Weight Loss Group


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Well-known member
Sounds like everyone is doing well! I had anokay day... walked TO work.. got a ride home at lunch, walked back to work, then walked to the school, tried to do step aerobics (that was pretty funny) and walked home after. My body is soooo tired! Food was... okay..


Well-known member
^wow that's a lot of walking...I think it's more than I've done all week, lol! good job! This day has just been awful for me, haha, awful!! Tomorrow is a new day! btw I think I am going to start planning my breakfast, usually if I wake up and I'm hungry and I actually have to think about what I'll have I just blow it! :/....Congrats Melliquor,keep up the good work...14lbs?! you ROCK!!!!one more thing, where has Mrs. rbella gone?


Well-known member
Dinner was very great...My dh grilled steak and we both had salad w/fat free Italian dressing and lemon water....I also had chili peppers...They are suppossed to help..we'll see.
My husband is doing this with me for health purposes only..He is 6' 170 lbs...Bastard!!!


Well-known member
aleksis, thanks! however... now I am wondering if I will be able to move my self off this coucha nd into the ktichen to do the supper dishes.. I'm so serious, I'll find a way though. Now I just have to do this again on wednesday its the step class that was the killer. Work is not actually that far for me maybe 10-15 minute walk (7 if I was in prime shape, but I'm not lol)


Well-known member
Hey ladies. I have one small question to ask which is really keeping me from losing the weight I want to lose. How do you eat a decent amount of low calorie food on a college/part time working income? Plus, I have to take the bus everywhere now [long story], so its going to be a lot of trouble to bring home 6 bags of groceries. I guess i had more than one question lol. Do you ladies recommend any good workout DVDs that I can rent from the library that are really fun? I'm pretty much stuck, I'm so sick of eating the smae things and its getting boring.


Well-known member
Hi everyone im joining the thread!

My name is Cindy, and i've been on Weight Watchers for five weeks. So far I have lost 5.7kg and am quite proud of my efforts so far, its the most weight I have ever lost.


Well-known member
Rbella I just wanna hug you permantly =P *Glues to Rbella*
Hows the weight loss going everyone? If ya need any motivation I am willing to swap MSN/Aim/Yahoo with people and help them along =)

As I am trying (Trying being the operative word!) to tone up for thanksgiving!


Well-known member
Here are some affirmations that may work for you.

*When I eat healthy today, it will effect me in a possitive way tomorrow
* keep focused
* Stay on program
Also, you may not lose weight on the scale so take your measurements, put it away & take ur measurements 1 month later & see the results.

Give yourself a mani & pedi, have a beauty day for yourself.
Excercise 1-3x a week
Give yourself short term goals. When I reach my short term goals, I buy myself a pair of shoes

Good Luck & stay on program, don't let anything negative get in your way. We all have bad days. We are all human, If you have a slip up, just get back on track & move forward from it.


Well-known member
My love rbella, please let us know what is going on with you.

Please lean on us and vent whatever you need to.

*will not allow rbella to give up*



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Hey MzzRach, nice new avatar

I know right!! She's so pretty!!

Ok Breakfast is about to be

Bowl of Oatmeal


Well-known member
Welcome Cindy!!!

Rbella -
& this is from all of us
I hope whatever is wrong that you can talk to us... take care of yourself!!!

Hey everyone... I hope you are all well and having a great day.

I have been very good today... bagel for breakfast, salad & pasta for lunch, and burgers, chips, and salad for dinner.

I have been feeling really motivated the last few weeks. I think starting changing your lifestyle is very difficult to get used to but once you actually get into it... it just becomes part of your life and it gets easier and easier.

Now, I am always looking at calaries and fat and if I can have something. I plan for my treats for I don't go over for the day.

Don't get discouraged... it know it is hard and just seems impossible but if you stick with it... i know you can do it. I used to eat so unhealthy and so much crap... i didn't care and look at me now... i have lost 14lbs and dropped a dress size... it is 2 months in and am still at and getting more and more motivated everyday.

On the WW boards, they are doing a Christmas challenge and i thought it would be a great idea for us to do one on here as well. It could really help us to stay motivated. LMK if anybody is interested. I think that put mine as i want to lose 14lbs by Xmas... i wanted it to be realistic for i don't get discouraged if I can't meet my goal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I know right!! She's so pretty!!

Ok Breakfast is about to be

Bowl of Oatmeal

I agree with you... love your new avatar MzzRach. You are gorgeous.