weeks i might get it.. but if not its no loss really at least ill have trio 1


Well-known member
I dont have that many pink and purple eyeshadows so I think I will get both of the trios, well I will if I can afford it. I dont really want to regret not buying anything.


Well-known member
i dont have many either but theres plenty in the perm line... GRRR i jst looked at someones haul and the trio 2 palette looks so pretty

i really need to decide FAST


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
God they all look gorgeous, I thought these were permenent

I heard that they were going to be permenant too. It looks like only 3 are going to be permenant and all the rest limited edition.


Well-known member
Oooo I'm so tempted buy a few of those lipsticks! I dont know whether to buy any or not. I'm trying to stick to a budget.


Well-known member
i might get saint germaine as its the only one i like maybe costa chic but it all depends on money

i knew these were gonna be LE.. dont know why people said they would be perm


Well-known member
The Fergie Viva Glam is up now, the song is up to download too. We must be getting Heatherette today.