Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
The Activia Light is yummy! At least to me....I have been getting the strawberry flavour and have been having one most every day. And 70 calories, so it fits in well with the plan. ;-)


Well-known member
^I'm going to step away from pickled things just for you Tish...lol! Oh and I think Activa tastes just like regular yogurt!P.S. Welcome Gigglepot!!


Well-known member
Yeah Activia yogourts taste good
I love the pear ones <3

I always add cereals in it so it rise up my fibers intake per day


Well-known member
My recommendation of the day:

If you have access to the frozen Weight Watchers Smart Ones entrees - I highly recommend the Chicken/Cheese Quesadillas if you need a little mexican fix. Obviously they are not like having a yummy mexican meal out, but they are pretty good - and 220 calories each.


Well-known member
Last night for dinner we had a salad (romaine, tomatoes, and cucumber with a little balsamic vinegarette) with chicken breast for protein. I made two extra chicken breasts while I was at it and we're going to have whole wheat chicken wraps for lunch.

Glad to hear how everyone's doing and I hope your ankle is doing better, Willa!


Well-known member
Thanks Lizzie for the idea!
I'm supposed to make an oven roasted chicken tomorrow night and I know there's gonna be loads of leftovers.

My ankle is doing a little better
I guess it's when things like that happens that you understand how it's important to be healthy, in shape.

I realized that many things that annoys me about my body would be a lot better if I weighted less. Another inspiration haha

Little rant here: I hate when I can't find the right words to express what I wanna say to you girls... I feel like the retarded one sometimes
(because english isnt my first language)


Well-known member
Willa - I have no problem whatsoever understanding you, really. Please do not feel retarded, we love you babe.

Glad to hear your ankle is doing better. *big hugs*


Well-known member
Willa - sorry to hear that you sprained your ankle. Hope you feel better soon... make sure you stay off of it and keep it up on pillows.

I lost 1lb this week... bringing my total up to 14lbs. I wished it was a little more but i ate so much crap the week before... that it caught up with me. I am just happy that i didn't put on... 1lb is better than nothing.

I am off to stuff my face with some b-day cake that is left... god it was sooooo yummy... i could have eaten the whole thing myself i think.

Have a good evening ladies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Willa - I have no problem whatsoever understanding you, really. Please do not feel retarded, we love you babe.

Glad to hear your ankle is doing better. *big hugs*

Thank you dear, it's just that sometimes I feel like I can't express what I really wanna say.

CONGRATS melliquor!!!!
Thats wonderfull!


Well-known member
Yuck today has been a bad day so far....too much pizza...that's always what happens if i wait until I'm starving to eat...Normally I start off good if I have my coffee...*sigh* I'll update you girls later!


Well-known member
yeap thats what happens...That is why you are suppossed to eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep that hunger from setting in...I have done great...I had a
Mid Morning:
cup of coffee
1/2 a Turkey sandwich


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I realized that many things that annoys me about my body would be a lot better if I weighted less. Another inspiration haha

Little rant here: I hate when I can't find the right words to express what I wanna say to you girls... I feel like the retarded one sometimes
(because english isnt my first language)

We understand you completely...No language issues at all.

I know what you mean by not being in shape...I get this terrible pain in my knee when I am going up and down stairs...I know it is from the extra weight I am carrying...Because I had it before and when I lost weight it went right away..It's only in my right knee..Maybe arthiritis too... My dh said he thinks it's from my 4-5" heels that I wear 7 days a week...Surely that is not it
because I refuse like Mrs Beckham to not wear heels in public unless I am riding my bike!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
yeap thats what happens...That is why you are suppossed to eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep that hunger from setting in...I have done great...I had a
Mid Morning:
cup of coffee
1/2 a Turkey sandwich

good job tish!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
TISH1127 : It's cute how you don't wanna wear anything else than high heels


I know right!! I am only 5'3 but in my dreams I am 5'7" to 5'8" so I have to put my dreams on my feet and keep stepping! I think I own maybe 60 pair of shoes and only 3-4 of those have heels under 4" tall. I'm such a girl!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I'm 5'7

Wanna share my height for your weight?


Well hell, I don't know what you weigh but YEAH, I will take the height...I have to work on my weight anyway so whats a few more lbs to loose...Then I would only have to work on being thin...Not Thin and Tall!!