Waiting for Heatherette


Well-known member
ive just got back from london. i went to selfridges and spoke to the assistant manager and she told me its not coming out until the 10th in selfridges and she didnt know when it would be online.
i asked her if theyd got the stock in yet and she wouldnt tell me.
i then went to harrods to do some mac shopping and i asked one of the ma's there if she had any idea about heatherette and she said it was being released on the 10th as well. i tried to get some info ladies.
when i was looking around the pet shop in harrods mohamed al fayed walked in! he had 5 bodyguards...it was sooo random! i was v.excited. i really need to get a life lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trollydolly
ive just got back from london. i went to selfridges and spoke to the assistant manager and she told me its not coming out until the 10th in selfridges and she didnt know when it would be online.
i asked her if theyd got the stock in yet and she wouldnt tell me...
i then went to harrods to do some mac shopping and i asked one of the ma's there if she had any idea about heatherette and she said it was being released on the 10th as well. i tried to get some info ladies!

Thanks for letting us know. I've booked next Thursday off work so will probably pop into London.


Well-known member
I had been checking feverishly all of the day before C-Shock was due to launch but eventually gave up and went to bed around 11pm. I checked as soon as I got to work the next day about 8am and virtually everything I wanted was sold out!


Well-known member
Do you really think it will be released in the next hours?
I still believe we have to wait some more days


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Do you really think it will be released in the next hours?
I still believe we have to wait some more days

I don't think it'll be up today. I think they'll have a break between Euristocrats and this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
I had been checking feverishly all of the day before C-Shock was due to launch but eventually gave up and went to bed around 11pm. I checked as soon as I got to work the next day about 8am and virtually everything I wanted was sold out!

That must have sucked so much! I've been checking all day today as I think heatherette will sell out really fast but I need to sleep tonight..lol


Well-known member
I don't think it will be in stores till next thursday. On the events part of MAC website it says the Heatherette events are starting on the 10th

Niquas Brain

Active member
I feel like I've almost gone full circle with Heatherette already!

First seeing the promo pictures and having to have everything, to seeing the odd swatch and getting all excited, to then seeing every swatch after it was released in America, to now thinking release it already!!! and feeling slightly narky!

Especially now we're seeing promo pictures for all new collections for the summer... I wish they didn't wait so long between the US and UK release.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Do you really think it will be released in the next hours?
I still believe we have to wait some more days

I think you're right, unfortunately. I'm ever hopeful though ... !

Well, I certainly can't invest as much time in looking at the MAC website as I have today if it only launches on the 10th so perhaps I should stand down from my vigil and try not to have dreams about it tonight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Niquas Brain
I feel like I've almost gone full circle with Heatherette already!

First seeing the promo pictures and having to have everything, to seeing the odd swatch and getting all excited, to then seeing every swatch after it was released in America, to now thinking release it already!!! and feeling slightly narky!

Especially now we're seeing promo pictures for all new collections for the summer... I wish they didn't wait so long between the US and UK release.

I've been a little up and down too. I thought i wanted pretty everything to start with but then my list got shorter... however I received Alpha Girl BP from Ebay today and now I've seen the packaging in person I love it even more again!


Well-known member
I'm out all day thursday so I'm hoping it's put online tomorrow. I just have an awful feeling it will be put up on thirsday and all sell out before I get a chance. I know it probably won't be but I want it all so badly!!!


Well-known member
The counter where I have ordered said they would ship on April 5th. So I know I won't get my Heatherette before next Monday.
I ordered it to my boyfriend's mother - she is at home and can take the parcel for me. Sure is sure


Well-known member
my list has changed from the beginning lol (as usual)
i was gonna get about 95% of the collection but i need extra cash for tanning lotion which i need this week so its all hard
its so hard being a girl lol
now i can only get about 10 items if that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
my list has changed from the beginning lol (as usual)
i was gonna get about 95% of the collection but i need extra cash for tanning lotion which i need this week so its all hard
its so hard being a girl lol
now i can only get about 10 items if that

It is hard being a girl!! Boys have it easy!

I think I might get about 9 items, not sure though... waiting to see it in person, that said if it comes online first I probably won't be able to stop myself from ordering!

Girl about town

Well-known member
its doing my head in , why do they have to keep it all a big secret its so annoying, at least they could give us a date we can look forward to, i,ve sat with the pc on all day today ,im meant to be going out tomorrow and now im worried i'll miss it lol how sad x


Well-known member
it is getting to be a bit of a joke now, we're all getting told different things by mac about the release date


Well-known member
Even though when I emailed MAC they told me the 3rd for both online and in stores I think it will be the 10th now as thats what selfridges is saying. So if it's out next thursday then I don't think it will be online intill next week too


Well-known member
it is quite annoying like
especially when everyones starting to get into naughty nauticals n that lot


Well-known member
Iam getting pretty tired with this now, I could have done something today but I have been stuck in with this computer

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