Waiting for Heatherette


Well-known member
the song isnt that bas actually... i thought it would be totally crap

i think heatherette might be on by tonight most likely.. seems like they are updating the site right now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
They're showing as LE at the moment; I thought there was some suggestion they would be permanent?

That's what I've heard, too. We will see?


Well-known member
I've been busily clicking on refresh all day as if I had nothing better to do clicky, clicky, clicky ... I can't concentrate on my work, all because of some make-up!


Well-known member
Has anybody had any confirmation that heatherette is out on Thursday? Just called Selfridges again and they said 10-11 April.

Aughhhh....... I can't wait that long!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
I've been busily clicking on refresh all day as if I had nothing better to do clicky, clicky, clicky ... I can't concentrate on my work, all because of some make-up!

OMG I have been doing this to, how sad are wee lol.


Well-known member
i can only put money on my card tomorrow
lol im gonna be soo excited walkin all the way home though :p god we are all sad


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Has anybody had any confirmation that heatherette is out on Thursday? Just called Selfridges again and they said 10-11 April.

Aughhhh....... I can't wait that long!!!!

Everyone's been told different dates, i've heard the 3rd, 10th, 15th..who knows what it could end up being. I hope it comes online today though, I can't wait much longer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
Is the Mac website slow for anybody? Mine is soooo slow!

Yeah slow for me aswell.
I'm another one who has refreshed all day


Well-known member
dont you think its amazing how we know when all the collections come out n everything? lol i think we are the ones who make everything sell out

i remember before specktra i didnt even know when collections came out, how long it was til they sold out etc. I remember barbie was the first collection i was interested in... i thought id wait a few weeks for it and guess what? it sold out FAST and i ended up buying some stuff off ebay

i would hate to be a mac addict but now know about specktra etc. and not even know about these new collections

i guess we are just lucky


Well-known member
I was worried that it would have gone up during the time it took me to drive home, do some food shopping and get back to my laptop, but we're all still waiting!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
C-Shock went online either very late at night or very early in the morning - I've not given up hope yet!

oooh really? all I remember is both the n collection and fafi went up around 4 - 5 ish.