Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jadys
What store do you go to? I go to the counter in Bayshore and the MAs there are really nice. I even wrote a letter to MAC telling them how great my experience there always is.

i go to roosevelt field cause i work there. maybe ill take a trip over to bayshore sometime!

i have definetly gone and stood in front of the foundations saying "excuse me excuse me pardon me i need help" for 15 minutes and they all just kind of stare at me and wisk by me, even when it wasnt busy. then when they finally help me theyre very short with their answers and really make me feel like im bothering them. they really make me feel like im stupid and that my money isnt good there. meanwhile i came in with a whole list in my head of things i wanted to buy but instead they really do rush me out of the store and have everything rung up and asking for my credit card before i can even pick out the other things i wanted. i just feel they are super impersonal and very snippy there. the best part is, some of them come into MY store to shop, but i would never DREAM of treating them the way they treat me in my store.

i have alot of B2Ms to bring in and i really want to get alot of stuff from smoke signals, but i just really dont feel like having people be condescending to me!


Well-known member
Wow! I have had my own bad experience with some bad MAs. Most the time I am judged based what I am wearing. When I go to the mall I go after work. I am not done up, no make-up (I cannot get up early enough to put some on) and I am flat out ignored.

I went one time to try out a smoky eye for a photo shoot I had the next day. I did not have an appointment that day. None said they will be with me or even a hi until an MA doing someone else’s make-up saw me. She asked me if I had been helped, I said no. She told me to wait for her because she is almost done.

I waited and went through the colors. She even apologized for taking so long. After she was done and asked what I was looking for. Never once did she did not hesitate to help. I asked for a smoky eye demonstration to see what I have been doing wrong. She explained everything well, and was very knowledgeable. She was great.

I still feel bad because I found out she helped me even though she was going to be off for the day after the girl before me was finished. I ended up buying everything I didn’t have before and a few extras I was going to run out of soon. Not once did she complain or act unhappy. All the other MAs gave me a look when I bought so much. (They get paid commission at Macy’s). She even said she was thankful for my business and not to worry about keeping her there. I asked for her card and for now one I only go to her.

She was even willing to do my make up for my photo shoot, but I declined because I had to be up at 5AM to get ready.

The other MAs still don’t give me the time of day when I show up. They just glance at me. One time I wait a few minutes since I needed a paint really bad, but since I didn’t even get a hello or asked if I have been helped I just walked out. It is their own fault they lost the commission. I will only go to that one girl that was more than helpful the first time, so now I call before hand to see when she is working.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
meanwhile i came in with a whole list in my head of things i wanted to buy but instead they really do rush me out of the store and have everything rung up and asking for my credit card before i can even pick out the other things i wanted.

When they ask for your credit card, simply tell them that you have more items you wish to purchase and that you're not done yet. They can't read your mind, and while they may be acting rudely, you have to be assertive and let them know when you really are done shopping. When they first start helping you, say something like, "There are four items I'd like to look at today" so they have no excuse for ringing you up early. What are they going to do, say, "No, you're not allowed to buy anymore"? A lot of the complaints about rude MAs in this thread could be remedied by an assertive attitude and a determination that you're not going to let someone treat you like that.


Well-known member
i hate it when MAs want you out in a quicky when you want to spend your time at the store to decide what you want to buy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i go to roosevelt field cause i work there. maybe ill take a trip over to bayshore sometime!

i have definetly gone and stood in front of the foundations saying "excuse me excuse me pardon me i need help" for 15 minutes and they all just kind of stare at me and wisk by me, even when it wasnt busy. then when they finally help me theyre very short with their answers and really make me feel like im bothering them. they really make me feel like im stupid and that my money isnt good there. meanwhile i came in with a whole list in my head of things i wanted to buy but instead they really do rush me out of the store and have everything rung up and asking for my credit card before i can even pick out the other things i wanted. i just feel they are super impersonal and very snippy there. the best part is, some of them come into MY store to shop, but i would never DREAM of treating them the way they treat me in my store.

i have alot of B2Ms to bring in and i really want to get alot of stuff from smoke signals, but i just really dont feel like having people be condescending to me!

whenever i ask for something and the MA got it for me, they always ask me if there is anything else i want.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dianora
When they ask for your credit card, simply tell them that you have more items you wish to purchase and that you're not done yet. They can't read your mind, and while they may be acting rudely, you have to be assertive and let them know when you really are done shopping. When they first start helping you, say something like, "There are four items I'd like to look at today" so they have no excuse for ringing you up early. What are they going to do, say, "No, you're not allowed to buy anymore"? A lot of the complaints about rude MAs in this thread could be remedied by an assertive attitude and a determination that you're not going to let someone treat you like that.

I just wanted to chime in about MAs rushing customers. Although it is not always right, SOME managers put pressure on their employees to help customers as quickly as possible. One of my managers told me I spent too much time with customers.
Sometimes other people waiting give the MA dirty looks. If someone wants to hang out and browse, I am fine with that as long as they understand that I have to help other customers.

Being assertive (in a polite way) does go a long way, though...we are absolutely not mind readers. Just tell us what you want.


Well-known member
I hate shopping at the department store counters because the MAs there act like I shouldn't take any interest in MAC. I finally had enough of it and reported the counter at Nordstrom to MAC AND Nordstrom. MAC contacted me within 2 days and sent me a gift in the mail along with a letter. Nordstrom hasn't contacted me, which is surprising because they're so customer-service oriented. I would rather spend my time and money perusing at the only MAC store in the area, where I get great service and nobody discriminates or acts like they're better than you. Every time I have been in the MAC store I have been greeted and treated with respect, unlike at the counters inside Macy's and Nordstrom. Plus, if you spend at the MAC store, you can use your MAC account and they'll keep track of your purchases and how much you've spent, and they'll send you invites to launch parties (I got one for Barbie Loves MAC a few months ago, but I wasn't 21 yet so I couldn't go). I think MAC needs to send a company-wide message to its stores and counters stressing this issue, because it seems to be so prevalent as opposed to a single district/state issue. This is nationwide, worldwide...and it's godawful.


Well-known member
I see your rationale, and to some extent I agree. But....
I have found that I have never been treated poorly at a MAC counter inside of a Macy's, Bloomindales, Parisian or Nordstrom. I have been treated poorly in MAC stores on occasion, or completely ignored, but I've gotten great service at times as well. At one point I got wonderful service at MAC Green Hills (TN) and it was so rare that I left feedback. Customer service has gotten so much better there in recent months.

Anyway, I find that at a MAC stores, where there is no commission, MA's are a bit more likely to be candid with you about a product. For instance, if a MA has seen me many times, and sees that I am debating over a product, (s)he might come over and say "Well if you have X, you honestly don't need Y" or "LE item A has a tendency to crease, permanent item B works better IMO." But with commission a MA/SA's primary motivation is to sell you something. And what if you are a frequent returner like the OP, then you make get even worse service you've been profiled as such and there "isn't anything in it for them". Plus, don't employees who receive commission get a a lower hourly wage? I just don't think it's right to the worker or the customer, although if business is booming, it could be a nice bonus.

Originally Posted by Rushch6
I'm pretty sure some of you will disagree with me on this, but after reading all this and also reading other threads about SA/MAs being rude. I personally think the SA/MAs should get paid commission. I know you all say we pay their salaries, but not really...MAC is.

A persons attitude would change if they see they are not making money. I don't care if its fake or genuine. I personally do not shop at a MAC stores just because the experiences I've had in the past. I purchase probably 90% of my MAC at Nordstrom's. I get treated with personal attention and respect. I don't know if the MAs there get paid commission because it's Nordstrom's or what, but I can see a difference.




Well-known member
Let's not be mistaken ladies... Mac store employees do not get paid commission but they still have a pretty high sales goal to meet every month... Just because we dont make commission doesn't mean we don't care if you buy anything because we definetely do

and before it got changed, each transaction was supposed to be atleast $50
so chances are if you came in to buy 1 or 2 things (or so they thought) they would automatically get an attitude with you just because we were pressured so much to keep that average high
This was identified as a huge customer service issue and has since been thrown out since it was so stressful on the employees which often times caused that stress to be passed on to you ladies
I am not saying it makes it OK , just filling you in


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dianora
A lot of the complaints about rude MAs in this thread could be remedied by an assertive attitude and a determination that you're not going to let someone treat you like that.

IMO, you shouldnt have to walk into any store needing an assertive attitude in order to not be treated in a negative way. you shouldnt have to prove that you aren't going to let anyone be mean to you.

they shouldnt be mean to you in the first place :confused:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I see your rationale, and to some extent I agree. But....
I have found that I have never been treated poorly at a MAC counter inside of a Macy's, Bloomindales, Parisian or Nordstrom. I have been treated poorly in MAC stores on occasion, or completely ignored, but I've gotten great service at times as well. At one point I got wonderful service at MAC Green Hills (TN) and it was so rare that I left feedback. Customer service has gotten so much better there in recent months. .

I really love shopping at the Green Hills store in Nashville. The M/As are always so helpful and friendly and patient when I can't make up my mind. I have had great advise about products and colors for my skin and we usually chat about upcoming products or just whatever. I always leave feeling good no matter how much I spend.


Well-known member
You should contact the manager. To become this upset at the mac counter because of how staff have treated you is totally unfair. What a jerk hey? Don't let him ruin your fun at mac. If all else fails you can always buy online and you have spektra for advice! But I would definitly say something because how you were treated is like the opposite of a description of good customer service!

Lady Orchid

New member
The problem with Mac is that they have their counters in high end department stores which are quite snobby. The one where I go is in a very snobby department store and is very intimidating. I really think Mac should sort it out and realise that the majority of their customers are young women who do not have loads of money! I mean the colour ranges are so varied it seems to me that they do want to attract young women, but then they go and put us off as we have to go into exclusive stores meant for older/richer people and put SA's on the counter who believe they have the right to talk to us like rubbish because we are young and not so wealthy. You have every right to take a product back that isn't right, they aren't cheap and foundations are the worst thing to get wrong because you can't even try to make them work! You should complain, it's none of his business whether you exchange things, how is that effecting his life? Mac should know when they have bad representatives because the company do lots to prove that they cater for all people, they should know when some of their reps obviously don't have the same ethos! Don't get upset he's not worth it!


I would have told him to go f*** himself...youa re the customer and you can look at whatever you want...not obligated to buy anything...and you can return whatever you want.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jillianjiggs
IMO, you shouldnt have to walk into any store needing an assertive attitude in order to not be treated in a negative way. you shouldnt have to prove that you aren't going to let anyone be mean to you.

they shouldnt be mean to you in the first place :confused:

No, but when you're dealing with people, you come up against a whole variety of personalities. You can't just shrink back from rude people and let them ruin your entire MAC shopping experience, because they're out there, and no amount of good management is going to stop someone who's permanently got a bug up their butt from snapping at customers. So as much as you're sitting there thinking, "She shouldn't be treating me like this," you've just got to put on a smile and firmly (yet politely, of course, 'assertive' doesn't = 'rude') let the MA know what you need from that visit.


Well-known member
^^^what happened to ...

"the customer is always right"


we are doing THEM a favour buying from them - especially when we have so many options out there these days.

stores are supposed to provide SERVICE and if the people who are supplying said "service" are rude, we should be taking our business elsewhere and complain loudly to management at every level.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
^^^what happened to ...

"the customer is always right"


we are doing THEM a favour buying from them - especially when we have so many options out there these days.

stores are supposed to provide SERVICE and if the people who are supplying said "service" are rude, we should be taking our business elsewhere and complain loudly to management at every level.

i agree...i would not stand there and grin and bear it, nor would i "assertively" tell them what i need. i would leave and then complain to the management. i can buy makeup any day, any where else.

while i agree with your main point, Dianora, in a general sense - i would NOT apply it to salesperson interaction. i would just leave.


Well-known member
Not all people find it easy to be assertive, and if that's not in your nature it's a tall demand.

I had one customer who walked past the counter 3 times (I greeted her the first time and acknowledged her the other two) until I finally kind of stepped in her way (nicely and subtly) the 4th time and said "I see you walking past... are there some questions I can answer for you?"). She then hesitantly started talking, and I ended up finding out that she was painfully shy and a make-up virgin. She felt very very self-conscious, so I think I put her at ease, as she was joking with me a bit at the end of the visit. I can't remember at this time what she bought, but she did buy a few things and seemed quite happy.

I guess my point is: the ARTIST needs to be assertive and polite and welcoming and kind and aware of her surroundings. It's not up to the customer to change her personality: I am in my work-home, I am the expert, I am the one with the talent, I am the one motivated to have you buy MAC because I should realize that the assertive/polite/welcoming/kind/aware sales associate at Sephora/Bobbi Brown/Chanel/Clinique/etc would probably love to help you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady Orchid
The problem with Mac is that they have their counters in high end department stores which are quite snobby. The one where I go is in a very snobby department store and is very intimidating. I really think Mac should sort it out and realise that the majority of their customers are young women who do not have loads of money! I mean the colour ranges are so varied it seems to me that they do want to attract young women, but then they go and put us off as we have to go into exclusive stores meant for older/richer people and put SA's on the counter who believe they have the right to talk to us like rubbish because we are young and not so wealthy. You have every right to take a product back that isn't right, they aren't cheap and foundations are the worst thing to get wrong because you can't even try to make them work! You should complain, it's none of his business whether you exchange things, how is that effecting his life? Mac should know when they have bad representatives because the company do lots to prove that they cater for all people, they should know when some of their reps obviously don't have the same ethos! Don't get upset he's not worth it!

I agree, no one should be talking to you like rubbish, regardless of your age or status.

MAC is all ages, all races, all sexes....individual demographics will vary but in many many markets, the "average customer" is NOT necessarily "young women" but rather 25-45; and in many cases, they are professionals. Keep in mind that they have a website to order from, free standing stores, multiple partner locations....they are not exclusively "high end" and you will not find them in drug stores but you will also not find them at Neiman's.

I am curious...where do we find the "right" to continuously return things? If a foundation is off, thats one thing but like the OP, there are many cases of chronic returners.

Each partner store has different return policies....check the back of your receipt. Isn't it the "right" of the store to establish some sort of boundary or limit regarding returns purchased from them?

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