Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update


Active member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
^^^what happened to ...

"the customer is always right"


If you'd ever worked in retail, you wouldn't be repeating that nonsense. Customers will try to cheat and swindle you any chance they get. They'll make asses of themselves in order to "prove" the cashier/makeup artist/sales associate wrong.

Originally Posted by rouquinne
we are doing THEM a favour buying from them - especially when we have so many options out there these days.

This is a load of bunk, plain and simple. You are not doing anyone a favor by acting like an entitled brat. (Note that this is a general you.)

Originally Posted by rouquinne
stores are supposed to provide SERVICE and if the people who are supplying said "service" are rude, we should be taking our business elsewhere and complain loudly to management at every level.

People that have that attitude must lead sheltered lives. Everyone has a bad day every once-in-a-while. People aren't likely to become any nicer throughout the transaction if the customer is just going to continue acting like a jerk.

I'm glad that I no longer work in customer service. I don't like most people. I especially don't like the ones that think that they're entitled to the world and think that it should be handed to them on a golden platter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PhreakPhantasia
If you'd ever worked in retail, you wouldn't be repeating that nonsense. Customers will try to cheat and swindle you any chance they get. They'll make asses of themselves in order to "prove" the cashier/makeup artist/sales associate wrong...

....This is a load of bunk, plain and simple. You are not doing anyone a favor by acting like an entitled brat. (Note that this is a general you.)...

...People that have that attitude must lead sheltered lives. Everyone has a bad day every once-in-a-while. People aren't likely to become any nicer throughout the transaction if the customer is just going to continue acting like a jerk...

...I'm glad that I no longer work in customer service. I don't like most people. I especially don't like the ones that think that they're entitled to the world and think that it should be handed to them on a golden platter.

I think you're dead-wrong. No offense, but it is probably for the best that you aren't working in customer service anymore.

I think that for the most part people are not that bad, nor are they out to get us. There is a percentage of folks who will take advantage, but I really believe that most people are not that way.

There are other options for people, and if you don't want to be nice they will leave and take their business elsewhere.

And by the way, I think customers should complain. If it's a simple matter of a "bad day", the manager should know that this is out of the ordinary for the sales associate, but frankly: you shouldn't bring your bad day to work. I think some of this is a matter of maturity on the sales associates' parts and on the part of the consumers. Grow up, be nice to each other, and get on with your lives.

Oh and the jerkier a customer gets, the nicer I get. It enrages them, and they certainly can't complain, can they? Imagine that!: "Um, she was super sweet to me. What are you going to do about it!?"


Active member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
I think you're dead-wrong. No offense,

If you truly didn't mean to offend, you wouldn't have made the statement.

Originally Posted by claresauntie
but it is probably for the best that you aren't working in customer service anymore.

I don't disagree. I already made the statement that I don't like most people, now didn't I?

Originally Posted by claresauntie
I think that for the most part people are not that bad, nor are they out to get us. There is a percentage of folks who will take advantage, but I really believe that most people are not that way.

It's easier to look at it my way, that way you aren't disappointed when people prove you wrong.

Originally Posted by claresauntie
There are other options for people, and if you don't want to be nice they will leave and take their business elsewhere.

I never said that I wasn't nice to people when I was a cashier. I was queen of the fake smile and insincere niceties. No one could tell that I wasn't genuine, either.

Originally Posted by claresauntie
And by the way, I think customers should complain. If it's a simple matter of a "bad day", the manager should know that this is out of the ordinary for the sales associate, but frankly: you shouldn't bring your bad day to work. I think some of this is a matter of maturity on the sales associates' parts and on the part of the consumers. Grow up, be nice to each other, and get on with your lives.

Sometimes it isn't possible to leave your bad days at home. It's impossible to forget that a loved one just died or that your car just got totalled. It has nothing to do with growing up, either. You probably actually meant suck it up.

Originally Posted by claresauntie
Oh and the jerkier a customer gets, the nicer I get. It enrages them, and they certainly can't complain, can they? Imagine that!: "Um, she was super sweet to me. What are you going to do about it!?"

That's exactly how I was. I think it annoyed people that they couldn't get my goat. Flies to honey and all that.


Well-known member
PP, with all due respect, you ARE wrong.

i suspect you are also VERY young to be thinking like that.

there are reasons for the huge increases in catalogue and internet sales - and it is to be found in the attitudes you express.

i wish every MAC employee was like CA... unfortunately, they are not.

a store employee is there to SERVE - like it or not.


Active member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
PP, with all due respect, you ARE wrong.

i suspect you are also VERY young to be thinking like that.

there are reasons for the huge increases in catalogue and internet sales - and it is to be found in the attitudes you express.

i wish every MAC employee was like CA... unfortunately, they are not.

a store employee is there to SERVE - like it or not.

Oh, a person cannot have a wrong opinion, you simply disagree with it. I have the right to my opinions just the same as you have the right to yours.

You're quite wrong. I'm 29.

I shop on the Internet because I like to do so, not because I can't deal with "mean cashiers/sales associates/makeup artists." I'm not brave enough to drive to Nashville, so I buy the things I want online.

You're wrong about a store employee being there to serve. They are there for a paycheck. No one wants to deal with idiots and jerks all day long in order to be a servant, they're in it for the money.


Well-known member
This isn't really the place for an argument, but my last comment to you is this: I actually like working with people and I like helping them. THAT'S why I love my job. It's not the money. I am lucky to be working at a job I love, and I need money, sure, but that's not why I like my job. I like helping people get what they want and need, and I like seeing them leave happy.

I have to work. I might as well do it serving people, since that makes me happy. I think I'm quite lucky to get both.

And if you think that's B.S., then that's fine. I'm not too worried about it... PS: I took a pay-cut to work this job, so it's clearly not all about the money.


Well-known member
I agree with Claresauntie- a store employee is there to serve. I work with customers and even if they do not say "Good, how are you?" back after my greeting, or seem annoyed, or whatever- that's ok.. i still have to serve them, help them and make their shopping experience as enjoyable as possible.


Active member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
This isn't really the place for an argument, but my last comment to you is this: I actually like working with people and I like helping them. THAT'S why I love my job. It's not the money. I am lucky to be working at a job I love, and I need money, sure, but that's not why I like my job. I like helping people get what they want and need, and I like seeing them leave happy.

I have to work. I might as well do it serving people, since that makes me happy. I think I'm quite lucky to get both.

And if you think that's B.S., then that's fine. I'm not too worried about it... PS: I took a pay-cut to work this job, so it's clearly not all about the money.

I'm not really arguing. I'm being attacked for my opinion.

I totally understand that you like to help/serve people. I'm glad you get to work at a job that you like. I like my job now. I work at a sawmill with people I actually like and I don't have to deal with the public for the most part. I really like almost all of the people that call from the companies that buy from us. To each his or her own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PhreakPhantasia
If you'd ever worked in retail, you wouldn't be repeating that nonsense. Customers will try to cheat and swindle you any chance they get. They'll make asses of themselves in order to "prove" the cashier/makeup artist/sales associate wrong.

This is a load of bunk, plain and simple. You are not doing anyone a favor by acting like an entitled brat. (Note that this is a general you.)

People that have that attitude must lead sheltered lives. Everyone has a bad day every once-in-a-while. People aren't likely to become any nicer throughout the transaction if the customer is just going to continue acting like a jerk.

I'm glad that I no longer work in customer service. I don't like most people. I especially don't like the ones that think that they're entitled to the world and think that it should be handed to them on a golden platter.

i work in customer service, and i understand what you're saying. except that i don't think your points have much to do with what is being discussed.

YES there are people who are entitled and try to cheat the system. i have dealt with tons of them. but none of these stories being discussed have to do with mean customers trying to ruin the MAC MAs day by acting rude and entitled. it's the other way around in this thread.

and my comments about taking my business elsewhere and expecting decent and kind service were directed at the stories here about MAs being rude and snobby to customers who seem to have been innocent shoppers just wanting some help in buying makeup.

i don't see any of these stories where the customer has acted like a jerk, or anything more than just being hurt by actions/words from a MA.

i agree with most of your statements, but not at all relating to this thread...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PhreakPhantasia
I'm not really arguing. I'm being attacked for my opinion.

And you're attacking others for theirs in return.

Yes people may be in it for the money, and unfortunately there are quite a lot of customer service positions (retail etc.) filled by money-hungry-people-despising employees who come into their 'hate the people love the check' jobs in the morning and only look forward to leaving... but THEY ARE THERE AND HIRED AS EMPLOYEES TO SELL THEIR STORES' PRODUCT. They might make a commission, have to meet a sales goal, or generally just show a helpful attitude and make a good rep for the store or they're disposed of and someone is put in their place with the same goals. SERVICE is what they're paid for. Who cares if the person gives two lumps about the service part of their customer service position? Take initiative, help someone out, make a sale, keep your job, keep your checks. It's how the industry works.

AND SCENE. /rant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
Not all people find it easy to be assertive, and if that's not in your nature it's a tall demand.

Fair enough, but some of the complaints here are ones where the MA is almost expected to read the customer's mind, such as the one I was responding to about the MA asking for the credit card before the customer was done shopping. This could be labeled rude, inattentive, pushing-out-the-door, etc., but it also can be easily remedied by simply speaking up. If the customer simply hands over the credit card while thinking, "But I'm not done!" the MA will never, ever know the customer is not done.


Active member
Originally Posted by eyebrowless
And you're attacking others for theirs in return.

No, I was defending my position. As jillianjiggs said, this is out of place in this thread, so I'm done.


Wow.. just read this whole thread and am a bit shocked/amused at PP's random interjections.. The reason that sales associates positions are considered "customer service" positions is because you are there to serve people. Does this mean I will do anything for my customers? No. But I am never, ever rude to them, and I always cede to them in an argument, because in customer service, the customer is always right. Its one of the oldest and most well-known mottos of the industry. I do not bring my problems with me to work, and believe that if you are going through something that is going to affect your performance/attitude at work, you should call in sick instead of subjecting customers to your attitude. The MAC employee who was so rude to SF was completely wrong and there is no excuse for it. Behavior like that is never tolorated at my counter.


Aw, I'm sorry hun.
That's awful!!

Believe me, when someone is rude to me, it puts a damper on my entire day.. it's ridiculous.

MAC is great, but what usually happens is you end up having a favourite, or two, or three, of their employees that you always look out for when you go in.. the kind of employees who are always happy to help you out because of the whole familiarity thing.

So, next time you go in, don't even feel dumb.. because the ladies there are nice to you, and he'll just feel stupid (and like a huge jerk) for being the only one who casts you out.


Active member
aww i feel so bad hun im sorry i totally know how that feels because it has happened to me before but not at a makeup store but a clothing store but i have a pro store like 40 mins away from me and a mini store in henri bendel also like 30 mins away and everybody in the stores are very helpful and friendly actually i was in the mini store last week to pick up a new foundation and the lady who helped me so was nice and as i was looking around i tripped and bumped into an arist doing a makeover i thought he was going to be rude but he was very nice and if somebody was that rude to me id be up their ass(born and raised in nyc attitude here is crazy) tell the manager he needs to be called out on his actions and sweety, dont let an asshole like that mess you up <3


Well-known member
I posted this thread over 2 YEARS AGO!! And i have just come on to Specktra after a long time and to my shock see that this thread is not only still going but is high up on the 1st page and has lots of recent replies! I can't believe it!!!

Thankyou for everyone's replies/support still! I'll have to go back and read through them all when i have time.

I still go in there but seen as i have left uni i don't get to go there much.
And he still works there and serves me still, and he sucks up to me loads! I don't know if he's like that with everyone now or just to me because he remembers what happened, but seriously he really puts on such a ''nice'' act on me and i don't know if it's genuine but it's good enough for me, i just want to buy products, pay and leave with a smile on my face!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
And he still works there and serves me still, and he sucks up to me loads! I don't know if he's like that with everyone now or just to me because he remembers what happened, but seriously he really puts on such a ''nice'' act on me and i don't know if it's genuine but it's good enough for me, i just want to buy products, pay and leave with a smile on my face!

Yay for happy endings!


Well-known member
when I was 19 i went into a nordstroms and was treated very very rudely by a mac employee...now I work for mac and I see it happen sometimes. the artists sometimes forget that they are here to serve the customers, not just make goal. Its funny, that same day i was also in college (but I was having a bad day
...) and I was so upset I came home and wrote about it in my journal...Im 25 now and I found that journal the other day and read that entry and was like "oh wow"... dont let anyone give you the rock star attitude...let them know up front that they are being out of line and it wont happen agagin...nothing will deter them more than to be called out, and also tell the mgr. i pride myself on having excellent customer service, so why dont you come down to my counter

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