Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update


Well-known member
You know Sparkler, unfortunately you can find that kind of moron everywhere else... but in my case, I must admit that I was really disappointed by some MAC people's behaviour.
BUT I met some really nice girls too and they were as nice as this dumbass was rude (pardon my french


Well-known member
Do contact that manager. But also call MAC 1-800 and explain so they have it on record. You don't want this to happen to someone else from this guy. If he does it to you, he's doing it to others.

I had a bad experience (way back to the Tantress collection) I brought a friend with me and we had makeovers scheduled. I was all prepared to drop some searious cash. We had appointments and no one would help us. This was at Oakbrook Mall in Oakbrook, IL. Then I clearly heard a female employee tell a male employee why fat girls like my friend would even bother to show up. She was in tears and I felt terrible because I had talked her into going and she had never experienced MAC. It was so horrible we left and she was in tears. I felt so bad. I called MAC 1-800 and they sent her and I each free gifts but she said she'd never buy MAC ever. And we both got phone calls from the store manager appoligizing asking us to come back for free makeovers. So I figured MAC 1-800 must have really followed thru.


Well-known member
a free gift? and that makes up 4 it, i seriously hope the person who passed that comment wasnt allowed to work there again.. ignorant fool

Originally Posted by Wontpayretail23
Do contact that manager. But also call MAC 1-800 and explain so they have it on record. You don't want this to happen to someone else from this guy. If he does it to you, he's doing it to others.

I had a bad experience (way back to the Tantress collection) I brought a friend with me and we had makeovers scheduled. I was all prepared to drop some searious cash. We had appointments and no one would help us. This was at Oakbrook Mall in Oakbrook, IL. Then I clearly heard a female employee tell a male employee why fat girls like my friend would even bother to show up. She was in tears and I felt terrible because I had talked her into going and she had never experienced MAC. It was so horrible we left and she was in tears. I felt so bad. I called MAC 1-800 and they sent her and I each free gifts but she said she'd never buy MAC ever. And we both got phone calls from the store manager appoligizing asking us to come back for free makeovers. So I figured MAC 1-800 must have really followed thru.



Well-known member
the fact that im aware of the solgan is what makes me even more mad,i feel as though as soon as i walk in they think im just there for a doss and some of them can be quite lazy and rude, im thinking of writing a letter of complaint, should I email the customer services or post it out to them.. Either way some snotty ma's wont put me off something i love and adore
but its worth raising my concerns

Originally Posted by caffn8me
Lalli, M·A·C's corporate slogan is "makeup for all races, all sexes, all ages" so there's no excuse for ignorning you because you're Asian.

We have some really great Asian MAs here in London and I know the company would be absolutely horrified if it discovered that some of its staff were consciously or subconsciously racist. On my M·A·C makeup course they went to great lengths to bring in models of different races so we had experience of a wide range of skin tones. Good luck!

Perhaps you should mention your concerns in your complaint to M·A·C



Well-known member
Can you move over to england and be our MA/SA please

Originally Posted by giz2000
I am glad that you reached some resolution with that situation. He was way off base to treat you like that...don't feel bad when you go in there..YOU'RE the customer that pays his salary!

I worked as a FT MA at a counter and am now a freelancer. I was hired at MAC because, at my interview, I told the Regional Manager the following: "You know how MAC MAs have a reputation of being intimidating (you should have seen her face...
)? Well, I want to help change that reputation." BAM...I was hired on the spot. I am, for all intents and purposes, a little older than the average MAC MA, but I know that all customers, even the young ones, deserve attention and respect, even if they're not buying anything! Actually, I have a great time with the teenagers that come to the counters and play with the makeup, not intending to buy a thing! I sometimes do their makeup just for fun (when it's a little slow)...and you know what? They come back to me when they're ready to buy! Case in point...last Xmas a girl came to play around with some colors...some of the other MAs didn't want to help her because they knew she wasn't going to buy. I helped her play with some colors, did her eyes and sent her on her merry way....fast forward to January 1st...she comes in with Daddy's American Express Black card and buys almost $3,000 worth of stuff...every brush, the train case, a ton of shadows, lip glosses, pigments...you name it...from me!
She specifically called the counter and asked what day I would be working!

So, long story short....an MA should never brush off a customer simply because she's young, or returns too much, or has green hair, or whatever...they all deserve attention and respect...always remember that, and don't be afraid to demand it when you don't get it!



I'm sorry to read this. I've never commented on anyone's post here on Spektra but I have to this time because what happened to you is very, very sad. I love MAC and I don't like one person ruining their reputation. In my opinion, do NOT contact the manager. Instead, go to the MAC website and write to them about your experience. They will for sure take this into consideration and will probably send you something to repair the "damage". They really need to hear about this, and they have great customer service. Good luck to you!


Well-known member
Glad to see this resolved itself, although seeing that particular MA released would have satisfied you even more. Like others have said, he probably behaves that way toward other customers all the time.

I was treated badly at the MAC store (let's say Store #1) and told the MAs at my usual MAC haunt (Store #2). They're the sweetest people and gave me a customer service number. Then the manager of Store #2 told me not to call because it would get the manager of Store #1 in trouble and they don't like to involve "corporate people in New York." Yeah right!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I worked as a FT MA at a counter and am now a freelancer. I was hired at MAC because, at my interview, I told the Regional Manager the following: "You know how MAC MAs have a reputation of being intimidating (you should have seen her face...
)? Well, I want to help change that reputation." BAM...I was hired on the spot. I am, for all intents and purposes, a little older than the average MAC MA, but I know that all customers, even the young ones, deserve attention and respect, even if they're not buying anything! Actually, I have a great time with the teenagers that come to the counters and play with the makeup, not intending to buy a thing! I sometimes do their makeup just for fun (when it's a little slow)...and you know what? They come back to me when they're ready to buy! Case in point...last Xmas a girl came to play around with some colors...some of the other MAs didn't want to help her because they knew she wasn't going to buy. I helped her play with some colors, did her eyes and sent her on her merry way....fast forward to January 1st...she comes in with Daddy's American Express Black card and buys almost $3,000 worth of stuff...every brush, the train case, a ton of shadows, lip glosses, pigments...you name it...from me!
She specifically called the counter and asked what day I would be working!

I was always intrigued by Mac and always put off by the stores. Still am. I go into the store I only buy what I am looking for. I never feel comfortable enough to browse. OK I take that back I was in a Mac store in NYC a number of years ago and had a helpful fun SA. But normally I feel like I am pulling teeth to get product recommendations. Not to mention the inability of the SA's to even smile. The last two Mac store trips I made I was planning on spending a fair amount. Both times the SA's made me uncomfortable enough to only buy barely what I needed and run. And both times I ended up at maccosmetics.com to buy what I wanted to try, sight unseen. I live in the country, I have horses and little children. I often look that part especially if I go to the mall (comfy shoes and jeans because it is at least an hour drive). I am well aware judgements are being made. Bad ones at that. But geesh I should not have to whip out the $500 bill and wave it around to get a helpful SA. But it seems like many SA's just do not think beyond appearences. That rude SA the original poster wrote about never thought beyond appearances. So what if he saw her return a couple of items. She was there a lot. Doesn't that say something in itself? (though it sounds like his issues are his with his job) Car dealers know that the car someone learns to drive on is statistically the car they buy when they are older. Brand loyalty starts young.


Hi "Wontpayretail23" I was also treated poorly at the Mac store in Oak brook. I found out it was the manger herself who was rude. Go figure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
I feel for you huni sometimes when i go into my mac counter i get stared out alot and sometimes i feel as though its coz im asian coz alot of the times ive never seen any other asian{pakistani or indian} girl there and today the MA was so rude to me and it is annoying and i feel damn pis sd off coz i spend alot of money in there and for them to be rude is a pain, im glad u got it sorted and looks like u got a wicked eid present:p hehe

which birmingham mac branch r u talking abt? bcoz i shop in birmingham coz thers no mac in coventry! i mostly go 2 the one in bullring..i jst want 2 knw so that i feel prepared if they wer rude 2 me! thnx

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
i just wanted to say that this is exactly how ALL MAs at my MAC treat me.
and its probably the main reason why i dont own more MAC than i do.

i really get jealous when everyone on here talks about how amazing their MA's are and how well they get along, when i was hardly even able to get someone to look at me. all i get are curt rude answers and even when im spending $200 like i did last friday, they just rush me out of the store.

you know what, whatever. now all my money goes to NARS and UD since Sephora MA's are friendly and nice to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Wontpayretail23
... We had appointments and no one would help us. This was at Oakbrook Mall in Oakbrook, IL. Then I clearly heard a female employee tell a male employee why fat girls like my friend would even bother to show up.

Oh, Sweet Jesus. What a bitch.

Dude, I know this was an old post, but the OP had me fired up, and then I saw this and I couldn't hold my tongue anymore.

A little equation I worked-up:
A) I work at MAC because I like makeup, specifically MAC makeup.
B) Makeup is worn by people.
C) If I like to work with makeup, I must work with people.

And here's another one:

A) People wear make-up.
B) I like money.
C) Sell makeup to people to make money.

And a few other thoughts:
  • Fat people, old people, brown people, short people, young people, not-so-makeup-savvy people: they all can wear makeup.
  • Fat people, old people, brown people, short people, young people, not-so-makeup-savvy people: they all deserve to feel good about themselves.
  • Making people feel good, making them feel comfortable, making them feel more knowledgeable, making them feel like someone has listened to them... those things make me feel like I've done something positive.
  • I will benefit by building relationships with my customers. And if our relationship starts after you "just browsing" and me giving you a quick lesson on colors/brushes/applying eye makeup, so what? When you want to spend, hopefully you'll remember me. If not, at least I helped you when you needed me.
  • I do not gain much by intimidating people except a false sense of my own worth, and that's really dampened by the bitter taste left in my mouth....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I am glad that you reached some resolution with that situation. He was way off base to treat you like that...don't feel bad when you go in there..YOU'RE the customer that pays his salary!

I worked as a FT MA at a counter and am now a freelancer. I was hired at MAC because, at my interview, I told the Regional Manager the following: "You know how MAC MAs have a reputation of being intimidating (you should have seen her face...
)? Well, I want to help change that reputation." BAM...I was hired on the spot. I am, for all intents and purposes, a little older than the average MAC MA, but I know that all customers, even the young ones, deserve attention and respect, even if they're not buying anything! Actually, I have a great time with the teenagers that come to the counters and play with the makeup, not intending to buy a thing! I sometimes do their makeup just for fun (when it's a little slow)...and you know what? They come back to me when they're ready to buy! Case in point...last Xmas a girl came to play around with some colors...some of the other MAs didn't want to help her because they knew she wasn't going to buy. I helped her play with some colors, did her eyes and sent her on her merry way....fast forward to January 1st...she comes in with Daddy's American Express Black card and buys almost $3,000 worth of stuff...every brush, the train case, a ton of shadows, lip glosses, pigments...you name it...from me!
She specifically called the counter and asked what day I would be working!

So, long story short....an MA should never brush off a customer simply because she's young, or returns too much, or has green hair, or whatever...they all deserve attention and respect...always remember that, and don't be afraid to demand it when you don't get it!

This was the whole reason I even started using MAC. When I lived in Hawaii and heard about MAC from some of my co-workers, I decided to take a walk over to the counter in the Macy's. There was a girl there who talked to me for a little bit about the products, but because it was so close to closing time, she didn't have time to do much in the way of testing colors on me. However, she let me know that she was working the next day and that if I wanted to come in in the morning, she'd be happy to do swatches for me and help me pick out stuff. I showed up the next day with a clean fresh face, no makeup, only expecting to swatch a couple of foundations and powders along my jawline. She did my whole face! Granted she did them in really bright colors of greens which was something I was DEFINITELY not used to, BUT because she did this and was so helpful both days, I ended buying $300 worth of stuff. Everytime I went back there, I would look for her cause she was such a great SA.
Originally Posted by claresauntie

And a few other thoughts:
  • Fat people, old people, brown people, short people, young people, not-so-makeup-savvy people: they all can wear makeup.
  • Fat people, old people, brown people, short people, young people, not-so-makeup-savvy people: they all deserve to feel good about themselves.
  • Making people feel good, making them feel comfortable, making them feel more knowledgeable, making them feel like someone has listened to them... those things make me feel like I've done something positive.
  • I will benefit by building relationships with my customers. And if our relationship starts after you "just browsing" and me giving you a quick lesson on colors/brushes/applying eye makeup, so what? When you want to spend, hopefully you'll remember me. If not, at least I helped you when you needed me.
  • I do not gain much by intimidating people except a false sense of my own worth, and that's really dampened by the bitter taste left in my mouth....

It's also because of this that I recommend MAC to my friends. Because of the first experience I ever had with MAC (above), I always get so exctied about telling my friends about MAC. They ask me for recommendations and everything, but I'm not a MA so I don't know anything other than what I've read or learned along the way. I just tell them to come with me to the MAC store whenever I take a trip to Nashville and to ask one of the MA's there cause they'll be more than happy to swatch some colors or try some looks on you if you have questions or wahtever. The last time I went to the MAC store, they weren't busy, but while we were there, the crowd starting coming in. The MA's at that store are used to how I shop there. (I take in a list of things I want to swatch, and go down the list one by one. Once I've crossed off stuff or circled it to get it, I'll ask about other stuff that I've been interested in but didn't add to the list.) So I don't mind them helping the other customers and waiting in line til they're all done. My friend was nervous to ask an MA for help (don't know why she felt so intimidated....I think cause she didn't want to look stupid for asking a question or something), so I went up to the MA that first greeted us when we came in (this was before they got real busy) and told her that "my friend is scared to ask you question". The MA went right up to her and was like "Honey, there is no need to be scared of me. I'm here to help you and any questions that you have are good questions that are important to you. If they're important to you, they're important to me." With that my friend ended up buying everything that the MA put on her.

This is the MAC that I know. Whenever I read these stories about snobby MAC MAs, it infuriates me because no one should be treated like that! I know if I were treated like I would give the MA a piece of my mind, right then and there on the spot, in front of the other customers, so they could know what an asshole he is too. Then I'd leave and report him to MAC. lol. But that's me. And I'm glad you situation was resolved.


Staff member
I've been disappointed with the Oak Brook store also. I found if you don't have a fur coat on and a LV purse, that they basically ignore you unless no one else is in the store. For that reason, I generally go to Nordstrom's in Oak Brook and they are all very helpful there. If they only knew how much MAC I owned. I always think of the line from Pretty Woman, where the snobby bitches in the boutique wouldn't help her and then she came back in all prettied up and said BIG MISTAKE, BIG MISTAKE...LOL


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure some of you will disagree with me on this, but after reading all this and also reading other threads about SA/MAs being rude. I personally think the SA/MAs should get paid commission. I know you all say we pay their salaries, but not really...MAC is.

A persons attitude would change if they see they are not making money. I don't care if its fake or genuine. I personally do not shop at a MAC stores just because the experiences I've had in the past. I purchase probably 90% of my MAC at Nordstrom's. I get treated with personal attention and respect. I don't know if the MAs there get paid commission because it's Nordstrom's or what, but I can see a difference.



Well-known member
Wow...that's opposite from me. Everytime I go to a MAC counter (minus my first experience), I've always been brushed aside of looked down on. But at the MAC stores, they treat me like royalty. lol. Hmm. I dunno. Guess it depends on where the stores/counters are at too...like city/state wise.


Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i just wanted to say that this is exactly how ALL MAs at my MAC treat me.
and its probably the main reason why i dont own more MAC than i do.

i really get jealous when everyone on here talks about how amazing their MA's are and how well they get along, when i was hardly even able to get someone to look at me. all i get are curt rude answers and even when im spending $200 like i did last friday, they just rush me out of the store.

you know what, whatever. now all my money goes to NARS and UD since Sephora MA's are friendly and nice to me.

What store do you go to? I go to the counter in Bayshore and the MAs there are really nice. I even wrote a letter to MAC telling them how great my experience there always is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rushch6
I'm pretty sure some of you will disagree with me on this, but after reading all this and also reading other threads about SA/MAs being rude. I personally think the SA/MAs should get paid commission. I know you all say we pay their salaries, but not really...MAC is.

A persons attitude would change if they see they are not making money. I don't care if its fake or genuine. I personally do not shop at a MAC stores just because the experiences I've had in the past. I purchase probably 90% of my MAC at Nordstrom's. I get treated with personal attention and respect. I don't know if the MAs there get paid commission because it's Nordstrom's or what, but I can see a difference.


Sho'nuff, we Nordie's gals (and guys) get paid commission. It's not much at all, but it sure keeps us motivated!

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